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>>>v1.3 Feedback<<<(Latest Update: v1.3.9.9 Rx2)

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So I forgot how this mechanic works: at what point are technologies like Medical Department and Fire Control Table applied to a ship? When it is laid down, built or commissioned? Or are they constantly updated even without refitting?

If the latter is the case, how does it work for ships transferred between nations? Suppose a ship was captured as a war trophy and later sold to a minor nation, how will that affect the tech levels?

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3 hours ago, Abuse_Claws said:

So I forgot how this mechanic works: at what point are technologies like Medical Department and Fire Control Table applied to a ship? When it is laid down, built or commissioned? Or are they constantly updated even without refitting?

If the latter is the case, how does it work for ships transferred between nations? Suppose a ship was captured as a war trophy and later sold to a minor nation, how will that affect the tech levels?

As far as I know, only new design and refitted ship will use new technology.

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22 hours ago, Abuse_Claws said:

So I forgot how this mechanic works: at what point are technologies like Medical Department and Fire Control Table applied to a ship? When it is laid down, built or commissioned? Or are they constantly updated even without refitting?

If the latter is the case, how does it work for ships transferred between nations? Suppose a ship was captured as a war trophy and later sold to a minor nation, how will that affect the tech levels?

I am no expert on this, and it would be nice to have an official list of the technologies and how they apply... as well as what order they are in for each nation (as I think they still have slightly altered orders depending on the nation in question.

But I know Some Techs only Apply via New construction or Refit,  And others apply as soon (in the next month, actually) as they are unlocked.   EG the Aim improvements and the "Torpedo fuse" improvements.

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I already know any ships will over the top speed to follow the division.

And any ships that speed over 40 knots have strange moving, include hard to turning, reducing speed.

So I test what happens when they try to keep the battle line in the division.


over 150 knots, even the first ship is stop moving,

and because they are too fast, they can't reduce speed well. Instead, hard to keeping the battle line.

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Small feature that I think would improve the campaigns that I thought about was when in a 1890 campaign where I was playing as Japan, I ended up in a war with Austria-Hungary of all people. And that war kept being in the background for ages, with absolutely nothing happening in it. Several real wars and a few decades later I finally sent a fleet to the Mediterranean to blockade the Austro-Hungarians so I could get that pointless drag on economy done with.

So, the feature idea: If there is a war, in which absolutely nothing happens for... let's say 12 months. No battles, no transport losses, nothing. Trigger a bloody peace deal event. And since the RNG loves to hello kitty those events, after the first one, if nothing happens in the war after that either, fire the event every other month after that.

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Any chance we can pass up port strike missions?  Trying to invade Cuba because I want the additional port capacity, but over 3 turns, the capacity has dropped from 30k tons to 19.  Not 19k, just 19.  This port is now useless to me.

EDIT:  Right now these missions are forced and not optional.

Edited by Suribachi
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havent made a comment myself for a long time now, since most problems others and i pointed out back when i started with the game are still there,

but something im not remembering been there and now killing my mood the most is the following. somebody else musst have noted that already too but a brief search in this topic or a quick scan of the shipyard sub forum didnt give me any results:

pls take a look at the screenshots und tell me, whats wrong...

First it annoyed me with Modern Destroyer Designs, where i just couldnt fit much more, if any at all of Equipment / Firepower despite unlocking larger Hulls / Displacements, but with the Super Battleship it is extremly obvious that something is not rite.

Discplaments were always way to heavy in game vs real life as not long ago was pointed out... again, but this breaks the inner game logic severly.

not only that campaigns are very boring since the ai designs only shit, does no research (except GB in my actual run) and finds itself more often than not in multi front / block wars... the latter atleast beeing amusing, .. now designing even bigger ships is not fun anymore.

Around 41 000 !!! Tons more of Displacement  for the same performance as far as Range, Firepower and Armour are considered, but with  20% less Engine Effiency and overall less maneuverability. ! Masterpiece of Naval Engineering !  







