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I propose that the devs add random outside events that happen that effect diplomacy.

Example: the King of Sweden insults the King of Denmark. Denmark declares war on Sweden for 3 voting cycles. 

Example 2: The United States accidentally sinks British ship. Diplomatic relations are hurt and -200 votes will be applied on the next voting cycle. 

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7 minutes ago, Tiedemann said:

I would like to see nations switch alliances more often, right now we are locked into two massive blocks and it's a bit boring in the long run..  

Mostly caused by the low player numbers. Any alliance below 3 nations is not able to field decent port battle + screening fleets atm.


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I've thought for awhile that players maybe should not have diplomacy control and that the "invisible admiralty" AI should control diplo and the admiralty makes requests for certain ports to be attacked. It would be players responsibility to complete those missions, and could also make any other hostility attacks they choose to take their own PBs...as long as it's not against admiralty's allies.

Edited by van der Decken
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The United States accidentally sinks British ship. Diplomatic relations are hurt and -200 votes will be applied on the next voting cycle. 

I use my alt and sink Brits resulting in -200 votes. Do I understand this correctly? or are these events automated?

I would rather see 'Player Reputation' implemented and it's effects on diplomacy. 

For example if you sink Pirates you get reputation for all Nations, spending some time sinking them will increase your standing in Diplomacy world and will guarantee better points when voting etc..  

Edited by Ned Loe
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5 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

Bit silly idea, but regarding diplomatic incidents the values of actions being equal to affected player votes times 3 per cycle, with sinking being max points, capture being half points.

I don't know.  I'm thinking there are a lot of story and roleplaying opportunities.  It might be good, it might not.  Not sure.

Edited by Prater
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4 minutes ago, Prater said:

I don't know.  I'm thinking there are a lot of story and roleplaying opportunities.  It might be good, it might not.  Not sure.

I'm game for any style, just threw a log into the fireplace :)

By the way I edited my post to be more clear, I wanted to say my idea as posted might be silly.

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23 minutes ago, Ned Loe said:

The United States accidentally sinks British ship. Diplomatic relations are hurt and -200 votes will be applied on the next voting cycle. 

I use my alt and sink Brits resulting in -200 votes. Do I understand this correctly? or are these events automated?

I would rather see 'Player Reputation' implemented and it's effects on diplomacy. 

For example if you sink Pirates you get reputation for all Nations, spending some time sinking them will increase your standing in Diplomacy world and will guarantee better points when voting etc..  

Not a bad suggestion but wouldn't see the light of day for 2-3 months (being optimistic)

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25 minutes ago, Ned Loe said:

The United States accidentally sinks British ship. Diplomatic relations are hurt and -200 votes will be applied on the next voting cycle. 

I use my alt and sink Brits resulting in -200 votes. Do I understand this correctly? or are these events automated?

No it would be completely separate and out of control of the players

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Let's say I attack a French trader and capture it. Was commanded by a Flag Captain. So national threshold of France towards my nation would change -4 points due to my action. If I happen to sink it it would be the full -8 points.

Maybe the "Admiralty" also takes away from my Admiralty points due to a unsanctioned action...

There's a lot that can be done with a dynamic system of giving with one hand but also taking away with the other so to keep balance.


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