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  1. Thanks man, I love this game. And your videos got me into the game, so I was very excited to use your mod when I got back into the game. I really feel the deck thing is breaking the game, its very prevalent early on with the cruisers. Update, and good news. I sunk her with 18in guns at range, very happy but I still feel like uninstalling the mod after this campaign because I can't stand the sight of these bricks, this is the heaviest ship I could build and it took a lot of pain working through the lack of funds.
  2. Base game, similar ship, balance isn't too bad but the costs are significantly different.
  3. I was able to build it within weight limits but the cost is off for sure. I still have issue with this being a stable design. I have the vanilla game in a separate folder so, I'll give the design a try in the base game.
  4. I haven't played the game since Oct, I know there have been some changes and this mod allows some funky designs but what am I supposed to do against this ship? I've noticed a lot of ships with armor schemes just like this one and it makes no sense. I'm going to try to rebuild it in the custom battles but how is this thing not over weight or how does it not cost a fortune to make? I've been struggling to build good ships because I've been struggling for money as Japan even though I own half of all Asia, but even the worse economies are building better ships than me by doing this garbage that makes them impossible to kill. I've been losing money near constantly now, I never have a surplus and sending my fleets out drains my money. Germany is invading my Chinese provinces through that small port they have with 2 million troops vs 200k on my side (which makes no sense since the port is blockaded and my Chinese provinces have more people than that small port). I can't stop them from taking the province even though I'm invading that port, striking it constantly. France and Germany parked their fleets in the invasion bubble so now it has no chance of success, I couldn't engage their fleets with my largest fleet because this game's stupid mechanic allowing the AI to choose when to fight. So I split off two battleships to head to another port to defend it and magically, now the AI wants to fight that force (even though my larger fleet is in between their task force and the one they want to engage). Now I have this non sense to deal with. Oh and would you look at that, range found bonus giving them god tier aim. They deleted a cruiser in one salvo because nearly every shell hit the target, and that's with mark 4 guns and a regular crew. Meanwhile my ships with the same crew, better optics and same guns can't hit anything, and if they do the round gets blocked. This has been my most frustrating campaign so far and I'm on the verge of quitting. Shells aren't penning low tier armor at range or up close, only at medium ranges. Early on I met a ship with no armor (literally 0 armor thickness ) and it blocked a 16in round. I'm gonna uninstall this mod after this playthrough to see if it fixes some of the issues I have because I have a feeling the easier offset balancing when making ships is giving the AI too much power to do what it likes, which is painful when paired with all the other stuff the AI gets away with due to mechanics from the base game.
  5. The Balance Mod isn't even working at the moment. It's been a week and its still showing a grey screen on launch. Plus, I think this MOD has subs and the Balance Mod doesn't so I don't think they can be compatible.
  6. is there a reason why Transport only Strike missions will be auto resolved? Cause I'm honestly checking out if I lose ships to Transports....What's wrong with giving the player the option to deal with it themselves?
  7. Using this MOD without resizer. Just got all my saves except one wiped. I'm not sure if this is related to the MOD or not but now with the latest patch I'm getting that pale blue screen upon launch. Gotta say at this point I really ain't using this MOD again, not because the MOD is bad (It's actually very good) but really the frequent updates are making this MOD hard to use. This game takes hours to play, and this is my second playthrough ruined. Thanks for the MOD, I'll check back when the updates slow down.
  8. Man, I gotta give up my first save at this point. I wish I knew the devs updated the game this frequently, I wouldn't have started with a mod installed. Its a good mod, but I think I'll avoid using it for now until the updates slow down or some other solution is implemented.
  9. Yup, same thing happened to me last night. Gonna play in offline mode after this. I just started and I immediately started with the rebalance mod, my whole save is at risk now. Hopefully the mod author fixes it soon. Guess I'll play something else for now.
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