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Wanted: British Patrol Captains


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9 minutes ago, Vizzini said:

You're in your corner right now because of the internal divisions after the wipe as I see it. The same way the Brits can't keep hold of all their dots, because they were too greedy, grabbing all they could and declaring war on a smaller nation when really it should have been the Pirates, then and there.


You want to OW pvp , that's great, it's fun and it creates danger on the seas for everybody else. I applaud that , but camping outside the school playground of the Dutch when theres so few of them makes you look like the school bully who got held back after classes and is looking for somebody to bash.


All big teams will end up bullying, always have and always will. They usually  implode from within also.

Just some words of advice for you to take or ignore or do with however you please.

The next time you see French hostility against British ports that happen to be nearby, you may want to keep Dutch boats out of the fray and interfering.  Perception of actions is a two-way street.  You see the French bullying you.  France sees the Dutch looking to interfere and therefore said interference needs to be removed lest it get in the way of primary objectives.


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1 minute ago, Arsilon said:

Just some words of advice for you to take or ignore or do with however you please.

The next time you see French hostility against British ports that happen to be nearby, you may want to keep Dutch boats out of the fray and interfering.  Perception of actions is a two-way street.  You see the French bullying you.  France sees the Dutch looking to interfere and therefore said interference needs to be removed lest it get in the way of primary objectives.


As a Brit , I can't really tell the Dutch what to do. I'm just commenting from the outside looking in as it were

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Just now, Vizzini said:

As a Brit , I can't really tell the Dutch what to do. I'm just commenting from the outside looking in as it were

Fair enough, from your comments it looked like you were Dutch but my point is still valid even if misdirected.

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2 hours ago, Arsilon said:

Just some words of advice for you to take or ignore or do with however you please.

The next time you see French hostility against British ports that happen to be nearby, you may want to keep Dutch boats out of the fray and interfering.  Perception of actions is a two-way street.  You see the French bullying you.  France sees the Dutch looking to interfere and therefore said interference needs to be removed lest it get in the way of primary objectives.


Please clarify, you do or do not want some competitive play from us? We need to try to keep you out of Santa Marta for the same reason you want it: French being able to teleport almost to our front door. We have no confidence, nor do you I'd imagine, that every one of your raiders who set sail from a French held Santa Marta would turn left instead of right.


I do want to clarify -- and I'm speaking in generalities and only for myself here -- that I don't view the French for the most part as bullies. You just pick your fights wisely and usually organize and time engagements to have the advantage. That's just smart and good gameplay. And while I'm not good at OW PVP yet, I'm no noob and my story about being in the Snow was not an example of an attempt at baby seal clubbing. (It WAS an example of having lost 4 ships to you in the previous 48 hours putting me in a store bought Snow. LOL) What I meant to convey is whether you (the French) want it or not we are getting to the point where we are unable to sail just between the ports of our home region. We didn't have the numbers in US prime time to respond to ~5 guys camping our capitol.

I hope this doesn't sound like whining. (I'm afraid it does.) The few active Dutch players are usually up for a fight. We just have to figure out a way to survive as a nation long enough to actually give you one. That's our problem. This post and my previous one are just my attempts to convey that the current Dutch problem is close to becoming a health-of-the-server one as well.

Fair sails and Fun Game to All!

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2 hours ago, Vllad said:

One thing that could solve this is the Dutch could join us in some foray's into Pirate and Brit locals just like Spain does. I am not saying we have any deals with the Spain but when we run across each other in enemy territory we wave and go about our merry way. We are all out there in common bond doing what must be done to the bigger nations. If the Dutch moved to a forward operating area the French become a lot more friendly to small nations when there are bigger targets available. We small nations have to stick together in zerg territory.

Just a thought.

That is an interesting thought or at least part of it. We'll discuss it in nation. Unfortunately right now I'm not sure we can spare any players to leave our home waters undefended.

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1 minute ago, Farrago said:

Please clarify, you do or do not want some competitive play from us? We need to try to keep you out of Santa Marta for the same reason you want it: French being able to teleport almost to our front door. We have no confidence, nor do you I'd imagine, that every one of your raiders who set sail from a French held Santa Marta would turn left instead of right.


I do want to clarify -- and I'm speaking in generalities and only for myself here -- that I don't view the French for the most part as bullies. You just pick your fights wisely and usually organize and time engagements to have the advantage. That's just smart and good gameplay. And while I'm not good at OW PVP yet, I'm no noob and my story about being in the Snow was not an example of an attempt at baby seal clubbing. (It WAS an example of having lost 4 ships to you in the previous 48 hours putting me in a store bought Snow. LOL) What I meant to convey is whether you (the French) want it or not we are getting to the point where we are unable to sail just between the ports of our home region. We didn't have the numbers in US prime time to respond to ~5 guys camping our capitol.

I hope this doesn't sound like whining. (I'm afraid it does.) The few active Dutch players are usually up for a fight. We just have to figure out a way to survive as a nation long enough to actually give you one. That's our problem. This post and my previous one are just my attempts to convey that the current Dutch problem is close to becoming a health-of-the-server one as well.

