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wreck distance

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It is a true shame that a good feature is being ruined by these changes. Really it hurts me these kind of things.

30 min to go to the ship location is good, also you have to sail back to your port so probably an hour or more of sailing in total. The average player could enjoy this feature and make something else (like some pvp in a hot zone or a pve mission) in his daily playtime.

Im happy to spend an hour but when its 3 hours doesnt leave much time for other stuff.

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It's too easy for me to do bottles now. I pop'em and I sail from the nearest free town.

Something a casual is less likely to be able to do.

The distance should be roughly equal to half the distance measured between the two closest free towns where you pop.

Or rather half the distance of the average distance between free towns. (As the first is would make bottles cheaper where free towns are closeby.)

Hmm, might actually make for a bit of more interesting mechanic, so half the average of the three closest free towns.

I'm sure now somebody will figure out the perfect spot to pop a bottle. :D

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I also open bottles at sea somewhere between my outposts, doesn't work every time but I do seem to get less marathon sailings. If you do have to sail a long way to the wreck you don't neccesarily have to sail all the way back again. After collecting your booty sail to the nearest freeport to unload your ship, sell what you can and use the freeport delivery service to send the rest to your nearest outpost. You can then teleport your ship back to capital.

Edited by Bartholomew.E.Dogg
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The further the sail, the more valuable wrecks can become. :)

This is the sort of answer that is arrogant and unhelpful. We are putting forward real objections to your making aspects of the game destructive to the pleasure of playing. Please listen!

Distance is ok.  Profits that can be drawn from the wreck must require a little effort.

Another fringe intelligence answer not taking into account the whole picture. This is a game dodo!

Edited by Lannes
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Those wrecks I have got to after the remake of the distance dont give anything more. And Do you want all wreck hunting instead of doing pvp or port battle?


if you going to let the wrecks be like this then give us more ports

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This is the sort of answer that is arrogant and unhelpful. We are putting forward real objections to your making aspects of the game destructive to the pleasure of playing. Please listen!

Another fringe intelligence answer not taking into account the whole picture. This is a game dodo!

Haha, and equally your retort. ;)

Distance and sailing OW can be seen as a risk/investment. It's just that the low-levels are left out because for high-levels distance is much less of an issue.

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Those wrecks I have got to after the remake of the distance dont give anything more. And Do you want all wreck hunting instead of doing pvp or port battle?


if you going to let the wrecks be like this then give us more ports

More port slots has more implications. Port slots currently anchor you purposely to a region (give you focus, instead of facing chaos).
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Our nation chat goes like this;


hey anyone wana do an epic or hunt players pvp?


cant im far as F*&K away chasing a wreck.


anyone else?


Nah busy chasing wrecks.



maybe drop the frequency of bottles and reduce the distance give people time.

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I might be wrong but a wreck hunt is kind of a...hobby thing, or at least it should be.


Main mechanic regarding wrecks is moving people out of the zones and sail to the far side of the world.


The rewards were good for this but nooooooo everyone had to cry they were too much.


Now that they are mildly interesting there's more crying to be closer.


C'mon guys, think a bit. The entire purpose of bottles is to make people explore the map while injecting upgrades into the system to be tested.

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The initial distance was ok when sealed bottles were released, wreck were spawning on foreign waters, took around 1hour to go there and come back. Then you moved to super close distance, and now they appear so far that it's not really worth it, if i dedicate 3hours to get there and come back and i get a 3rd golden light carriage, i don't think that's worth it ^^.


 As i've already said, if you keep this distance, maybe we need more minigame as time sink, like minigame fishing or something else when your fleet have to wait hours long idle for a defense, minigame realistic sailing / minigame finding your position with sextant, compas, clock and map, i don't know, but going from a point A to a point B is boring with the turning wind etc.. keep it as an option but at least give us something else to do than just watching our screen and do nothing.


