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A suggestion for a simple RvR switch

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So i've been meaning to write this up for a few weeks at least now and never got around to doing so, since i spoke with a fellow clan member about this idea i have heard from others and everyone seems to agree with the idea (apologies if it already been suggested)


The current set up for RvR is making it very difficult for smaller clans/nations to get involved, currently the only nations able to field Port Battle fleets and screeners are the dutch and Russian's this is due to the high BR needed to fill the port battle, and i know its already been mentioned before which i not going into. What i'm writing on here and suggesting is that you switch it from its current state of having to attack the Capital Ports first, which then enables you to attack the county ports, to attacking the County ports first, owning all of them which will enable you to attack the capital port. 


Here are the reason's i believe this will make RvR better, 

- Smaller clans and nations should be able to field enough people for a 10,000 BR port battle

- Your take it to only being able to attack the 60 capital ports to many more smaller county ports

- You can easily arrange a pointless Port battle just for fun

- County port battles will become meaningful, instead of empty port battles

-Your plan of having A strategy  to take ports will become much more exciting


I'm sure others will find other reasons why this will work, but with its current state i believe this really is worth a try, and before people say with more numbers the current system will be fine, its something thats always been said. The issue is even when there has been port battle's. once the capital is lost the county port battles are empty, switching the current system will make county port battles worth fighting in. 


I do have a couple of another idea's to add onto this to make RvR even more exciting but lets see what people think of this idea and also what the devs think.


I must add this is just my opinion and am writing this port to help the game out, not to say any negativity about the game as iv'e been suspended on the forum before due to stating my opinion.

I look forward to hearing people's opinions on this idea




Edited by Hammy
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1 minute ago, Despe said:

it is a very interesting idea, i think that RvR mech is too much with 20k BR, and this is probably RvR is dead.

Correct, its why making this change and letting us hit 10,000 BR ports first could show that if the BR is correct people will set up Port battles


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57 minutes ago, rediii said:

So a port with 4 minor ports will have the timers:





How long will it take a nation to be able to attack that county capital? :P 

And? Whats the problem ? :P 

Then you just need some time to CONQUER a Port and the defending nation has also time to react with a good defensive strategy/making alliances and so on...

Taking a Capital should be a matter of week(s) and not of 2 days like it is now

Edited by Sir Max Magic
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14 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

This is only one of the issues. 

It is plain unreasonable to ask as many reals for the timer as the county capital. It should be 1/5 of its current cost. 


Exactly, just lower the cost of timers for county ports


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Hammy's idea is good and changes need/should  be made when it comes to RVR. But i'm afraid that even that wouldn't be enough for low popularity nations to actively participate in rvr and that because despite how much the BR  of a port is you still need a screen fleet , you still need allies with who you have to corporate in order to achieve smt (i repeat i'm referring to small population nation ). That's why i would suggest the implementation  of a some kind of alliance system. I know that something like that was done before without really working but i was thinking smt like smaller nation according to the ports they own to be able to make an alliance with just one nation and of course on the other hand top 3 port owners not having that ability. I know people might say that you may achieve that by just come to a mutual understanding without having such system but we all know that some pvp among possible allies on open world can create misunderstandings which can escalate not to mention the fact that ppl who organize the rvr do not want to spend time doing the referee or judge .

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How a Polish 10-men clan will conquer more ports that way ? Any major RvR nation will still screen them before entering the port battle, i don't think this would create more RvR at all.

Who would really attack a useless small russian port for exemple ? And why doing so ? And doing so would expose the whole nation to a backlash so..

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Another way would be to remove the priorities between county capitals and related ports.

But this means that all crafting developed ports will become vulnerable. And none of them are fortified (at the contrary than real life).

So OK, but this is a complete redo of port development rules and of RVR.

With such a system, each nation should be allowed to attack a limited quantity of ports, in the same list whatever the port in which you are taking hostility missions. Otherwise, it would be too easy to attack one port, jump 4 and attack another one, jump 4 again for the next atttack, etc. 

This should raise again the question of setting hostility from a free port. And with such rules,  the answer should clearly be NO, unless a nation has not a single port.

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12 minutes ago, Aquillas said:

But this means that all crafting developed ports will become vulnerable. And none of them are fortified (at the contrary than real life)

like timer for all the region instead of single port, devs can change fortification to all region instead for single ports.

for example santo domingo region can build 4 forts,10 towers and 15 coastal batteries (unfortified, just guns on the shore). players can choose which port can be fortified or not, consuming ''defensive points'' and not investment points. some regions can have more defensive point than others due to geografic landscape.

florida coastline, for example, can have more defensive points than maracaibo gulf due to natural land defences of maracaibo lake...

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8 hours ago, rediii said:

might aswell remove rvr completly then

@rediii, dont understand why the suggestion of OP would remove RvR ?

I think, it would be contrary:

Think about, then also Port Battles with lower BR would be mandatory to get to the Capital...and those lower BR Battles put much easier to fill for smaller clans/nations, then fielding a 25 1st rate Port Battle Fleet...

So in the end, i would say, we would see MORE RvR :) 

Edited by Sir Max Magic
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