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here, for the "always stay positive faction" ... 

id like to point out / ask bout so many flaws, but i dont have hope that would make any difference anymore, so i spare myself and you that and present two of the six Leviathans in action in the mediterranean in the French - German War of "19something" shooting on some ai crêpe.

enjoy and imagine those atleast nice roaring gunfire sounds of big caliber gunz;



Edited by Kraut
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OK, it's Rant Time!

I'm playing Japan in a 1890 start campaign, and it currently August 1916.

Japan is currently at war with France and Austria-Hungary, and I just completed battle number 97 last evening. I'm doing well against both of them; having three battles in the Med, Indian Ocean and Asian waters this turn. But I've seen a lot of strange things happening during these battles, and for ate last few "years" game time. Now I'm going to rant a bit about the strange things I'm seeing. Please jump in, if you have been seeing similar issues.

Torpedo usage and malfunctions:

In battle #97, two very modern (for 1916) 12 inch gun armed Dreadnaughts (eight 12 inch guns in four twin center line turrets), two modern 9.2 inch armed (four guns in two twin turrets) armored CA's, two modern 5.5 inch armed CL's and four modern 4.7 inch armed DD's; against three modern Austria-Hungary  8 inch armed ( four guns in two twin turrets and four guns in single gun turrets, two on each side) armored CA's, with a mix of Green and Trained crews. All Japanese ships are armed with 19 inch torpedoes (as are the A/H ships), and crews are all Green, except for one DD that is Trained. All Japanese ships are only six months to a year old (game time) have been in combat before a couple times.

So far I've seen:

When my ships launch torpedoes (example a DD launching four from two twin mounts at a range of 0.3 km against an already damaged CA): One goes missing at launch (failure to function?), then at least one detonates early in the run (or suddenly veers off course), two hit the target with one dud and one exploding as expected. I seen similar things time and time again. Another example, one of my CAs launches two torpedoes at about 1 km, both are true, both are going to hit the target; then both prematurely explode about 0.1 km from the target CA.

But when the A/H CA's launch (also 19 inch): all of there torpedos survived launch, and only saw one change course in this last battle (striking one of my BB's, that otherwise would have passed astearn with the other three from that spread). Never saw an A/H torpedo prematurely detonate in this battle, and their dud rate is maybe 20%.

Is this purposeful biasing the results, to "balance" the game?


I'm a retired mechanical engineer, and I fully understand Newton's Laws of Motion, and the great masses and momentum of the ships portrayed in this game. Yes, it is to be expected a ship lags in starting to turn, even when full rudder is applied. The ship should continue ahead, then slowly begin to turn, that's how it works in real, life. Still, I continuously observe enemy ships start to turn immediately upon torpedo launching by my ships. Additionally, the turns are very tight, in that the turning radius is always much smaller than my ships. 

I suspect this is another advantage given to the AI for game ballance.


I've had many of my last ten or so battles conducted either at night or under very poor visibility. In this last battle, the weather started clear, and as soon as my ships started hitting and damaging the enemy ships; suddenly what had to have been fog came into the game, reducing visibility to about 1.5 km. Thus I had to bring my ships deep into the enemy CA's torpedo range just to see them. 

This coupled with the above torpedo and maneuver complaints, cost me a CL. In return the torpedo attacks by said CL and two DD's were easily avoided by the two relatively undamaged at that time. enemy CA's.


This is still a big problem. Ships still shoot short, over, left or right in fairly well placed groups. All of the Japanese ships in this battle had level three coincidence rangefinders. The enemy ships had level two coincidence rangefinders; and they still greatly out shot my ships (thankfully doing limited damage). This was with the three enemy CA's constantly changing course. With my ships having the speed advantage, I was moving in mostly steady fashion during the period before said fog happened, just outside the enemy's 3.4 km torpedo range.

I've seen and deduced, a good tactic is to shoot at any ships that are clustered together. This is how I crippled one enemy CA early in the battle (before the fog), by having the BB's aim at one CA, while my CA's aimed at the other enemy CA. Naturally my BB's clobbered the CA they were not aiming at, while the CA's constantly hit the CA they were not aiming at. Five 12 inch hits on the aft end of the that poor enemy CA crippled it by flooding the rear compartments, knocking out steering, one engine, the aft 8 inch turret and both aft 8 inch wing turrets.

