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Everything posted by Harwood_39

  1. So I've played a couple of campaigns over the last couple of weeks - USA 1910 and UK 1900. First issue I came up with in the US Campaign was the high speeds the German Ships were able to reach, something that it just feels like the AI shouldn't prioritise as much as building an effective ship. When I got my hands on a couple of their ships as war reparations, they weren't very well balanced, had low funnel efficiency (wonder why), coal burning, and steam engines (not turbines). I think the AI should maybe cap their speeds at the recommended maximum speed for the hull. I was in an extended war with France (in my UK campaign), and despite their being blockaded, and my having greater tonnage in all the places they had fleets, I was still losing 10-15 transports a turn (my fleets were on protect mode). The real-world solution that would have happened with that number of commercial shipping losses would be the implementation of the convoy system, with dedicated escorts (corvettes/destroyers) and in the cases of larger ones, the addition of capital ships that didn't have the speed to keep up with the main fleet task forces (think the Revenge-Class Battleships in the second world war). I would have assumed keeping a number of task forces spread around the shipping lanes on protect mode, while the main battlefleets took on the role of invasion/fleet interdiction would maintain the transport fleet, but this only reduced the losses partially and I was still regularly losing multiple transports a turn. Additionally, In my opinion, the "peace treaty" option should always be highlighted when you are at war with a nation, I had an issue with this war with France that despite there being no meetings of ships or naval invasions, and France being blockaded and firing admiral after admiral, I was not able to suggest to the government to sue for peace. When it finally was unlocked, it took me another 6 months to finally get the peace treaty we needed. Also, unrest needs to be clearer how it escalates. I went from 0 unrest to 66 in the space of a year, despite 0 failed naval invasions, no major ship losses (a handful of DDs and a couple of obsolete CLs). It would be good if there were obvious options we can take (not relying on the random events) to reduce our level of unrest. I'm also finding that when starting a campaign there is no difference between whether I select "random" or "historical" for the AI opponent, as I always start with a more historical looking diplomatic tab (e.g. Strongly negative relations between Germany/England pre-1910, etc...) Maybe a better solution would be "historical" or "neutral" and you start with nil relations between all nations and you can advise your government on who you see as a big rival and who you would like to ally with. Because after 800-odd hours of campaigning, it does feel like if you're playing as the Royal Navy, you're going to inevitably have a big war with Germany first off the bat, and it would definitely be more interesting if, for example, our first "big war" was against, say the USA or China/Japan, instead of it always being a European War. My next point will need to be made without pictures as my current maximum upload is 112.48kB and my files are all larger than that. I'm finding the RN CL Hull [Light Cruiser VI] and CA Hull [Heavy Cruiser I] have some issues with the towers available to them and the positioning of the deck step-down. The 2 immediate solutions to me would be to cut a level off of the double barbette fore and aft towers to make them a single barbette, or make the option available to move the step-down from the fo'c'sle to the weather deck along the ship (this would be great for all hulls, especially if you want to do a battlecruiser with 3 turrets, at the moment to get a good balance, that aft turret looks like it is in a weird position). Those ships also have border placement issues with torpedo tubes where they can sometimes be on the edge of the deck, but then move it slightly forward and it needs to be placed away from the edge of the deck (nothing else around them, just the torpedo tube). Another, purely aesthetic thing, that would be cool is if you allow us to extend decks between superstructures, barbettes, and funnels. basically, once you have everything in place, you can extend the sides of the ship and the deck to fill the gaps around barbettes and other accoutrements you place on a ship to fill in the gaps and provide a much better aesthetic. Finally, it would be great if we can: a) Place torpedo tubes on barbettes, and b) Be able to free place barbettes using the control button like you can do with other things, especially as there are some hulls where the spots for the barbettes are too close to the edge and don't allow any to be placed (I believe the large light cruiser is one of those), and it would be a definite quality of life improvement. Edit: Could you please also extend the Modern Tower III for the UK battlecruisers so they could have a Tall Funnel VI and Tall Funnel VIII on the same superstructure - this would allow us to make a more realistic Hood
  2. I don't like the economy changes. Granted they needed a change, but I think it's gone too far. I've gone from having a ~500,000k monthly balance while at war to barely being able to afford to send my fleets out
