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New search and hunt missions... really?

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So I just sailed out of KPR all the way to Tumbardo...  from there all the way to Puerto Escondito... not to miss out sailed by La Navasse to hunt 5th rates... How many did you think I encountered that where alone or a 2 fleet... 0 !!! In this time I watched a movie, ate a pizza etc... Naval Action? Where is the Action in the new system... 

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10 minutes ago, John Hood said:

So I just sailed out of KPR all the way to Tumbardo...  from there all the way to Puerto Escondito... not to miss out sailed by La Navasse to hunt 5th rates... How many did you think I encountered that where alone or a 2 fleet... 0 !!! In this time I watched a movie, ate a pizza etc... Naval Action? Where is the Action in the new system... 

Maybe you missed them while you were watching a movie and eating your pizza?.

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Just now, Ra Mhotep said:

Maybe you missed them while you were watching a movie and eating your pizza?.

3 monitor setup so no and the game was the center screen I mean there where ships like a 10 wasa fleet.. etc  and I am not the only one experiencing it... I talked to a few people that said except for the hard core pvp people its no longer playable

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12 minutes ago, John Hood said:

I lost 2 ships today trying to to the search and hunt missions far off... somebody else I know lost 3... its just no longer playable for casual people...

I am casual nowdays, difference is i learned the game. I think issue is that you are all used to just finding all you need right outside capital?, the ships are out there. You just to learn where to find them.


And don't go look for them in areas that have a frequent player activity, like outside capital waters, near patrol zones or free towns. Rather big map out there i'm sure you will find a good spot for your hunting if you give it some time and effort.

Edited by Ra Mhotep
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Perhaps this will help. 


Also consider going to less-populated areas where the AI hasn't been hunted as heavily (sometimes the AI you see in one region spawned far away and it takes a while for it to reach that area.

I see 1-12 ship frigate fleets all the time where I sail. Easy PvE farming.

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I mean hunting for a specific ship, alone.

One may see a lot of lone ships but may well not be the intended target, model or rate.

So, engage the small fleets, go out with a buddy and share missions attacking the small fleets.

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3 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

:) that's a lot to ask for.

But a nice frigate, equipped and commanded by a player should be able to cope with the challenge of fight 3 - 4 AI.


3-4?  I'm really pushing my limit taking on 2 similar AI ships, and get it done in 90 minutes.  And to do 2 at once I have to waste a bunch of hull repairs and occasionally lose a ship.


Edited by Barbancourt
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1 hour ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

:) that's a lot to ask for.

But a nice frigate, equipped and commanded by a player should be able to cope with the challenge of fight 3 - 4 AI.


Would love to see a video of you doing that, please. Since you say it's no problem. 

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1 hour ago, Draymoor said:

Would love to see a video of you doing that, please. Since you say it's no problem. 

I said it is a challenge not no problem, but I sail a lot and end up doing progress in a few missions, by NPC and PvP kills count, so eventually they are fulfilled and i can reap the extra rewards.

Actually did it yesterday, Lost a captured Diana but managed to board the last AI, a Renomee, so 3 NPC sunk ( Essex, Cerb and Renomee ) and 1 player ship sunk, my Diana. Got to escape the battle in a capture NPC renomee. It is okay can perfectly live with that.

I manage my expectations, but sorry for sharing them. Seems i aspire to just enjoy the game without any higher purpose other than experiencing naval action in the grand age of sail. if it is pvp it is, if it comes to just attack a NPC and hear the guns roar, sure thing.

I lose a lot of ships btw, not all missions are a success.

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4 hours ago, Wind said:

Nothing changed my friend. Their system can't produce enough NPCs to fill NA massive world. Come play bfv

Sounds awesome... we have an ai system in the backend... that can not handle what we do in the frontend... but hey lets do it anyhow LOL What is BFV? So far my alternative is World of Warships but I really liked the Age of Sail stuff... I might actually fire up an XP VM and play the old talon soft age of sail... its sad but it for sure has more action LOL

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8 hours ago, John Hood said:

So I just sailed out of KPR all the way to Tumbardo...  from there all the way to Puerto Escondito... not to miss out sailed by La Navasse to hunt 5th rates... How many did you think I encountered that where alone or a 2 fleet... 0 !!! In this time I watched a movie, ate a pizza etc... Naval Action? Where is the Action in the new system... 

I will help you ONE time but after this you should figure it out yourself. Like our ancestors hunters were moving and looking for places were targets were. Britain did not become an empire by sitting on the island. Move out but move out to the right places. 

Tumbado - horrible place to hunt 5th rates - Yucatan is a 1-3rd rate region.
La Navasse - horrible place to hunt 5th rates -  Hispaniola is a 1-3rd rate region
West Cuba - Escondido - is a ok place - but you have to actually sail along the coast of west cuba finding targets, just sailing to escondido does not cut it you have to find routes. 

