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Single or Multiple Characters per account ?

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We are embracing the no levels and no forced specialization vision.


To avoid alts and spying you will only be allowed 1 nation on your steam account.

We currently provide 3 slots for characters in the open world, but this could be limited to one as there is basically no need to have a second account (except for economy slots) or for piracy. 

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I would like to see some flexibility on which nation you are tied to.


Ideally at certain points of the game you could choose to move your account to a different allegiance. The reasoning is that perhaps one set of friends stop playing and you wish to join a new set of friends.


Perhaps the powerplay is so strong with one nation you wish to support the underdog, or perhaps you are so fed up of being overpowered in nation play you want to join the stronger nation.


Many more reasons for this but at some point it would make sense to have a window of opportunity to move all of your characters en masse to a different allegiance.


I would say have multiple characters per account, but they are all restricted to a single nation (Cross teaming is the bane of many games). Perhaps make the additional characters a premium purchase at a reasonable value.


Whilst it is physically possible to have more than 1 account on Steam, or loaning out your account to a buddy, I feel that multi accounting this way opens up cross nation abuse.

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We are embracing the no levels and no forced specialization vision.


To avoid alts and spying you will only be allowed 1 nation on your steam account.

We currently provide 3 slots for characters in the open world, but this could be limited to one as there is basically no need to have a second account (except for economy slots) or for piracy. 




If you stick to the one nation steam accounts then it takes away the only genuine reason to have 'Alt' characters; playing with friends in different nations. Which is better for the game as it stops players or groups batting for both sides.

Without levels and specialisation there is absolutely no reason for 'Alts' as any character can perform any role, in any ship, set-up any way. They'll just do better or worse depending on the combinations.


Great calls in my opinion.

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I think it is note worthy to point out that steam will not limit multiple accounts, and that many players have purchased multiple keys for personal use.

In no place have I seen it posted yet that "a person may not use 2 game keys".

It's been hinted "we don't think steam will allow it", but yet it has not been said "we won't allow it".

The distinction is important, and noted.

Edited by Grim DeGrim
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@admin: will there be a possibility to play as privateers for hire, which can work for different nations? especially to balance the at the moment most weak nations?


lets say my guild wants to help france at the start of the game because the have the lowest population. but after a couple of months suddenly the nations becomes a zerg trough a new player influx and over time it becomes a powerhouse on their own. so we would like to switch to spain, which have huge problems and had a lot of players ragequit the game, but we cant, because we sunk to many spanish ships.


also how to cope with yo-yo effect when a nation starts getting better, it will attract returning players and winteam joiners bloating up the nation?

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I'm fine with one or two characters per account as I generally focus on one main character anyway. The only time I've created a second character in other games was out of boredom when the first was maxed out, but even then I focused primarily on the main character.

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We are embracing the no levels and no forced specialization vision.


To avoid alts and spying you will only be allowed 1 nation on your steam account.

We currently provide 3 slots for characters in the open world, but this could be limited to one as there is basically no need to have a second account (except for economy slots) or for piracy. 

I really like that!


I was getting worried while reading the comments in this thread that I might have missed something, but that is exactly how I envisaged Naval Action to be.

Although I expect I will mostly be a Privateer, I will still want to be able to do some cargo hauling now and again, I enjoy being the prey sometimes too. So I am really glad to hear there’s no forced specialisation other than the investment in the tools for the job. I also like to create characters (RP) so the extra slots would be useful for me In that sense too but not essential.


I have a good French friend who I told to buy the game just before pre-orders stopped but was too slow so I have been torturing him about it ever since :lol:. I do agree with the one nation rule even though it means I’m not sure how I will end up playing with him as I’m not one for joining with those dastardly Frogs and obviously the British have standards too high to accept his kind, so I was thinking about joining a neutral nation or be a pirate. Reading your mention of turning pirate i was wondering if this meant I could be a British pirate and play with him as a pirate, but also have a loyal British character and fight against him? I’m not necessarily advocating this idea, just wondering if you have decided whether it will be possible?

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Not sure this would happen but... what if the majority of people say pick the French to play as. Then we have very little competition and everybody is allied. With an Alternate slot at least you could move to another side and play as the underdogs without having to give up the side you originally wanted to play. I'm sure there is a lot of people out there that only want to play a certain side.


I don't really think this will be an issue but just a thought. If you are bound to a side what happens if that side is overpowered?


again I really don't have a preference either way.

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We are embracing the no levels and no forced specialization vision.


To avoid alts and spying you will only be allowed 1 nation on your steam account.

We currently provide 3 slots for characters in the open world, but this could be limited to one as there is basically no need to have a second account (except for economy slots) or for piracy.


Please reconsider.


You can always increase the number of slots when it is better for gameplay. Decreasing the number of slots will cause a riot. So, please start with only 1 slot and see how it goes before increasing the number.



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Yeah I like one as well. I never liked how alts let people meta things.


