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I know the carro meta is useless mate I just enjoy them.  I use them on connie so my 24s get the all the charge for bottom section sniping. Surprise is the only ship I use carros on and why not?  90 percent of players realize it only when it's to late. 

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8 minutes ago, rediii said:

I didnt say im better either. Just like to troll you a bit. :P

We have just different oppinions. I dont only see multiple repairs. Before it you didnt do any damage to ships. Only effective way to sink someone in a matter of 10 min was to stick on his side which isnt pretty hwrd to do. Now you can nuke someone if he made a mistake, before he had plenty of time to correct it.

I can't blame you, Im the biggest can't on global. 

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12 minutes ago, admin said:

I guess this is a topic on game uninstalls.

I recently uninstalled dark souls 3, needed space on xbox for elite to get ideas for some mission content. 

Most people uninstalling naval action are not doing it for 2gbs of space. I gave you my reasons why and it would be nice if you took feedback from your community serious. I wanted to give more detailed feedback but by your reply I was correct in assuming you don't care anyway. 

Edited by HachiRoku
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1 hour ago, rediii said:

More tactic involved now than most can handle I guess

 How about you tag someone inside a Reinforcement Zone just for fun, and the other guy accepts the challenge (he thinks he can beat you, he's confident and have bigger ship), the battle goes on and you kick his ass, he's done no way out... then he calls the Reinforcements. He was a good tactician, no? I see some similarities with multiple repairs.

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1 hour ago, rediii said:

So you compare a onesided mechanic with a mechanic both can use.

Great start. I dont even know whats compareable between these 2 mechanics lol.


If you kick his ass the whole time bht fail to finish him and he wins due to repairs you are just worse than him and made the mistake to not finish this guy lol

 I almost finished him but he called the Reinforcements, had to run badly damaged.

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3 hours ago, rediii said:

More tactic involved now than most can handle I guess

For once rediii I completely disagree.. 1 repair make repairs a tactical choice that severely punishes someone for repairing too early or too late. Multirepairs makes mistakes less costly. I do however believe that the devs has/are striking a balance between repair cd and tactical choices.. I do however believe it should be harder to demast, but impossible to rebuild a mast.

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2 hours ago, admin said:

I guess this is a topic on game uninstalls.

I recently uninstalled dark souls 3, needed space on xbox for elite to get ideas for some mission content. 

hope you still have some ds you can play available though :)

Elite has this thing where you can see who has visited the port in last 24h... might be kinda fun feature....

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11 minutes ago, Bearwall said:

For once rediii I completely disagree.. 1 repair make repairs a tactical choice that severely punishes someone for repairing too early or too late. Multirepairs makes mistakes less costly. I do however believe that the devs has/are striking a balance between repair cd and tactical choices.. I do however believe it should be harder to demast, but impossible to rebuild a mast.

Masts top and middle section thickness is good. I believe the top section need 100%hp buff so you need 4 hits instead of 2. Middle section HP needs a 30-50% HP buff so it's 5-6 hits instead of 4.  Bottom Sections need a thickness Nerf of something around 10-20% but a HP increase of 30-50%. (Connie Vs Connie with 24s used as an example. Charged shot should be done away with then. I don't really get why it was ever added.  24s can't even demast bottom sections of Connie without charged shot . That's kind of BS.... It's very hard to get right. 

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19 minutes ago, rediii said:

has nothing to do with repairs lol. :D 

 I'll give another example so you can laugh more , since you find it funny. I don't know if he still remembers but some months ago, before Reinforcements Zone patch, Palatinose jumped a british mission, I was near saw that and jumped too to help the poor bugger (I was still brit in that time). I engaged Pala and the brit escaped unarmed. I knew had poor chances of sucess because he was sailing a pirate frigate and I in a surprise, at some point happened what I was fearing, he demasted my top main mast.

 You know why I slipped through his fingers in the end? I had plenty rig repairs, the mast by miracle grow up and I sailed upwind away from him. He tried to demast again but was too late, I was already gone. You think was fair to him?

