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>>> Beta 1.06 Feedback<<< (FINAL UPDATE 6th Release Candidate)

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Target lock bug is rearing its ugly head again. I started a 1v1 (BB vs BB) in Beta 13 to test the new changes and my ship lost target lock every few salvos. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad, except that for some reason, the first salvo your ship fires after achieving a target lock always uses one turret. It doesn't matter that all the other turrets are locked on to the same bearing, same elevation, and fully loaded, the first salvo on a locked ship always fires with one turret. There is no way around this. 

The target lock bug hurts big guns especially hard because that means that their already very long reload can't be offset by placing more guns because every 2-3 salvos the ship is locked to firing only a single turret. 

Please make it so our ships stop losing target lock constantly and please let us actually use the turrets we put on our ships instead of letting us only fire one turret for no reason.

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So had a really odd bug strike me in campaign mode, if i click on a ship it would not show the details, but would also instantly kill it. So, if i clicked an enemy ship it would all of a sudden get hit by thousands of shells and the same for my own ships. I have no idea how this happened or why, not seen it happen or had it happen again but it was very odd. 

I have not edited the saves or used a cheat engine 1.6 Beta update 12. 

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Still need to balance something out for game play.  Started as the UK in 1910.  Built 12 BCs at first (Then another 10 after I got some more tech and a bigger hull) before I was even able to convince Germany to fight me (Even though I was doing everything I could to raise the tension level) the Germans were down to ~6 Battleships (They had a ton more in harbor not being able to use)

It just gets really boring 

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On 6/16/2022 at 1:48 AM, Grandpa Canuck said:

I did a few collisions in battles and I must say something has changed. That is, for the better. Damage grows more severe as you attempt to continue and force your way through the broadside of a ship. Both take larger damage than before but the level of flooding is defiantly more. Clipping your bow along a ships side severely damages your bow and damage is done all along the enemy ship. Bravo team, this is a very interesting thing and I appreciate the effort into such a small part of the game battle system to make it so interesting. Looking forward to see how armour thickness and angle affects this new damage calculation.


If ya can't out gun them or run away from them, might as well make your ship into a torpedo!

One thing that seems to be missing from the game is the "Ramming Prow", still a part of naval doctrine in the early years of the 20th century.

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One bug which is not gamebreaking but annoying, is that you sometime can lower upkeep cost by selecting a ship in the fleet tab. This can be done almost always after the game loads new the campaign map and either makes the players ship cheaper to maintain as they should or makes them more expensive first...

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9 hours ago, Jyson said:

Either the AI needs to space their shipbuilding more to allow for crew to accrue, or all nations need to accrue crew faster

The AI sometimes needs to cheat, as long as it is not so bad that it affects gameplay. In this case AI shipbuilding and economy need to be addressed certainly but at least allow all AI ships to be manned with a minimum green crew, for that matter NO ship should sail from port without at least adequate, though not necessarily full, crew numbers. Ships engaged after combat are a different matter.

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Major bug report:


Longitudinal weight offset in the dockyard. 1.5


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 99.7


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 88.4


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 100.0

ISSUE: Every time I restart the battle, my ship gets an unrealistic, random, high, longitudinal weight offset value in comparison to what is show in the dockyard.

I also noticed this issue in the AI ships.

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3 minutes ago, kjg000 said:

The AI sometimes needs to cheat, as long as it is not so bad that it affects gameplay. In this case AI shipbuilding and economy need to be addressed certainly but at least allow all AI ships to be manned with a minimum green crew, for that matter NO ship should sail from port without at least adequate, though not necessarily full, crew numbers. Ships engaged after combat are a different matter.

honestly I think the problem is that the base mechanic of crew recruitment is mostly base on time passing. While you would have circumstances where as a country you would absolutely recruit more then usually. Be that you are in War or make a major Navy expansion, in both cases the game just ask you to wait to get more crew.


Hence my suggestion to give some tools to recruit bigger chunks of crew at once for a price (prestige, money, quality of training ect.).

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7 hours ago, Jyson said:

Perhaps a solution for the gloat of ships is have the AI not build a type of ship if one of that type is already mothballed. Would at least reduce the number of mothballed ships IMO


If the ability to sell ships existed, possibly to third party countries not represented in the game, then the AI could sell any outdated mothballed ship. Even without this the AI should be scrapping outdated ships in order to better manage their economies.

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Shipbuilding bug: 

1902 French dreadnought hull: 



When I move my two forward turrets forward the fore weight offset decreases. 

Seems to be something related to the citadel calculations, moving the front turret forward but the super firing one all the way back results in the smallest fore offset. 

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8 minutes ago, o Barão said:

Major bug report:


Longitudinal weight offset in the dockyard. 1.5


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 99.7


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 88.4


Longitudinal weight offset in the battle. 100.0

ISSUE: Every time I restart the battle, my ship gets an unrealistic, random, high, longitudinal weight offset value in comparison to what is show in the dockyard.