  3. Firstly, I love a lot of the new things in the update, especially the new hulls. We're still having a few problems with the PC Designs, for example this monstrosity was ceded to me after beating Germany, is it possible to do something like program the AI to try for an ABXY main turret layout with secondaries at the side/superstructure as a standard thing - I think that will lead to a lot more AI ships being somewhat challenging to play against. I'm also finding AI ships are back to disproportionate torpedo loadouts, so far I've seen German CAs with 12-16 Torpedo tubes on each broadside which just turns each battle into dodge the torpedoes followed by a massive brawl, as I've lost my formation. I'll add my voice to secondary towers for the N3 Battlecruiser, none of the options really feels like they're a good fit. With the UK Heavy and Light Cruiser options in the 1920s, could we please have the option for the Main and Secondary Towers to have a single barbette level as the double level takes up a lot of space and most of the time I'd prefer to have 4 main gun turrets. Also, when I hit "Ctrl" to free place barbettes, they revert to the centreline, and there are some ships where regardless of how wide you make them, the spots along the edge of the hull won't allow any barbette so when I hit Ctrl to place it slightly inboard it goes to dead centre, which is irritating. I do love the new Barbettes available, especially the single wide round one for secondaries. I'm only a few years into my campaign, and submarines haven't been over the top, and while I would prefer them to be out of the game, I think you have a good balance so far. I would like the option for full turrets or open turrets for smaller guns to save space and weight on destroyers/secondaries. I'm finding the Pitch/Roll mechanics are a bit over the top - Despite my best efforts I'm yet to see a ship with one under 40% on this campaign. Finally, I'm still feeling the urge to group all my ships into larger taskforces as the moment I put a flotilla of DDs or a small TF lead by a CA or CL out on its own, it will inevitably come up against something that outshoots it, and I can't retreat because the AI DDs are always faster than mine, and the battle starts with my ships being engaged by the BB/BC I'm up against, which then gets a lucky shot in and slows down one of my ships, so I always flee leaving one behind to get sunk.
  4. One thing I have found is a constant irritant. When I try to manually type changes to the calibre or size of gun (mostly secondaries), I will click on the spot to type it in, but the game will not register the input of the number and it can take 5-6 tries to actually input the correct number.
  5. Could we make an option "convoy escort" for ships? In the Second World War, the UK used it's older, slower battleships in convoy escort roles, As I am in the habit of refitting my ships into oblivion instead of scrapping them, it would be a nice option to have as it would allow me to utilise them better than I am at the moment, and allow me to use them to reduce shipping losses. I suppose allowing us to implement a convoy system would be handy as well.
  6. I found that when I was invading Portugal I had to send roughly 8 Task Forces (16BB, 16BC, 32-48CA, 16-24CL, 40DD) and when their fleet charged out, ALL my task forces fought in that battle, so you can imagine how long it took to just get the fleet organised so I could actually manage everything.
  7. Just something I noticed the other day - you can't highlight and scrap multiple submarines in one go in the same manner that you can with your ships.
  8. I've been finding that this has been an issue as well. For Example, I was invading Italy with multiple fleets and the one DD the Italians had in the area fought against each task force. Also had the same thing with one of their submarines attacking my multiple Submarine taskforces each turn.
  9. With that speed, I'm surprised you caught up to it 😆 It doesn't even look that well-armoured.
  10. Same here @Nick Thomadis is this something you could look at? Allowing us to refit ships if we accidentally delete the design in the "Ship Design" Tab?
  11. Alas no, I deleted the original design thinking I had refit it. Also did that to 2 CA designs. So on the "ship design" tab the design doesn't appear, it only does in the "fleet" tab. Also the hulls are now obsolete, so I can't build progressions anyway.
  12. One thing that came up today. I deleted a ship design thinking I had made a refit of it. Turns out I didn't (idiot!) I'd love for there to be the ability to generate a refit if you still have a ship in your fleet but may have deleted the design for one reason or another.
  13. For the record, my fleets are typically 2bbs, 2bcs, 9 CA/Cl, 10 DD. All the ships have up to date sonar and all the cruisers and DDS have max depth charges. (not to mention the torpedo protection on the ships), but I've still lost multiple battleships and cruisers to submarines in this campaign despite all the precautions. If they were actually real-time battles where you need to search for and hunt the submarines and there are ways to try and avoid losing your important ships, I'd be fine with that, but at the moment I feel like I'm doing everything I can and it's frustrating that this stuff is still happening.
  14. Can we please make submarines a toggleable option in the campaign? I'm doing everything I can to defend against them, yet they're a) making multiple attacks each turn, managing to expertly weave throughout my multiple escorts and sink/severely damage the BB/BC in the centre of the fleet I then send out DD flotillas to the area the submarines are in - yet I can't generate the mission. Yet when. I send my submarines out to go hunting, they almost always only engage single ships, usually CAs, CLS, and DDS and get sunk without any damage caused.