Fair sails and Fun Game to All!

This is why I always try and point out there are two different perceptions depending on your point of view to the same set of actions and I appreciate your civil explanation of your said point of view.

I agree it's a Catch-22 that if you think there is a chance Santa Marta could be used to attack you, you either need to be prepared to deal with it being used to attack you or you need to take actions to prevent it in the first place (I would agree given that choice that most people in this game would choose the latter)

Just like the Brits could view the French holding Santa Marta as a staging ground to take Cartagena / be that much closer to Costa Rica/Great Corn.  Or the British could look at the French taking of Santa Marta as a check against the Pirates holding Portobelo.  Intrigue indeed!

Very different points of view that impact actions and then reactions on both sides.

The French are indeed a bloodthirsty lot when it comes to the Open World and I agree that any nation is at risk of running afoul of our raiders unfortunately.  For whatever its worth, take whatever you will from the fact that the French really don't have any interest in taking your ports -- the fact we skipped past to try Santa Marta should have made that clear enough.  If all we wanted was easier raiding on the Dutch heartland we could just as easily tried for Caracas (or even Cumana or Pampatar) which would have gotten us just as close to your heartland and a lot farther away in that case to further Brit/Pirate interference.  That of course does not eliminate the possibility as you suggest of any such bloodthirsty French raider from turning right instead of left....but the shark will only eat the small/scarce prey if there is no big/plentiful prey nearby.  Give them large/plentiful prey to go after instead and they probably will leave you alone.



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Am I hearing a bit of Dutch whining about French bullying, meanwhile two nights this week the hostility in Orinoco via Dutch has been over 35% + ?  Was this just for some CM's in a convenient location, a little bit of revenge for Willemsted, or a real flip attempt?

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4 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:

Am I hearing a bit of Dutch whining about French bullying, meanwhile two nights this week the hostility in Orinoco via Dutch has been over 35% + ?  Was this just for some CM's in a convenient location, a little bit of revenge for Willemsted, or a real flip attempt?

I've found in my 52 years on this earth that most people hear what they want to hear.

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18 minutes ago, Farrago said:

I've found in my 52 years on this earth that most people hear what they want to hear.

That response makes little or no sense.

I asked a direct question.  If you're going to circumvent the question don't bother to respond.  If you actually have an answer then I'm all ears, and then I will be able to actually hear what you should have said the first time in liue of a flippant response.

Edited by Jean Ribault
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10 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:

That response makes little or no sense.

I asked a direct question.  If you're going to circumvent the question don't bother to respond.  If you actually have an answer then I'm all ears, and then I will be able to actually hear what you should have said the first time in liue of a flippant response.

Oh sorry, I thought that was more of a rhetorical question. I believe that was one (or two?) guys doing PVE for some hours. I honestly don't know which way the Dutch will try to dig out of our current mess.

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6 hours ago, Vizzini said:

Surely Pirates are closer to you than the Brits anyway ?

It all comes down to the fact that France isn't likely going to beat either the British or the Pirates in a straight up port war halfway across the map if nobody else is keeping them busy.

I want to again express my surprise that nobody is grinding Georgetown. Not even a bit of 10% contention there to see if Pirates will show up. I look on the contention list each night and there's no British ships creating contention anywhere in the world. I poke my head into the Belize area and British ships come swarming out and chase us for an hour but apparently they can't be bothered to put a bit of contention on Georgetown?

And that, in turn, makes it hard for France (or the USA) to make a move. We need the two big guys to fight each other so we can sneak in a punch edgewise. Brits seem worried that we'll punch them but there's only one way to find out.

And it has to be more than this weekend warrior stuff you guys do. My personal biggest worry with helping the British is that we all get the Pirates really fired up and angry Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then poof, British ships turn into pumpkins on Monday and we're left swinging in the breeze with the Pirates for another week while you guys go grind your 1st rates in the middle of nowhere.

To be frank, everyone on the server needs the Brits to ratchet it up. You're the only team that can. If I'd seen contention going on in Georgetown and saw sinkings going on, I'd be down there looking for those pirates.

If Purge was a British clan, we'd be poking Georgetown every night til it either flipped or we got some Pirates to come out and play. I don't see what the holdup is. I assume you don't want to risk the Pirates trying the old "one port" maneuver on Britain but I'm not sure they have that in them anyway and even if they did, all that fighting would again create big openings for other teams, who at that point would have little option but to attack the Pirates.

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3 hours ago, Farrago said:

That is an interesting thought or at least part of it. We'll discuss it in nation. Unfortunately right now I'm not sure we can spare any players to leave our home waters undefended.

One thing to keep in mind is that maybe you don't really need to defend your own waters. If the French aren't going to take anything why stay home? Just set up in a neutral port somewhere and shuttle supplies to it from home. Just go home to make more boats to sail to the front (whatever you decide the front to be)

What would really happen if you didn't stay home? French wouldn't show up anymore since there is no Dutch there and I don't see the Brits attacking you so... What the heck are you guarding?

Just a thought anyway. 



