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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. lol for "L'Anorexique". She's far from useless. It doesn't take that much to make ^this very, very hard. A little grinding, some pvp marks <hold up!> and then some RNG loot drops <DAMMIT!> and then you have a fantastic hauler or privateer, even.
  2. "No" would be my bet. It's also still subject to change. Don't burn out on the frikkin' bots, they're not worth it.
  3. BBcode deprecated and replaced with nothing? Well laid out and large posts with spoilers and media is gonna be such a pain... Like the old ship previews we did a long time ago. I've visited the ips site a few times trying to find a easy to read manual or best practise guidelines. After ten clicks without result I usually grunt and close the tab
  4. before ^just messing around ---- I guess I can deal with grabbing the spoiler box move control and place the spoiler where I want it... sigh all this used to be super easy
  5. ^hahahaha so, write up the raw text somewhere else - ctrl + right click - paste w/o formatting. gonna try ctrl + right click "paste": text spoiler tag: [spoiler] image link: https://i.gyazo.com/91392dcda1dfb389d2a5f9d9a1b3f96f.png spoiler close: [/spoiler] text outside spoiler
  6. text spoiler tag: [spoiler] image link: https://i.gyazo.com/91392dcda1dfb389d2a5f9d9a1b3f96f.png spoiler close: [/spoiler] text outside spoiler ctrl + right click "paste without formatting": text spoiler tag: text outside spoiler
  7. I dunno how to drag text out of the spoiler box.
  8. What was intended: before edit: I'll see if I can drag things out of the spoiler thingy...
  9. ^Look how the spoiler tag disregards what I tried to do. How it looked while I typed it in: -----------
  10. I'm struggling too. The new forum is nice and all, but I dearly miss the "raw text" input mode of the previous version. The spoiler tags do what they want, look: I'm gonna put some text here and a spoiler tag
  11. We had this. You probably need to wait for the arena game to do this as the feature was deliberatly pulled from the OW game.
  12. Maybe some new guys find this helpful? I decided to obsess over optimal perk distribution for a very specific task and ended up making this little thing. You need to log into google and make your own copy to use it, btw...
  13. I know some people who have been doing that exclusively since wipe. They're not idiots so fleeting up with Tlynxes or Tbrigs is obviously out of the question. If I was to do this I would set up to hunt fleet-pimp raiders (Here timers and the universally loved revengegank feature rear their ugly heads, but not in this topic...). Taking risks is one thing, doing something incredibly stupid is another. But you don't do that, do you? Instead you hunt the even more lucrative trade goods. I wouldn't give a single hello kitty.
  14. I completely agree. I didn't make it abundantly clear, but I was thinking more of players who's main drive is OW PvP. Where is OW going if anyone who wants to keep up with the equipment grind absolutely has to partake in the economy activities? Is that really so terrible? Well... no. The eco bit is a bitter pill I could swallow for OW PvP (context: timers and recharging repairs are way bigger problems for me but I don't want to discuss that here). Do I wish to do the nickle and dime, waste time thing? Hell, no! I don't even want to get rich. I do want optimal or at the very least competitive gear for OW PvP and I'm finding that bot grinding is not only boring but also inadequate to keep up in the equipment race. I'll have you know I've actually set up cannon shop as a funding experiment. I've chosen to sell guns at fair rates casual players can afford so I'm probably gimping my inner capitalist. I get a little from that but not enough to keep up. The tiny fun I get from that is I'm ruining the price gouging frenzy of EVERY other seller in CS. I'm glad you're having fun and getting rich, though. I just can't...
  15. Honest question: Are you guys fine with fighting only players making pennies while traders live comfortably?
  16. How exploitable would such rewards be, do you think?
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