Additionally, I saw another odd thing happen, that I also see all the time. In that short couple minutes, the sturn torpedo launcher was hit, causing a minor torpedo explosion. That damage took out all the other torpedo launchers on that CA, all nine of the remaining launchers, and all thirty onboard torpedoes. Why does that happen? Why does a hit on one torpedo launcher, often take out all the launchers and torpedos on the ship?

For that matter, why does an aft magazine hit (with or without an ammo detonation); often result in the forward guns of that same caliber, having no remaining ammo?

OK, enough complaining for now.

There are still many bugs to be worked out in this game; to correct the above faults, along with many other issues in the game.




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Rant time from me too, unfortunately.

I'm playing a 1920 UK Campaign, currently up to mid 1930s.  I've been at constant war over the past 10 years without any breaks, while my opponents have all had periods of peace.  I've had a few issues during this period:

  1. the ability to ask my government to sue for peace drops out inconsistently, so when (in this example), the French Fleet is a dozen submarines and a handful of smaller ships, they're blockaded, and have had 2 revolutions (ah France!) since the war started, and the war is dragging along, but I can't bring my ships back into port for repair/refit/replacement as the tiny Jeune Ecole-esque French Flotilla will start sinking all my transports if my ships are in port (even in the Med where they have a) no ships and b) no ports, but the turn after I docked my TFs in the Med I lost 8 Transports)
  2. when I am finally able to get peace with France (despite Spain & China declaring war on me in the turns leading up to the peace treaty), I go from having positive relations (+34) to all-out war with the United States (despite my only major ally still not being at war with them) 
  3. Because of 1) and 2), I'm still running majorly obsolete battleships that I can't afford to get rid of because of the aforementioned Transport issue.
  4. I'm losing transports in areas without any warships (my own, or my enemy's), and where I have task forces, but no enemy ships.  I thought this had been fixed.
  5. Mines & Submarines need to go - I understand why they've been included, however, personally I believe that if you're not including aircraft (including scout aircraft) in the game, I think Submarines should likewise not be in the game.  I also think the submarines and mines detract from the overall experience of the game.
  6. I'm finding it annoying when I send some ships into port without the option to keep them in for a turn or two (for refuelling, creating a new TF) and they'll get pulled out into a convoy raid, sustain some damage, and be out of commission for a few months while they repair.  Is there a way of sending ships into port on Defend Stance so I can keep them there while I create a new Task Force?
  7. AI Designs/Torpedo Spam - beating the common drum, I do think AI designs are improving, but still not there, I'm seeing more cruisers that are each putting out volleys of 20+ torpedoes to start the battle, It's more annoying at this stage because it turns the start of each battle into the same thing - run DDs ahead of fleet to trigger torpedo launch and turn fleet and DDs to avoid, then get into battle as normal.
  8. AI is still seemingly able to detect and avoid torpedoes moment they're launched, regardless of tech level/equipment.
  9. I would like the option to create Squadrons/Flotillas within task forces - a la the Grand Fleet in WWI as I'm spending too much time at the start of the battle re-arranging the squadrons - I think this also goes into the calls for the ability to deploy the fleet prior to the battle.

Overall, the game is still enjoyable, but I'm finding there are too many frustrating aspects of the campaign that are driving down the enjoyment of it at the moment.


I actually do want to say that I do love this game and have been looking for something like this for a very, very, long time and it's already in my top 5 of games played on steam (by amount of time).

Edited by Harwood_39
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1 hour ago, AdmiralObvious said:

There are several issues with the "reverse" button.

1. Once you reverse, the ship is permanently stuck in reverse for the remainder of the battle.

If you press reverse button again, ships will start sailing forward again. But I can agree the reverse button have instant effect and that isnnot very realistic.

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Okay, so at first my understanding was that I need roughly 4 times the "Needed Tonnage" to more or less guarantee success. And now I get this, which is insane. Almost 5 times the "Needed Tonnage" for a grand 39% chance of success.