Honestly id like it to go even further with some attempt to restrict people to a single account. I understand some people have bought multiple keys, some sort of compensation could be worked out (converting it into the equivalent in the games currency or something)


I know a lot of people like multiple characters and stuff, but it can really be damaging to a game that tries to be serious about factions and competition between them in an environment like this. I also know its impossible to fully stop it even if you put in extra steps, but at least the official stance of it being discouraged and against the rules would go a long way in mitigating it.


Do we really want massive NBSI domination everywhere because 'omg spies' when we could comfortably be living in a cozy world where (respectable) people only attack their confirmed enemies? - that is of course more realistic as well

Edited by Elysion
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Maybe not erase them... instead, make a character you don't want to play any more live on as a NPC. I think it could become a goal all by itself: raising a character only to set it free and see how it continues its life on its own. I bet some players would give 'their offspring' a lot of thought and a good amount of funds to give it the best chances of success on its own. It would provide a very nice backdrop for the world and is both a fun gameplay idea and innovative.




This is a great idea!! 


would be neat to come into a battle and see your former self battling it out!! I would feel so proud 8)

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1 character per account but I will have multiple accounts. This is smart on NA's part as I'll need to buy multiple copies but can be hard on players who like to try out lots of ways to play. I'll be fine with buying 3 copies of the game but will everyone else? We will see what NA does but I'll be happy with whatever their choice is.

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I've never given this much thought before and I'm not sure what the rules game developers have to follow with regards to this are but couldn't GL just track IP addresses for every account and add a section on every players profile page that lists any other accounts that have recently been accessed from the same IP?


So two brothers' accounts from the same household, using the same connection, would show up in each others 'linked' players section on their profile. This would make it even harder for players to 'spy' on another group without them knowing.


...Just an idea, I'm aware there are workarounds like proxys or just using another internet connection for separate accounts but that is a lot of hassle to go through and at the very least it's another discouraging step players would have to take.

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I don’t see how having multiple character slots (restricted to a nation) will add to spying, as long as the account it is associated with isn’t hidden. Having multiple account slots could, but that’s a different issue.


Personally I see extra characters as simply taking a role of another captain. Even if you have a captain thats there to specifically stay in America to let you "teleport" there in emergencies, all I see that as is posting a ship there to patrol those waters and taking on the role of that captain when he sees action. Is that so unrealistic?

Hethwill_Khan Mentioned "one character, one life earlier" That’s a philosophy I completely disagree with when it comes to gaming. For me the whole point is to live different lives.


I’d stick with a one account rule though, I’d prefer you to sell character slots than accounts if you want to make money from it.

Edited by Xander Tyrann
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I don’t see how having multiple character slots (restricted to a nation) will add to spying, as long as the account it is associated with isn’t hidden. Having multiple account slots could, but that’s a different issue.


If I'm playing as a merchant as one character and join a small convoy, I would assume I'll be privy to the destination, number in escort, relative strength of the group etc. Then I can log off with that character, position myself to intercept with my second account knowing what I need to be successful. This is how in it's simplest form, I'm sure there would be plenty of elaborate ways people will come up with to benefit having two separate playable characters.


They aren't game breaking but given what the devs have stated earlier in this thread there are no benefits other than being in two places at any one time, something that probably shouldn't be possible (IMO).

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If I'm playing as a merchant as one character and join a small convoy, I would assume I'll be privy to the destination, number in escort, relative strength of the group etc. Then I can log off with that character, position myself to intercept with my second account knowing what I need to be successful. This is how in it's simplest form, I'm sure there would be plenty of elaborate ways people will come up with to benefit having two separate playable characters.


They aren't game breaking but given what the devs have stated earlier in this thread there are no benefits other than being in two places at any one time, something that probably shouldn't be possible (IMO).

Thats why i asked about turning pirate in a previous post, this isnt really an issue if pirates are a dedicated nation and you are nation locked , but it will be an issue if you can have a pirate character and loyal character. This can also be resolved by making infamy account based rather than character based. Or maybe through some way i havent thought of. 

As i said, personally i like multiple characters even if its just for RP, though to me thats a minor issue compared to gameplay. I also wonder if being able to station ships would actually have a positive effect on game balance by having more ships in the world, this will all need testing i would expect.  Personally i would start testing with multiple characters and then remove them later in the test if they are being exploited. I dont see how it would cause more of a riot than a standard character whipe which i expect to see a lot?

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If I'm playing as a merchant as one character and join a small convoy, I would assume I'll be privy to the destination, number in escort, relative strength of the group etc. Then I can log off with that character, position myself to intercept with my second account knowing what I need to be successful. This is how in it's simplest form, I'm sure there would be plenty of elaborate ways people will come up with to benefit having two separate playable characters.

They aren't game breaking but given what the devs have stated earlier in this thread there are no benefits other than being in two places at any one time, something that probably shouldn't be possible (IMO).

Nothing is known yet about how stuff works when you log off. So, it is quite an assumption to think that your ship will continue sailing if you are logged off.