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2 hours ago, Slamz said:

... I assume you don't want to risk the Pirates trying the old "one port" maneuver on Britain but I'm not sure they have that in them anyway and even if they did, all that fighting would again create big openings for other teams, who at that point would have little option but to attack the Pirates.

Not sure if you remember this one, but pvp2 pirates did either 1-port or nearly 1-port the Brits prior to patch, didn't they?  I think I remember something like that anyway.  A lot of the same pirate players now in pvp global.  So we know they probably have the ability to do it again.  They clearly haven't, so my takeaway from that is pirates want healthy open world pvp to take place here.  Brits and Dutch, in fact the whole server should accommodate.  Brits are in a great "physical" location to do so.

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11 hours ago, Slamz said:

If Purge was a British clan, we'd be poking Georgetown every night til it either flipped or we got some Pirates to come out and play. I don't see what the holdup is. I assume you don't want to risk the Pirates trying the old "one port" maneuver on Britain but I'm not sure they have that in them anyway and even if they did, all that fighting would again create big openings for other teams, who at that point would have little option but to attack the Pirates.

Yeah at the moment the Brits are disorganized and going through what can only be described as internal strife and are struggling for any co-ordination whatsoever.

Last night it gets mentioned in channels that leave the French alone, they are hunting for Rats. All French I say ? , no answer Why are Frenchies looking for Rats outside KPR I ask ? .. no answer ... Nobody can answer any questions and all the solo players Brit side get told " ask you clan leader" .. When you ask somebody who is in a clan... they think you're a spy


Brits are a rabble of individual clans pointing fingers at each other as to who should be doing what and when. It's no wonder so many have jumped ship


Like you , I'm not a great fan of being told who we can attack for today and who we can't . Looks very much like Brits looking out for their foreign nation friends and alts than any diplomatic solution.


At least the server balance has started to shift a little, that's better for the health of the server

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On 7/19/2017 at 5:27 PM, Slamz said:

I hate to see a big team getting their butt kicked, really. This message is therefore part advice, part request and part admonition: the Brits need more captains willing, able and capable of going on patrol.

12 hours ago, Slamz said:

If Purge was a British clan, we'd be poking Georgetown every night til it either flipped or we got some Pirates to come out and play. I don't see what the holdup is. I assume you don't want to risk the Pirates trying the old "one port" maneuver on Britain but I'm not sure they have that in them anyway and even if they did, all that fighting would again create big openings for other teams, who at that point would have little option but to attack the Pirates.

I fully agree with OP that he should be going British.

(What was I thinking with Jeheil going French...)

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While, every nation have there Capitals held in blockades, cause people to show their true colours.

The problem is that to many Hardcore player are not hardcore when it comes to character.

They take offence, get extremely salty of personalities and never look at the end game.....which is the longevity of the game.

The Devs see the writing on the wall, that is why they are shifting to NA Legends.

Everybody just want the Arcade version of the game, want to see a score card of WE WIN!!!

Long game is dead with the current player base as the switch Nation to Nation cause this guy said something bad about me, or he won't listen to me.

The saddest is the "tumbleweeds" that go from one Nation to another to get out of a hard place to join a winning team.

Its sad that PotBS is not subscription based with Naval Action Graphics.

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1 hour ago, Aussie Pastor said:

While, every nation have there Capitals held in blockades, cause people to show their true colours.

The problem is that to many Hardcore player are not hardcore when it comes to character.

They take offence, get extremely salty of personalities and never look at the end game.....which is the longevity of the game.

The Devs see the writing on the wall, that is why they are shifting to NA Legends.

Everybody just want the Arcade version of the game, want to see a score card of WE WIN!!!

Long game is dead with the current player base as the switch Nation to Nation cause this guy said something bad about me, or he won't listen to me.

The saddest is the "tumbleweeds" that go from one Nation to another to get out of a hard place to join a winning team.

Its sad that PotBS is not subscription based with Naval Action Graphics.

The game has no proper win conditions.

On 8/12/2016 at 3:05 PM, Skully said:

You will not lose anything if you lose your Capital.

Everybody will lose everything if one Nation / Alliance wins the season...

(Hehe, so what should we prevent at all cost?)

On 8/27/2016 at 7:10 AM, Skully said:

As for Season End:

The winning Alliance / Nation has won for a reason, which is most likely a zerg. Reinstating the zerg would be bad. So would handing out strategic assets be (to either winner or loser).

Handing out some low-level perishables or cosmetics sounds more appropriate to me. A redeemable Yacht. A paint job. A special flag.

The true problem I see is how are we going to test Exterminatus? :D

What does a hardcore player do when he can not win (because of being blocked by mechanics)?

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5 minutes ago, Skully said:

What does a hardcore player do when he can not win (because of being blocked by mechanics)?

You leave the game for 16months and go play ARMA 3.

Then you come back with the hope it is better because the hype of a Wipe plus a Steam Summer Sale.

Only to find the population is less than 20% than the start of the month and sinking faster than the Titanic.

All the while the Staff say, It's ok we are on the most advanced ship ever!

Look how that turned out!


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