  15. 100% agree with this. I felt the economy was mostly fine before you changed it, especially when playing as a smaller nation, the extra boost when at war was invaluable for progressing technology and keeping a decent sized fleet to stay competitive. Having just reloaded a campaign I started when 1.4 came out, I've had to scrap most of what I was building to stay in the black, but despite having a decent amount of transports (130%), I'm losing money each turn. I'd rather see you put your effort into more important things that we've been asking for like the ability to choose your fleet deployment. At this stage, I'd settle for the ability to allocate my ships into divisions that actually make sense. A classic example just happened to me. I have a task force with 3x 8.4" CAs and 3× 6" CAs. Logic would dictate that they are 2 separate divisions with homogeneous armament (especially as they're each their own classes), but I had a division of 4 (2&2) and 2 (1&1) which meant that I had to spend time reorganising them which ruined the formation.
  16. I've had a few issues come up lately: 1) I started a campaign on Saturday after the last campaign reset - went to play Sunday (Australian Time) the Campaign had disappeared, so I went to start another one - close to a 30 minute loading time. 2) Funnels with Gun Platforms: I still can't place a gun on a funnel's gun platform if the Funnel is mounted on the superstructure (think UK KGV Tower) but can when the funnel isn't on the superstructure. 3) US Super scout cruiser hull (the Atlanta one) - can't build an Atlanta equivalent on it unless I go completely bare bones on the technology and even then I have to lose the wing turrets in order to get under the displacement.
  17. Only for AI Ships though - I still use my obsolete Hulls with upgrades through to the late campaign as either colonial fleets or as invasion fleet support - and they can still hold up in battles somewhat.
  18. I think that's a great option to have, especially if the player can toggle it on/off. It would also make shared designs much easier to implement in that scenario, and if it's toggleable then players who aren't interested can leave it off.
  19. Ran out of space in my previous post, but it wouldn't be feedback without the complaint about the AI designs 😆 What looks like a very overcomplicated design by the Russians here
  20. Apologies in advance, this will likely be a long post: 1) Designs I'm playing a German campaign at the moment, and I'm having this issue with all of my designs - which doesn't help if I'm trying to build a real historical ship (e.g. SMS Blucher massive FW offset), and even with these new hull designs, I position the funnels well to the aft of the ship (even though I can't think of any historical ships with funnels that far behind the forward superstructure), I still get a 5-15% FW offset without balancing it out with armour/stern TT Tubes. 2) Diplomacy I've been stuck in a war with Italy for years and as you can see, I'm unable to ask for a peace treaty, and they're stuck in a "build submarines" loop for years - I have a small DD fleet that I keep in the Med that is more than enough to deal with the submarine fleets that they come across. Last night, I was dealing with wars with the US and Soviet Union (with another couple of nations) and the only nation that was threatening war with me was the UK, but after getting a peace treaty with the US, the next turn Japan declared war on me (despite generally having positive relations), and the turn following peace with the Soviet Union, China declared war on me. Both of these was despite the only tension events I was having in the turns leading up to this was with the UK. I have an issue in this campaign (playing as Germany btw), with me constantly losing 5-8 relations with the UK each turn, regardless of whether my fleets are in harbour or not. 3) Battlecruiser designs I was somewhat surprised when my Battlecruiser got hit by a single 18" torpedo (French, if that helps) which caused a flash fire chain reaction and ultimately what you see here. Just surprised that a single torpedo did that much damage, despite all the defensive protection I had in place. 4) Casemate issue As you can see here I place these upper casemates and unless I manually change their angle, they don't have a natural firing arc. This is common with all of this style of German tower. In general, I am enjoying this new update, I'm finding Submarines are better balanced, as a single submarine so far hasn't managed to sink a BB despite all the cruisers and destroyers in the fleet that should deal with it beforehand. Another frustration I do have is when I move a fleet into harbour for repair or refuel is the fact that they stay in "sea control" and I have to run the gauntlet of them being pulled into a mission before I can set them to "defend". Also, is there a way for ships who are in "limited" status in peace to automatically switch to "defend" when war is declared?
  21. I'm having a problem with my Technological level. Despite having a full tech budget since the start of the campaign (1910), I've been behind in my technology for the last 5 years. Occasionally it goes to "Average", but then falls to "behind" the next turn.