Thats why i asked about turning pirate in a previous post, this isnt really an issue if pirates are a dedicated nation and you are nation locked , (...)

Admin has made clear that there will be no pirate nation. If you turn pirate, you abandon your nation and its benefits.

In effect, piracy will become lone wolf gameplay. If you want to organize yourself, you will have to become a player controlled nation or organization (details are unclear) and be at war with everybody.


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A pirate would just be a player shunned by every nation (A privateer would be shunned by all but one nation), having to find 'dirty' ports to buy/sell/repair.


Without second characters is there any real reason to lock any player to a nation permanently?


We know there will be no levels as such but you have to assume there will be a rank system within each nations navy. Moving from one to the other should clear any progression made and start you on the bottom run of the ladder with the new navy you join. As lower ranked players shouldn't be privy to the sort of game changing information that would justify switching nations, it would mean anyone jumping ship with valuable information on his previous nation could only do so at a cost significant progression loss.


There might well be other consequences though, I've not though a lot about it.


Nothing is known yet about how stuff works when you log off. So, it is quite an assumption to think that your ship will continue sailing if you are logged off.


I never stipulated that but it won't make any difference really. The convoy continues on course, you intercept with or without you're 'alt' in the convoy.

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I envision pirate hordes. This is sandbox. Though folks dislike the comparison, I'll is eve: ever travel through low sec? All those red flashy characters... PIRATES!

Off topic a bit... As we're discussing multi accounts / characters. Just wanted to point out that I don't believe isolation for becoming a pirate will be am issue... Though a game mechanic that could make it happen is the inability to group up if in a "pirate" status.... THEN they'd be isolated.

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As mentioned, people will simply buy two or more accounts to get around any issues or barriers to spying.  Is there any way to stop that?  IP addresses float.  People have two computers in a room, for different players (I do, for me and my son, though he plays Super Tuxcart currently, lol...).  There is no way to resolve this, but please correct me if I am wrong.

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As mentioned, people will simply buy two or more accounts to get around any issues or barriers to spying.  Is there any way to stop that?  IP addresses float.  People have two computers in a room, for different players (I do, for me and my son, though he plays Super Tuxcart currently, lol...).  There is no way to resolve this, but please correct me if I am wrong.


True, but limiting to one player per account makes it difficult for people to do it casually and has the added benefit of making GL more money for development if people do want to do it.

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 IP addresses float.  People have two computers in a room, for different players (I do, for me and my son, though he plays Super Tuxcart currently, lol...).  There is no way to resolve this, but please correct me if I am wrong.


I think you're mistaking Public and Private IP address. A public IP is the same for any device using the same connection, usually plugged into your router. Private IP addresses are given by the router in your home and will change for every device connected to it.


As far as I'm aware this is true for every 'civilian' home connection in most countries but I may be wrong. Certainly in the majority of countries NA's demographic come from anyway.


This means that in order to get around it you would need to have 2 separate connections from your ISP or have some kind of specialised business account with multiple public IP's (or be some kind of hacker-ninja :ph34r: ). It would take effort or a unique set-up to work around.


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I envision pirate hordes. This is sandbox. Though folks dislike the comparison, I'll is eve: ever travel through low sec? All those red flashy characters... PIRATES!

Off topic a bit... As we're discussing multi accounts / characters. Just wanted to point out that I don't believe isolation for becoming a pirate will be am issue... Though a game mechanic that could make it happen is the inability to group up if in a "pirate" status.... THEN they'd be isolated.

If pirates are not allowed to use anything but neutral ports, and ports are capturable by nations, then pirates are gonna run out of places to hang out pretty fast. The 'starting' configuration of the game will to my understanding start with a few main home-ports nation owned and the majority of the world being neutral, so i imagine some neutral places will stay neutral, depending on how they want to work it. They could have totally npc factions slowly try to recover lost area as well, attacking places with npc fleets.


The low sec pirates work in eve because the lack of policing, however in this game its already been stated that naval players and privateers will have mechanics which reward them for various methods of 'policing' such as escorting traders and such, so i expect players belonging to a naval profession will actively be rewarded for defeating people seen as 'enemies' of their nation. This means not only enemy nations, but pirates, who are enemies of all nations.


So the comparison would be more, imagine it like low sec eve, but where the main money making activity of the combat-oriented players is pretending to be concord.


Since factional conflict will probably be fairly constant in some places or another, i dont really see someone whos made their home in the more contested areas (low equivalent of low sec) not hunting down anyone who earns them potential advancement or which they can safely take as a prize with out breaking the rules set out to keep them in good light with their own nation (no attacking allies)


So essentially, most/all of the game being like low sec in eve, not high sec, the difference being you can only dock at friendly ports, and to stay friendly with someone you have to pick a nation to affiliate with and can only attack who they say you can else you get kicked out, become a pirate, have no safe ports, and everyone wants to kill you to get promoted.

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