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A doubt appeared in my mind so I had to ask.


Right now the current graphics engine is Unity, which is good for fast testing and prototyping, while delivering stunning graphics.


My question is, is the release version going to use Unity? Maybe it could be CryEngine 3 for even better graphics and playability, without the need for fast prototyping since the game is, well, released.


Have a good day!


I'm willing to bet on them not switching off of Unity.  Mostly because a switch in game engines requires a complete re-write of almost the entire game.  Having been a developer on and off over the years with different projects. I can safely say that the way game engines work differs greatly between them.  Different model structure, textures, materials, shader scripts, file format, well you get the idea.  I don't think changing the engine used will be a good idea.  Besides, Unity is a very good engine. I'm in the process of learning it myself. It is just to good of an engine to not know how to use it (as a developer that is.)

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Hmm, that does make sense. If every graphics engine worked the same way, there would only exist one graphics engine.

Also, I think that unity gives the game a certain feel, a little bit cartoonish, while showing close to real life images.

Thanks for the insight, I'm aiming to be a game developer aswell! :)

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I like the waves.   :) 


Will we be able to throw our cannons overboard and pump out our fresh water, to lighten our load and run faster in desperate situations?


And that brought up another question, Will cargo affect how high a ship rides in the water?   The HMS Surprise, equipped to go "far foreign"  would be a vastly different ship then an almost empty Surprise.                       

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I like the waves.   :)


Will we be able to throw our cannons overboard and pump out our fresh water, to lighten our load and run faster in desperate situations?


And that brought up another question, Will cargo affect how high a ship rides in the water?   The HMS Surprise, equipped to go "far foreign"  would be a vastly different ship then an almost empty Surprise.                       


This feature is not in the game yet, but definitely player will be able to improve speed by throwing stuff overboard. But unlike POTBS if he does it in open sea (not in faction warfare) he will have to buy cannons again. And as in real life cannons will cost a lot and sometimes even more than a ship. 


Changing of the height of the ship in the water is possible too


I'm willing to bet on them not switching off of Unity.  Mostly because a switch in game engines requires a complete re-write of almost the entire game.  Having been a developer on and off over the years with different projects. I can safely say that the way game engines work differs greatly between them.  Different model structure, textures, materials, shader scripts, file format, well you get the idea.  I don't think changing the engine used will be a good idea.  Besides, Unity is a very good engine. I'm in the process of learning it myself. It is just to good of an engine to not know how to use it (as a developer that is.)


We are very happy with Unity. 

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Can we expect any features displayed in this video?



Ship tilting due to high waves,

Ship tilting due to high wind,

Water that runs through the whole deck,

Moving sail ropes,

Water drops on the screen,

Lightning that is reflected on the water and the ship,

Moving, almost real looking sails,

Rain, that is clearly visible around the ship.




P.S.They did such a great job on this game, I can feel the wind and water splash into my face, it is almost like I am there...I can actually feel the moving ocean. If you guys can bring such feel in your game, you will be millionaires trust me..Everyone would love to spend hours sailing in such environment and this is very important. Player must enjoy ocean and weather, day and night. Long night journeys under stars, they inspire sailors and create stories. One will sail through the sunny day, when the other is at battle with a mighty beast - Ocean. In the end of the day, stories will be heard and sailors will be remembered... In my opinion ship and ocean should have the most details, most realism and should force player to stay and play. 

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In my opinion ship and ocean should have the most details, most realism and should force player to stay and play. 


I agree with this. At the end of the day, the ocean, sky, shore and ship are the four things that every player will encounter almost all of the time during gameplay. Though one should not be worked on more then the rest, if Game Labs continue to put as much effort into the perfection of these four areas as they have in the few screenshots I have seen, Naval Action will far surpass Black Flag, especially if they add realistic lighting into the recipe. (This is purely directed towards graphics, though physics of this game will play a huge part in it's success also.)

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I may halp you out with this:

you have to aim yourself.

You are not like in potbs klicking buttons and see the ship/crew do things. YOU have to aim for whatever part of the ship you like and you still have to sail your ship.


Everyone asking questions here has to get away from the POTBS thinking. We are not 3rd person, clicking skillbuttons and stuff.

We are actually captaining, sailing, shooting and managing the crew on ourself.


Just wanted to thank you for your reply! I'm really trying to come at this game from a different angle, but with so little on the market it's very difficult to accurately compare this game to any other. :P

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I have a question:

what ship is the Frigate modeled after?

Is it the "hèbe-class frigate"?

Cause that sort of ships needs to be ingame IMHO =)


That frigate is a made up ship

It is loosely based on a frigate Diane.


We will have "hebe" class yes.

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Can we expect any features displayed in this video?




Once the team grows to 300 people of course. Current team is 5 (+ freelancers) we are doing amazing things for this team size.