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19 minutes ago, Lord Bomgordel said:

I hello kittying knew it hahahah, and I 100% agree. Devs need to get their heads out of their asses.

I had a great fight but in the end it was 3 wasa Vs a vic. I demasted 8masts and had a shit ton of hull hits. There wasn't a point in it because they just repaired....  You can't focus on sinking 1 at a time when 2 are raking so you need to make them combat ineffective asap.  Impossible to do since repair is op as hello kitty and the fact that a wasa with 40% sail has a better sailing profile than a victory.  

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So in short HachiRoku quit because of these very important reasons.

-Repair abuse

-Speed Meta abuse.

-Lack of real players. 


And I agree with all three.   The Repair thing is good and bad, it can be tweaked further, but the replacing masts in battle is just stupid.   It takes HOURS to replace a sail, and possibly a day to replace a mast and you cant be at sea to do it. 

The speed issue is retarded.  Every ship limited to the same top speed, sorry but I am so over that shat.

The low population numbers on either of the two PVP servers is a joke, just merge the damned things.

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8 minutes ago, Hodo said:

So in short HachiRoku quit because of these very important reasons.

-Repair abuse

-Speed Meta abuse.

-Lack of real players. 


And I agree with all three.   The Repair thing is good and bad, it can be tweaked further, but the replacing masts in battle is just stupid.   It takes HOURS to replace a sail, and possibly a day to replace a mast and you cant be at sea to do it. 

The speed issue is retarded.  Every ship limited to the same top speed, sorry but I am so over that shat.

The low population numbers on either of the two PVP servers is a joke, just merge the damned things.

Can we please get a thread were we don't have to include "merge the servers"? - If the servers were merge about 60-70% of the euros would quit and prob not return. That's more than the total pop on global. #Globalwasisandalwayswillbeabadidea

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7 minutes ago, Hodo said:

So in short HachiRoku quit because of these very important reasons.

-Repair abuse



I can't even understand how this garbage is still in the game.  Who ever thought this was a good idea?  Not only ludicrous but been tested and rejected.  Devs, return to 1 sail and hull repair and be done with this.

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4 minutes ago, Hodo said:

So in short HachiRoku quit because of these very important reasons.

-Repair abuse

-Speed Meta abuse.

-Lack of real players. 


And I agree with all three.   The Repair thing is good and bad, it can be tweaked further, but the replacing masts in battle is just stupid.   It takes HOURS to replace a sail, and possibly a day to replace a mast and you cant be at sea to do it. 

The speed issue is retarded.  Every ship limited to the same top speed, sorry but I am so over that shat.

The low population numbers on either of the two PVP servers is a joke, just merge the damned things.

Speed Meta is not really an issue with me. It is the fact that certain ships are really slow close hauled and tacking  and certain ships really stupid fast and tack like a steamship. Line ships doing those speeds is crazy ofc. I dueled a 3rd rate a month ago with my trinc. He was fir fir and my trinc was fir fir. He did 0.5 knots less than me on the trincs best wind and the trinc was doing almost 2 knots less close hauled. Whats happening there? I dont get. 

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34 minutes ago, Bearwall said:

Can we please get a thread were we don't have to include "merge the servers"? - If the servers were merge about 60-70% of the euros would quit and prob not return. That's more than the total pop on global. #Globalwasisandalwayswillbeabadidea

Yawn.  Just like all the same people quit because of night flips, but yet every single one of them came back 2 weeks later when you started morning flipping us.  

Stop holding the game hostage with threats of quitting. 

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2 hours ago, Christendom said:

Of course admin is a console peasant. 

Em no.. 

But i have to play every game on consoles where some skill is present. as legends will come to consoles too and i have to figure out the control scheme. 

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4 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

Most people uninstalling naval action are not doing it for 2gbs of space. I gave you my reasons why and it would be nice if you took feedback from your community serious. I wanted to give more detailed feedback but by your reply I was correct in assuming you don't care anyway. 

You are wrong. I read this topic and responded.

I just thought it is some kind of uninstall leaderboard bragging post.  Where men players pretend to be soft and emotional and share stories of girls left and games uninstalled. 

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