What does the "Needed Tonnage" even mean then? Like "we need this many ships, but actually we need 5 times as many and even then it's not even a 50/50"

Honestly, if I knew this would be the case, I probably wouldn't have started the invasion in the first place, but I can't see these odds beforehand, only the "Needed Tonnage".

So I would very much like to see at least something of the following:

  • Move naval invasions from a dice roll to a "progress %", like land invasions
  • Make needed tonnage be actually connected to the tonnage necessary to successfully capture the province with the relation between those figures being clearly explained somewhere (tooltip?)
  • Make needed tonnage just higher across the board, so that when capturing with minimum required tonnage there was at least 10% success chance
  • If any other factors (like enemy TFs in the area, transport capacity in the region or whatever else) are negatively impacting the success rate, please display it clearly in the invasion description/tooltip


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23 minutes ago, Abuse_Claws said:

Okay, so at first my understanding was that I need roughly 4 times the "Needed Tonnage" to more or less guarantee success. And now I get this, which is insane. Almost 5 times the "Needed Tonnage" for a grand 39% chance of success.

What does the "Needed Tonnage" even mean then? Like "we need this many ships, but actually we need 5 times as many and even then it's not even a 50/50"

Honestly, if I knew this would be the case, I probably wouldn't have started the invasion in the first place, but I can't see these odds beforehand, only the "Needed Tonnage".

So I would very much like to see at least something of the following:

  • Move naval invasions from a dice roll to a "progress %", like land invasions
  • Make needed tonnage be actually connected to the tonnage necessary to successfully capture the province with the relation between those figures being clearly explained somewhere (tooltip?)
  • Make needed tonnage just higher across the board, so that when capturing with minimum required tonnage there was at least 10% success chance
  • If any other factors (like enemy TFs in the area, transport capacity in the region or whatever else) are negatively impacting the success rate, please display it clearly in the invasion description/tooltip


What percent of that tonage is capital ships? As long as at least half the ships I park in a conquest zone are BBs or BCs a 4 to 1 ratio always gets me 100%. Unless the enemy has taskforces in the zone too, those will drastically cut into chance no mater how much you park there.

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3 hours ago, Fangoriously said:

What percent of that tonage is capital ships? As long as at least half the ships I park in a conquest zone are BBs or BCs a 4 to 1 ratio always gets me 100%. Unless the enemy has taskforces in the zone too, those will drastically cut into chance no mater how much you park there.

Capital ships were definitely more than half the tonnage. There were no enemy TFs in the invasion area, but there was one in the same region (Irish sea)

Also there were no ships in the attacked port itself

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12 hours ago, Harwood_39 said:

Mines & Submarines need to go - I understand why they've been included, however, personally I believe that if you're not including aircraft (including scout aircraft) in the game, I think Submarines should likewise not be in the game.  I also think the submarines and mines detract from the overall experience of the game.

I've been saying this since the start of the game. Features which are nothing but annoyances, should be removed or at the very least made optional. Same about torpedo spam. This is a game which includes "dreadnoughts" in the title, I want to play with big guns. I don't want the tiny pesky glorified fishing boats deciding the battles. I understand some people wants that, but other people hate it. Give an optional configuration to campaign regarding torpedoes and let us enjoy our big gun battles.

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17 hours ago, Gregg said:

Torpedo usage and malfunctions:

When my ships launch torpedoes (example a DD launching four from two twin mounts at a range of 0.3 km against an already damaged CA): One goes missing at launch (failure to function?), then at least one detonates early in the run (or suddenly veers off course), two hit the target with one dud and one exploding as expected. I seen similar things time and time again. Another example, one of my CAs launches two torpedoes at about 1 km, both are true, both are going to hit the target; then both prematurely explode about 0.1 km from the target CA.

But when the A/H CA's launch (also 19 inch): all of there torpedos survived launch, and only saw one change course in this last battle (striking one of my BB's, that otherwise would have passed astearn with the other three from that spread). Never saw an A/H torpedo prematurely detonate in this battle, and their dud rate is maybe 20%.

Is this purposeful biasing the results, to "balance" the game?