There is a plenty of 5th rate regions and some of them have great concentration of ports providing amazing hunting spots. Most of them are sailing on fixed routes. 

you should sail more and actually make notes in your journal spotting places where see have good concentration of ships.

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5 minutes ago, John Hood said:

we have an ai system in the backend... that can not handle what we do in the frontend... but hey lets do it anyhow LOL W

Do not listen to wind's BS (he is a known toxic hater) - there is 1500+ NPC fleets on the map and unlimited number in kill missions. You just have to find them once and move there. Sometimes you won't even need to sail far from port as some places have a lot of ports nearby so you always find targets.  Virgin islands is one of such places. 

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9 minutes ago, admin said:

Do not listen to wind's BS (he is a known toxic hater) - there is 1500+ NPC fleets on the map and unlimited number in kill missions. You just have to find them once and move there. Sometimes you won't even need to sail far from port as some places have a lot of ports nearby so you always find targets.  Virgin islands is one of such places. 

Well here is the frustrating part I now sailed from KPR in any direction possible... as far as 4 to 5 sailing days and nothing... can you see why this is a frustrating experience? And if I find actually something it is either a first or second rate and mostly fleets of like 10 ships... So to me this new mission system is highly frustrating... and of cause I lost 2 ships on my 2nd day back because of it... they where ships that where build before the patch to do missions so slow but tanky...  so a herc had of cause easy game with them (besides that the AI for fleet ships is simply not usefull...) 

Maybe highlight where you find ships for your hunt and search missions on the map so people at least know a general region... and also since we travel further bring back that you showing at least the region that you are in...

There are things I really like about the patch like the doublons have the potential to equal the pvp playing field because everybody can get them etc... but also the new mission and crafting stuff is simply a pain... and that I also never saw so little action in this game is very frustrating...

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2 hours ago, John Hood said:

One suggestion that would make life easier especially for new players... why dont you see if you can add a couple of ai ships and make them go to areas like before the patch at least then there was always at least something to find...

Or why don't you see if you can actually do what people are suggesting, you are completely ignoring everything people are advising you. Instead of going out looking you asking devs to place the ships at your feet.

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9 minutes ago, Holm Hansen said:

Wo sind die fünfte Rate Jagd- und Suchmissionen? Ich finde sie nicht mehr. Nicht einmal in Häfen, wo sie vorher waren . Nur von der 4. Rate bis zur 1. Rate in allen Regionen. Ausnahme Bahamas mit 7. bis 6. Platz. Gibt es Spieler abhängig?

OK look at the list @William Deathhas posted. !!!!

You find frigates from Guanica - roseau ( Upper + Central Antilles), from El-Toco to Cojoro (South America),

from Georgetown - San Augustin (Atlantic coast), from Pinar del Rio to La Habana (Attention Reinforcement Zone from the Dons 🙂 )


You just have to start  form your outposts (new) 


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2 minutes ago, Wilhelm von Seydlitz said:

OK look at the list @William Deathhas posted. !!!!

You find frigates from Guanica - roseau ( Upper + Central Antilles), from El-Toco to Cojoro (South America),

from Georgetown - San Augustin (Atlantic coast), from Pinar del Rio to La Habana (Attention Reinforcement Zone from the Dons 🙂 )


You just have to start  form your outposts (new) 


Sorry but i search for mission, not for targets. Targets are in Basse Terre enough, but i find nowhere missions for them. 

Regardless of what status this port have (Capital, Freetown, County Capital or other). This only changes the rates of the kill missions.  On the first days after the patch was that no problem ro find them, but they are disappeared.

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3 minutes ago, Holm Hansen said:

Sorry, aber ich suche nach Mission, nicht nach Zielen. Ziele sind in Basse Terre genug, aber ich finde keine Missionen für sie. 

Unabhängig davon, welchen Status dieser Hafen hat (Capital, Freetown, County Capital oder andere). Dies ändert nur die Geschwindigkeit der Kill-Missionen . An den ersten Tagen nach dem Patch war das Problem kein Problem, aber sie sind verschwunden.

Ah OK, then I did not understand you correctly. 

I was in Guayaguayare right now and there were a few missions. I do not know what happens when they are finished

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10 minutes ago, Holm Hansen said:

Sorry but i search for mission, not for targets. Targets are in Basse Terre enough, but i find nowhere missions for them. 

Regardless of what status this port have (Capital, Freetown, County Capital or other). This only changes the rates of the kill missions.  On the first days after the patch was that no problem ro find them, but they are disappeared.

I hope this is what you were searching for. Click "admin replied to a topic" to view the post, click the post to view the whole thread.

Edited by Palatinose
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