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Questions to developers

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Since some of us (a lot) have pre-ordered the yacht now.


What happens to her when we get a new ship?

Will NavalAction feature some kind of potbs-style docks?

If we can only own one ship I would be upset to loose the shiny yacht I payed real money for.


Now that he mentions it I would like to know as well.

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I honestly don't know if u consider this as a good or bad question but here i go: Will the ship system, be a tech-tree line-up? As in small ship - medium ships - Large - Frigates - Rate ships etc. How will you work it out? PS: pre-purchased and got 2 friends along :3 


~ FreshKiller23 ~ 

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Hi there

My question for devs is: what nations will be in game, i mean in "full" version, not only caribbean area? Im pretty sure that many europeans players according to history would like represent own country. Apart from Britain, France, Spain, Dutch alsoTurks, Russia, Sweden, Dennmark, Poland had plenty of ships those times...so i hoping you guys have in your plans put those nations into game in future.

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Hi,this is my first official post and i hope that the questions are not too stupid or asked too many times.


How difficult will be to learn to sail and how will be the learning curve ? I like challenges, but i don't know almost nothing about sailing. I expect that the game will be more challenging than AC4,for instance. Will be a tutorial for the first games and will be available in early access already ? 

In early access would we have just few ships to sail randomly (like a frigate,the 20$ Yacht, a corvette) or will be already a "tree" with something to do to improve our personal "fleet" and equipment? 

Thanks and regards!

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Hi,this is my first official post and i hope that the questions are not too stupid or asked too many times.


How difficult will be to learn to sail and how will be the learning curve ? I like challenges, but i don't know almost nothing about sailing. I expect that the game will be more challenging than AC4,for instance. 


you have acces to all ships in sea trials since its for bug finding the controlls are basicly explaining themself

W/S more/less Sails  Q/E Turning the yards on the formast  Y/C (Z and C for english keyboard) for turning the main and rear masts

A/D turning Ruder Spacebar firing Trackingshot for range finding.


not really overcomplicated stuff 

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Hi,i have a question/suggestion.

I speak without having played the game or tested it,so i don't know how much difficult is to master the game ATM,but do you plan any "tutorial",not just about the basics of sailing (wich would be appreciated by many "casual" players,i guess) but involving medium/advanced tattics?

To make a comparison with a combat flight game,a tutorial that doesn't teach only wich are the flight surfaces or the basic of flight,but also some tattics like boom & zoom, Immelman or split S. It could also be done with articles and videos on the main website.

Also it would be nice to have info while using the mouse on the ship parts to know the name of a particular yard or sail. 

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There is not currently a tutorial in the system that we are currently testing, although the Dev's may be working on one for the release.

Regarding the basics of "how to" see the threads on how best to maneuver your ship (tacking) and as for tactics, there are not yet many of those threads posted but one that is are the results of the first tournament. Leviathan and "kiting" come to mind :)

I think as the sandbox bame emerges you will see much more in the way of tactics, not just naval tactics, but also port management, exploration, economy, etc.

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How big is the open world to be? I saw the map of the Caribbean and the admin quote that it'll take 30 to 60 minutes to sail across it in the fastest ship, but then I've since seen people mention that it will eventually encompass the world?


What's the latest on this?

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Do you have raised that the cannons back off when they are fired?

Animations take FPS thus a compromise has to be found. Currently the animations are on the sails, the flags, the smoke, the rudder, and some crew. The purpose is to bring life to the ships and show the gameplay elements, but also to allow for battles with 50 ships while maintaining good FPS.


How big is the open world to be?

The Open World will be put to testing and changed depending on the feedback. Currently it is a prototype.

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hello admin. what about cargo ship we have only see war ship fore now, an if we what they trading to work what I have read in they forum  we need them. How well they difference step go on fore now, well it be


1)war ship, cargo ship.


2) more ships, boarding ship, world map.


3)world map, boarding ship, cargo ship war ship


4) one of they last 2 whit mission to they end.


Salute. batman43

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I'll go in with a little personal interest and ask:


what's the policy about youtube?. I have my own channel and of course I am looking forward featuring this game in it, but I'd like to know wether there's an explicit word from the devs about youtube footage and them giving rights to youtubers to showcase NA gameplay because, if that rights are given I'll know I won't run into any copyright issues at all :)

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Unity is easy to work with and i can look just as beutyfull as the others and its good for fast developend.

wich is the last statement i can remember from them


and Star Citizen? exept for some truster light there isnt really something dynamic that youhave to worry fps about thats why they have these High Poly modells

space is to 99% empty an so will be any Game in space.

no need to worry about sail and wave simulation and and and.

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