Breaking this into chunks... Because there was a lot to cover :D

First, Torpedos:   I am going to start by stating something.   Something I think a lot of people miss.   In the WWI era (which is the bulk of what we are talking about here)  Torpedos failed to run TRUE a lot.   By World War II it was Torpedoes fail to run often enough.    So I understand torps detonating early, and veering out of control, given your descriptions of the tech level.

*HOWEVER*  I have a 1940 campaign going strong right now that has the same results... and TWO not listed.    

1) Fire a full salvo at close range and the torpedoes go THROUGH the target and continue on to the other side...

2) Torpedoes fire out of the wrong side (yes, Trip and quad TT arrays are pointed to starboard and at least one of the torpedoes ends up heading away from the ship on the port side!


18 hours ago, Gregg said:


I'm a retired mechanical engineer, and I fully understand Newton's Laws of Motion, and the great masses and momentum of the ships portrayed in this game. Yes, it is to be expected a ship lags in starting to turn, even when full rudder is applied. The ship should continue ahead, then slowly begin to turn, that's how it works in real, life. Still, I continuously observe enemy ships start to turn immediately upon torpedo launching by my ships. Additionally, the turns are very tight, in that the turning radius is always much smaller than my ships. 

I suspect this is another advantage given to the AI for game ballance.


SECOND AI and "instant detection"   Yes the AI can see them instantly... However, I would argue that your perception of the hairpin type turning is off because of distance...
I used to think the same thing... Wow, that ship turned on a dime... So then I DBL clicked on the ship I knew was going to be torpedoed and watched as they actually turned as if I was watching my own ship.  It is just as exceedingly slow as my own ship when up close and personal.      Thus I would consider this a moot point... it is the distance of observation that makes them seem better than they are.


18 hours ago, Gregg said:


This is still a big problem. Ships still shoot short, over, left or right in fairly well placed groups. All of the Japanese ships in this battle had level three coincidence rangefinders. The enemy ships had level two coincidence rangefinders; and they still greatly out shot my ships (thankfully doing limited damage). This was with the three enemy CA's constantly changing course. With my ships having the speed advantage, I was moving in mostly steady fashion during the period before said fog happened, just outside the enemy's 3.4 km torpedo range.

I've seen and deduced, a good tactic is to shoot at any ships that are clustered together. This is how I crippled one enemy CA early in the battle (before the fog), by having the BB's aim at one CA, while my CA's aimed at the other enemy CA. Naturally my BB's clobbered the CA they were not aiming at, while the CA's constantly hit the CA they were not aiming at. Five 12 inch hits on the aft end of the that poor enemy CA crippled it by flooding the rear compartments, knocking out steering, one engine, the aft 8 inch turret and both aft 8 inch wing turrets.


Gunnery is a fickle beast... Long range requires the Stereoscopic RFs but in close you want the coincidence RF... until you are at MK3 or MK4 gun technology, you are pretty much short-ranged.   So early game (really through "WWI" you want the Coincidence Rangefinders... the switch to Stereoscopic really happens at Stereo RF 3 or 4 and MK3 or MK4 guns....


18 hours ago, Gregg said:

Additionally, I saw another odd thing happen, that I also see all the time. In that short couple minutes, the sturn torpedo launcher was hit, causing a minor torpedo explosion. That damage took out all the other torpedo launchers on that CA, all nine of the remaining launchers, and all thirty onboard torpedoes. Why does that happen? Why does a hit on one torpedo launcher, often take out all the launchers and torpedos on the ship?

For that matter, why does an aft magazine hit (with or without an ammo detonation); often result in the forward guns of that same caliber, having no remaining ammo?

Historically Most ships had ONE Torpedo Magazine... take the magazine out and all the associated Hull mounted Torpedo rooms would likely go as well... But SO WOULD THE SHIP...

Conversely, most ships of Destroyer size and above have at least two and sometimes 3 main gun magazines.   Take the rear magazine out should put the REAR guns only out... instead we have Wing Guns have Separate magazines from Fore/Aft Centerline turrets... Lesson?   Build your HMS Vanguard with 2 Inline and 2 Wing turrets! :D

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