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Is the game going to be purely naval combat, or will we be able to fence alongside with our crew as well? I loved the Age of Pirates games, so im curious if this game will be purely naval or if we will be able to run around as a chracter on land and do stuff as well

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I was wondering today at work...yep, its a great place to let my mind wonder...about crew training. Training of officers and crew is a pretty vital function on any warship. Warships usually would "workup" before being sent on deployment. Crews would train in gunnery, damage control, ship handling, etc. I always liked the part in Master and Commander were Lucky Jack was training his crew in gunnery. How will the game reflect training? Any ideas on that or what the future builds might add? Thanks...

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The exact configuration of the open world isn't known yet, but here is the most recent topic about exploration: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1534-exploration-gameplay/


Also there will be a map of the Caribbean: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1647-open-world-prototype-ports-suggestions/

I hope it'll be leaned more towards Silent Hunter because in my opinion an overlaying fast travel map is, among other things, what lead me to leave Potbs after 2 weeks of playing. And will lead to me formally requesting a full refund. This is supposed to be more of a sim after all right?

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Dear Dev's


I am very excited about the news of being able to batten down the hatches and set sail in this awesome looking game. I can't wait to set my teeth into it.


My question to you is. Will I be allowed to record my gameplay after reviving my game code? I have just started both streaming on TwitchTV and posting videos on You Tube and would very much like to record and share my adventures on the high seas!


I'm sure you might have already answered this question so please could you link me to said information or post me a replay


Thank you for your time



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Burning and explosing ships are part of sea battles in the age of sail.  I hope some one looks takes a good look at this part of the game.

Well. Is you say every ship should explode in an hollywood fireball I must agree with Mirones.

Occationally there were fires on board of ships, thats for sure. But its not an everyday's appearance for a ship.



My question to you is. Will I be allowed to record my gameplay after reviving my game code? I have just started both streaming on TwitchTV and posting videos on You Tube and would very much like to record and share my adventures on the high seas!

Check out the Youtube videos wich are already posted in this very forum.

You can spread youtube videos as long as they dont show bugs or early testing features wich are not ironed out for the public. Thats the actual treatment. About twich I cant say anything. Thats a new dimension.

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Question - I don't know if this has been asked yet - can't find anything on a quick search.


Will you be upgrading to Unity 5 when it releases, and if so, will you be reviewing your created assets in terms of the new render/shader pipelines (specifically the PBS/PBR feature)?

I ask because it's made a world of difference for CryEngine's Ryse and Star Citizen's visuals, and Unity's version seems to be pretty fast and very slick looking.

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