I also noticed this issue in the AI ships.

There is clearly a problem with the values displayed in the design screen and those after saving. I've often had problems with designing and saving a ship, without any warnings, but when I go to build, immediately after designing, I'm told it is overweight. I've seen changes to the weight of several tens of tons.

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9 minutes ago, kjg000 said:

There is clearly a problem with the values displayed in the design screen and those after saving. I've often had problems with designing and saving a ship, without any warnings, but when I go to build, immediately after designing, I'm told it is overweight. I've seen changes to the weight of several tens of tons.

Agreed, seems like post design values of about anything can change, look at my design phase gun reload vs my in battle reload:


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19 minutes ago, Aloeus said:

Shipbuilding bug: 

1902 French dreadnought hull: 



When I move my two forward turrets forward the fore weight offset decreases. 

Seems to be something related to the citadel calculations, moving the front turret forward but the super firing one all the way back results in the smallest fore offset. 

I can also confirm that this happens.

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In a current battle of mine enemy BBs (French 1890) do not open fire, but my ships fire.

Now it is -75% accuracy due the weather and my ships have rangefinders (the first ones of course) and they do not.

So I'm not quite sure if the AI is bugged or if their chance to hit is so bad (they do have veteran crews), that they can't hit me and hence not shoot.


Edited by SiWi
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image.thumb.png.ddc965fe9191d284f9c731221a5dbafd.pngI'd strongly suggest checking out the armor mechanics again, because it seems like it's literally impossible to fully penetrate main belt armor now too. For reference, the guns in this instance are 13 inch guns with max length, shooting at a CA with 9 inches of main belt armor, with a single 1.1 inch inner layer at what's basically point blank. All shots only partial pen, even though the guns are capable of going through 59 inches of armor at this range, while most deck hits seem to act normally.


Edit: Additionally, my 8 inch guns here seem to have stopped aiming/firing again, so that bug is back.

Edited by AdmiralObvious
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Started a 1920 French campaign, love those new main gun models. But the slight tweak of otherwise very light objects like 2 inch guns having a gigantic impact on weight offset, while actualy heavy objects have very little effect, is back and worse then ever. Took forever fiddling with secondary placement just to achieve balance.

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The campaign seems broken to me.

I'm germany Nov 1893 and in war with both France and UK.

But despite losing transport from time to time, despite my fleets at sea and before the enemy, there are simply no battles to fight.



I had one big battle with the French and some skirmishes with single TB, but the UK never seems to fight me.

Also the status of war seem broken.

In top left there is a France VS German war but no UK vs Germany.



After I mange to beat France, the Icon with the Uk vs Germany War appeared and I have 3 battles at once with the RN.

So it seems my campaign at least has fixed itself.

Edited by SiWi
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Please add a way to see the effective armor in the design screen. For example 100mm belt with Iron Armor -22% should be shown as 78mm Belt armor (Optional). Its already done like that in the battles when looking at the penetration h/v window.

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After the peace deal with France I looked at my new port in Tunis and well...


There are still France ships there and I could command them


Edit: and the France keep sending ships to the port. meanwhile when I try to send ships the movement window shows "Kiel".

Edited by SiWi
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I've been collecting bugs for some time, trying to get screenshots.  I apologize in advance if these have been posted already, I haven't been keeping up with the thread.

1:  0% accuracy, persistent.  1.06 update 11.


0% accuracy bug.  No matter how close, my torpedo boats would not hit their targets.  I tried slowing them down with reverse engines, but even at slow speeds they could not hit.  Then suddenly they would have accuracy, for one salvo, and then back to 0%.  This occurred in multiple battles during an 1890 campaign that I ran into 1905.  I have not seen this bug in update 13, but I have not played 1890, either.

2:  Torpedoes firing backwards.  1.06 Update 11


I don't know if this also happens to player controlled ships.  I did not see it but I wasn't always watching the torpedo attacks.  This was happening fairly frequently.  This is again the campaign starting in 1890 that lasted until 1905.

3:  Ships stop responding to steering and speed commands.  All of these are observed under 1.06.  This came about in Update 8.  I have not since seen it repeat.


At the point this shot was taken, the ship has travelled further than its own wake with the turn command issued by right click, without executing said turn.  It will not respond to a right click turn command in any direction.  By manually using the steering slider, the ship will turn, and then resume forward travel when the slider is centered.


At this point, I had forgotten the ship for a while, dealing with the rest of the battle.  The desired speed was set to zero.  When I returned to try to trouble-shoot, the ship had reached zero speed.  After applying max speed in the slider, the ship would not accelerate, nor enter reverse.  It would not accept turn commands.

I discovered a work-around fix by turning on the AI captain - the ship began to move and steer under AI control.  I turned off the AI captain, and from then on during this battle I could control the ship normally.

I have not seen this problem before this instance, and have not seen it since.

Post continued in part 2 since the server is not letting me upload additional screenshots to this post.

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