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Hull modifications + Off Topic

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As the title says, I want to know When will we be able to modify the hull as represented in the official animation on steam??? When will that feature be added? How are the plans for it? Are there plans for it? Why does that animation exist? What does that animation represent? When will hull modifying feature be made? How far has progress on it gone? I would like to modify hulls the way represented in the official anymation.

Edited by Elrerune The Honorbound
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Short answer no. There was a post long ago (before I joined) where the idea was abandoned because the AI had issues with it. 

Also your character icon or whatever it is, they are wearing an SS death head. I hope that was not intentional. 

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On 6/21/2021 at 2:58 PM, madham82 said:

Also your character icon or whatever it is, they are wearing an SS death head. I hope that was not intentional. 

Is that a threat? You obviously dont know what an SS death head looks like. That is a legal artwork by a Japanese anime artist and it looks completely different from the original caps and it has no historical symbols nor resemblance to the historical original. If any of the admins has a problem with my avatar they can address me directly in DM and I can show them the full resolution artwork. But I believe they would not embarrass themselves like that because I trust they have the knowledge and education to know and see the difference. Also you have a wild imagination. If you have some intimate issues with anime art, please keep them to yourself. I hope your provocation was not intentional.

Replica of the original

Artwork that is purely fictitious has no historical symbols

I have no more reason to explain myself to you at your attempt of provocation. Next time go to my DM if you feel brave.

Edited by Elrerune The Honorbound
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The why and what of the animation were discussed here.


I didnt paste the wrong link. It was shut down.

When people questioned the trailer and called it misleading, Nick put out a long response. Im not gonna comment it (some mod here is already keeping an eye on me because of what I'm saying), but this is exactly what he said:


"We have a simple game advertisement which actually shows how the ship solid blocks work in the game (yes this is how we make each different ship model in the game internally, as the video shows). 

These blocks create many combinations of different looking ships that you all currently play. We tried to make the blocks even more configurable for the player, but it could not work out in a convenient way. You would spend 100x more time in the ship designer than actually play a battle. We never promised more than what the game does. Our site, our blog, our forum, videos across the web show exactly what the game is about, and any player has a free will to decide if he likes it and buy it. 

What if the advertisement showed super detailed 3D ships, using a really detailed cinematic sequence that had really nothing to do with the game, as 99% of all game advertisements are? Would you not be manipulated then? So, please think if you want to continue the negativity. This forum is friendly and we want to keep it friendly for those people who not only respect each other but also respect the developers of this game."


Analyse it yourself.

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Elrerune The Honorbound said:

Couldn't care less anymore I dropped this shit game and deleted it.

Then why are you still here and still commenting and complaining in this forum, both here and in other threads? Go spend your time doing something else.

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Oh great, another anime ship waifu who can derail discussion and hasn't read any of the sources. While they can't articulate why Dogger Bank lead to the ammunition handling process that doomed the battlecruisers at Jutland, they sure can tell us which ships need to be "buffed" (whatever that means) and of course, which ships are the prettiest. 

Good grief. 

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On 7/18/2021 at 2:21 AM, Speglord said:

Then why are you still here and still commenting and complaining in this forum, both here and in other threads? Go spend your time doing something else.

Because I can.


On 7/18/2021 at 5:58 PM, SonicB said:

Well, I for one did Nazi that coming.

Proud of my worldview. Take your oppressive and fabricated history and dont bother teaching it to me.


20 hours ago, DougToss said:

Oh great, another anime ship waifu who can derail discussion and hasn't read any of the sources. While they can't articulate why Dogger Bank lead to the ammunition handling process that doomed the battlecruisers at Jutland, they sure can tell us which ships need to be "buffed" (whatever that means) and of course, which ships are the prettiest. 

Good grief. 

What in gods name are you talking about again with some anti german brainwashing propaganda? Germans wont the battle of Jutland. And this is my thread. a re you going to try and teach me your fabricate history again and tell me how every single german pilot sailor and soldier was a murderer? I dont care about such fake history fabricated after ww2 and brainwashing of modern people into believing stereotypical nonsence. So in your logic when germans win a battle its murder, but when british did war crimes such as Bleiburg then its ok?



What is going on on this forum? You people keep bashing at anyone who has a different worldview. You really need to get off your high horse. 

Edited by Elrerune The Honorbound
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56 minutes ago, DougToss said:

"Knows nothing about naval warfare"

Germans won the battle of Jutland.


56 minutes ago, DougToss said:

"a different worldview"



56 minutes ago, DougToss said:

"National Socialism"

Just because you deliberately misrepresent my viewpoint doesn't mean I will take it back.


56 minutes ago, DougToss said:

Stop wasting my time and follow your leader.

That is very Reddit of you, going through someones posts because you were angry at them.

Edited by Elrerune The Honorbound
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Oh the Germans won? Did they break the blockade? No? 

Did they sortie out to contest the North Sea blockade against the Royal Navy again? No?

Did that cause the High Seas Fleet to mutiny at Kiel? Yes.

Did Germany surrender because the blockade held? Yes.

Whose fleet was scuttled at Scapa Flow? 

The Germans could only have won at Jutland by ending the blockade. Sinking ships literally made no material difference to the outcome of the war. The mission of any Navy, ultimately is the preservation of the nation state. For nations under blockade, that means the only thing that matters is opening that lifeline. 

Battles and operations are conducted with the intent to further that strategic outcome. The point of a battle is to help decide it in some way. The German Navy was in the same position after Jutland as they were the day before, no closer to breaking blockade. No closer to putting bread on German tables. People cannot eat 3 sunken battlecruisers. The Germans could not contest control of the seas against the Royal Navy globally, they could not even break a blockade of Germany. What then, did they accomplish? 

The country that starved, then surrendered, and in the end had every single warship either sunk to the bottom or flying another nation's colours lost.



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So this thread went way off topic from the original post/question (though the original question was answered rather quickly, I suppose).

May I suggest the "Historical and Maritime Discussion" section for continued discussion of/debate over The Battle of Jutland? I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what the "Historical and Maritime Discussion" section is for...right? Just a friendly suggestion.

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@SkeksisThe strategic win is always more valuable than the tactical, since the germans failed to achieve their objectives, no they lost the battle regardless if they wiped out the british navy to one ship if they failed to acheive their main goals (which they did) then they lost. Thats how you determine a win for either side which side managed to achieve their objectives or who achieved most of their objectives and then who won the strategic value.

if the germans won they would of sortied again and pushed the royal navy further out, so doug is correct in what he is saying.

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1 hour ago, Cptbarney said:

@SkeksisThe strategic win is always more valuable than the tactical, since the germans failed to achieve their objectives, no they lost the battle regardless if they wiped out the british navy to one ship if they failed to acheive their main goals (which they did) then they lost. Thats how you determine a win for either side which side managed to achieve their objectives or who achieved most of their objectives and then who won the strategic value.

if the germans won they would of sortied again and pushed the royal navy further out, so doug is correct in what he is saying.

Don't get me wrong but both sides won at Jutland. Tactical victory for the germans and strategic victory for the British. The british maintained the status quo and the Germans managed to hurt the british pride. Simple as that. I don't understand how is possible to ignore the facts on this matter when there is so much information about this matter that to defend only one side makes me believe that many persons here are biased towards one side.

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