So spread the word about us when we start pre-orders. the more people buy the game the closer we will be to those things you mentioned (and better)

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did you read through the forum?

all of your questions are answered before.


world: they said they MAY do a real map. but I heard its not the caribbean. More likely Europe and all seas surrounding.

MAYBE even the whole world. Keep in mind this project is not open for a very long time.


Beta: nope nothing soon. its only early alpha right now and we dont test the actual game. Everything is in concept.

Check out the numerous forum threads talking about all you asked.


Societies or guilds. Well thats the only question I cannot answer to you.

But: From how the developers are talking about the game there may be exactly this. societies.

After all: a MMO lives from the community. And a community who cannot connect each other is a sad community, right? :P

Also: massive multiplayer battles of the line will be possible when all is finished. You need some sort of coordination there

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Will the world be in the caribean like in POTBS or will players be able to travel the whole world?


How do you try to implement societies or guilds into the game?


This might have been asked before, but will there be a beta soon?


:)  Most questions are already answered around.. but because there is no FAQ yet (working on it)


1) we will start from the English channel for testing and then expand

2) guilds and clans = important part of the game

3) focus testing - focus testing - early access - closed beta - open beta etc..  we are in focus testing 1 now.


But because major systems are in place now we can now move a bit faster with content and features. 

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Flags, Banners, Paint schemes = yes.

Sails probably. (i personally seen no references from the Napoleonic wars that sails were painted), but many players say they want this feature.


Custom sails certainly gave your ship a little more of a unique character to it.  It was a point of contention between the devs and players in POTBS that if the sail was 'painted' then it had to show cracking and weathering to be more realistic.


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I'm new to this forum and couldn't find a 'search topic' button.


Will there be mod support?


I know that I and many, many other players will buy your game without reservations if they that modders can fix any issues that annoy us, or push the realism farther, according to our tastes. Mod support would make me leap from cautious excitement to utterly unreserved enthusiasm.

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I was an avid PvPer and eco baron in POTBS.  It sounds as if the combat mechanisms are nearing completion so I will focus my questions on the economy.


Aside from shipbuilding, what ideas do you have for other economic markets?  Ammunition?  Provisions?...etc


Will the amount a single player can produce be limited by a set amount of manufacturing buildings? Or can a single player essentially become a baron, owning half the town if he's rich enough and produce till his heart's content?


Will any of these buildings / warehouses / shipyards be destroyed / raided in a port attack?


To keep the flow of goods moving and discourage players from hoarding or creating closed loop eco-systems, will you put an expiration date on perishable goods such as provisions in order to keep the economy moving?

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Are you familiar with these books admin? I found them in my local library:


The Schooner by David R MacGregor - Contains plans of schooners ranging from the mid 1700s to modern times. Only the first quarter of the book fits NA's time period


American Ships of the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods by John Fitzhugh Millar. - Contains plans of scores of ships. Mostly American ships during the time of America's Revolution. The only downside of this book is that the plans only draft the hull and not the masts and rigging. Descriptions are given of most boats. Some British and Spanish ships are also in this book. It also contains some merchant ships and packets

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How in-depth do you envision the crew management aspect of the game?


Will officers/captain/crew have different qualities/skills that influence the outcome of events? For example, a captain that schedules gunnery practice would improve the skills of his subordinates, or a crew that goes through a terrible storm/hurricane would improve seamanship skills.


Which brings up another question: How do you envision weather impacting the game? Will storms damage rigging? Will spars break? Will crew get swept overboard?

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How in-depth do you envision the crew management aspect of the game?


Will officers/captain/crew have different qualities/skills that influence the outcome of events? For example, a captain that schedules gunnery practice would improve the skills of his subordinates, or a crew that goes through a terrible storm/hurricane would improve seamanship skills.


Which brings up another question: How do you envision weather impacting the game? Will storms damage rigging? Will spars break? Will crew get swept overboard?


I believe it is going to be relatively in depth, though admin would have to answer exactly how in depth they intend to go, while storms will probably be capable of doing extensive damage to your ship, and possibly even sink it, though again admin would have to verify this. All in all, my answer is kind of useless, isn't it. :)

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Are you familiar with these books admin? I found them in my local library:


The Schooner by David R MacGregor - Contains plans of schooners ranging from the mid 1700s to modern times. Only the first quarter of the book fits NA's time period


American Ships of the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods by John Fitzhugh Millar. - Contains plans of scores of ships. Mostly American ships during the time of America's Revolution. The only downside of this book is that the plans only draft the hull and not the masts and rigging. Descriptions are given of most boats. Some British and Spanish ships are also in this book. It also contains some merchant ships and packets


replied in private

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  • 2 weeks later...

When will we the community be able to join this awsome looking game?


And i could bring a big amount of Old PotBS players into this game, if we could have a date if you know one that is. For a Beta signup or Alpha by all mean. 


How many people are we talking about? Unfortunately i don't have the exact number, i'd say around 20 - 40 players. Possibly more of them





Humbert Verlaine (Potbs name) FreshKiller23

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