  22. I started a 1910 UK campaign, within 3 turns, the hull technology got upgraded and all of a sudden I was only able to build the Queen Elizabeth-style Dreadnought hull for my Battleships (I think Dreadnought VI), despite not having access to Dreadnought V prior to the completion of the research. I went and started a 1920 UK Campaign and had access to Dreadnought Hulls that were "obsolete" in the 1910 campaign.
  23. Rant time from me too, unfortunately. I'm playing a 1920 UK Campaign, currently up to mid 1930s. I've been at constant war over the past 10 years without any breaks, while my opponents have all had periods of peace. I've had a few issues during this period: the ability to ask my government to sue for peace drops out inconsistently, so when (in this example), the French Fleet is a dozen submarines and a handful of smaller ships, they're blockaded, and have had 2 revolutions (ah France!) since the war started, and the war is dragging along, but I can't bring my ships back into port for repair/refit/replacement as the tiny Jeune Ecole-esque French Flotilla will start sinking all my transports if my ships are in port (even in the Med where they have a) no ships and b) no ports, but the turn after I docked my TFs in the Med I lost 8 Transports) when I am finally able to get peace with France (despite Spain & China declaring war on me in the turns leading up to the peace treaty), I go from having positive relations (+34) to all-out war with the United States (despite my only major ally still not being at war with them) Because of 1) and 2), I'm still running majorly obsolete battleships that I can't afford to get rid of because of the aforementioned Transport issue. I'm losing transports in areas without any warships (my own, or my enemy's), and where I have task forces, but no enemy ships. I thought this had been fixed. Mines & Submarines need to go - I understand why they've been included, however, personally I believe that if you're not including aircraft (including scout aircraft) in the game, I think Submarines should likewise not be in the game. I also think the submarines and mines detract from the overall experience of the game. I'm finding it annoying when I send some ships into port without the option to keep them in for a turn or two (for refuelling, creating a new TF) and they'll get pulled out into a convoy raid, sustain some damage, and be out of commission for a few months while they repair. Is there a way of sending ships into port on Defend Stance so I can keep them there while I create a new Task Force? AI Designs/Torpedo Spam - beating the common drum, I do think AI designs are improving, but still not there, I'm seeing more cruisers that are each putting out volleys of 20+ torpedoes to start the battle, It's more annoying at this stage because it turns the start of each battle into the same thing - run DDs ahead of fleet to trigger torpedo launch and turn fleet and DDs to avoid, then get into battle as normal. AI is still seemingly able to detect and avoid torpedoes moment they're launched, regardless of tech level/equipment. I would like the option to create Squadrons/Flotillas within task forces - a la the Grand Fleet in WWI as I'm spending too much time at the start of the battle re-arranging the squadrons - I think this also goes into the calls for the ability to deploy the fleet prior to the battle. Overall, the game is still enjoyable, but I'm finding there are too many frustrating aspects of the campaign that are driving down the enjoyment of it at the moment. EDIT: I actually do want to say that I do love this game and have been looking for something like this for a very, very, long time and it's already in my top 5 of games played on steam (by amount of time).
  24. I still think there is a massive issue with the AI designed ships. My current campaign sees Japan continually put out Dreadnought Hulls (started in 1920 - up to 1933) with a pre-dreadnoughtesque mixed Heavy Battery armament. When Shared Designs came out, I spent a solid 12 hours creating pretty basic ship designs for all the major nations for the periods from 1910-1940, but I'm still to actually face one in battle. I thought a good fix for this would enable the creation of the ships in shared designs with a base-level of technology, calculated with the technology level at the start of the campaign (e.g. "standard: 1920 technology for German Ships), and then have them refit as technology grows without making any major changes, so we can see that there's a "BB X class" that's had its main guns upgraded from MkII to MkIII. Also, I'm noticing that I'm constantly at a speed disadvantage when compared with any opponent who's vaguely technologically comparable with me. I've been pretty constantly at war the 13 years of this campaign, so I'm very advanced technologically, with the major nations I've been at war with either behind (in the case of Japan), or average in the case of my other opponents, but I'm constantly at a 2-3kn disadvantage when it comes to fleet speed.
  25. This, absolutely this. But I would actually say it would be good for all countries to be able to have more historically accurate Cruiser and Destroyer hulls. It doesn't need to be massive, but the ability to have cruisers with the forecastle/lower after deck would be great, as well as the option for more and better funnels. The new generic light cruiser hulls are great, but not what I was hoping for. Also, with hulls that have a step down for the aft part of the ship, it would be great to be able to move the step down forward/aft. I always am fighting with ships that are too bow heavy (specifically battlecruisers and modernised dreadnoughts)
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