 This game is turning more & more in a teamspeak radio channel right now, pvp is so rare and hard to find, and sailing is not a challenge in this game, wich may be a problem for a naval game.


[nearly off topic] And please, can you tune the distance where ship become visible, because right now we have sights in ow, we can see land and towns from far away, but ships magically appear a mid distance, it's not even really worth scan the horizon while sailing because we see them too late most of the time so don't tell me i should do that while sailing, i don't like sailing like if i was in the fog all the time.

Edited by Baptiste Gallouédec
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...if i dedicate 3hours to get there and come back and i get a 3rd golden light carriage, i don't think that's worth it ^^.




I think that hits it. It defers the choice to the player, as a good sandbox.

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I might be wrong but a wreck hunt is kind of a...hobby thing, or at least it should be.


Main mechanic regarding wrecks is moving people out of the zones and sail to the far side of the world.


The rewards were good for this but nooooooo everyone had to cry they were too much.


Now that they are mildly interesting there's more crying to be closer.


C'mon guys, think a bit. The entire purpose of bottles is to make people explore the map while injecting upgrades into the system to be tested.


Dude we dont need explorers, we need fighters.... warriors,..... guys who keep the freedon in the Nation, defend our Ports!

u can explore as a midshipman...

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Dude we dont need explorers, we need fighters.... warriors,..... guys who keep the freedon in the Nation, defend our Ports!

u can explore as a midshipman...


I could point you out to the old cartographers guild thread but hey... *shrugs*...


Easier to use the maps that already done by them and dismiss their exploration playstyle ;)

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C'mon guys, think a bit. The entire purpose of bottles is to make people explore the map while injecting upgrades into the system to be tested.

In that case the placement of the wreck should be distanced equal to the closest outpost of that player.

Or in other words, if I open a bottle, the distance I need to sail from any of my outposts should be equal as the 1st level player would open the bottle with 1 outpost.

(I hope it makes sense. :) )

I think then we can stick to a Golden mod coming out of it. :)

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Ive worked it out guys, ive been playing another game while my guy sails to wrecks.  :D

After a long haul to get two bottles:  One in Demark Land and the other down by the Holland ports I have decided if I get a wild hair and want to explore I'll go play on EU server.  Which I went and deleted my US char and made me a Pirate there.....lol   You know to play when things are slow and I want to explore.

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I think that hits it. It defers the choice to the player, as a good sandbox.


Having to choose between exploration or something else i'm ok with that, but having to spend a full afternoon or all my evening watching my ship sailing from A to B nearly without touching my mouse or my keyboard is bad gameplay, it start to not being a choice at all.


I remember when i've started the game i've been sailing from Aves to la Nouvelle Orleans, i was proud, i enjoyed watching the different tempests, sunset, landscape, took screenshots and all, but most of the time i was watching tv or talking to my gf who made jokes about the principle of naval action, a game where you can have nothing to do at all for hours, but it's part of the game you know and you still have to be there in front of your screen "in case of".


Doing that was ok then, having to do that most of the time: no thanks. Now this is what exploration is: no thanks, but this is also what rvr is: sailing to the new front, waiting for hours connected to teamspeak for timers to open or expire. As i've said, give us stuff to do during that time and it will be perfect.

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Having to choose between exploration or something else i'm ok with that, but having to spend a full afternoon or all my evening watching my ship sailing from A to B nearly without touching my mouse or my keyboard is bad gameplay, it start to not being a choice at all.


I remember when i've started the game i've been sailing from Aves to la Nouvelle Orleans, i was proud, i enjoyed watching the different tempests, sunset, landscape, took screenshots and all, but most of the time i was watching tv or talking to my gf who made jokes about the principle of naval action, a game where you can have nothing to do at all for hours, but it's part of the game you know and you still have to be there in front of your screen "in case of".


Doing that was ok then, having to do that most of the time: no thanks. Now this is what exploration is: no thanks, but this is also what rvr is: sailing to the new front, waiting for hours connected to teamspeak for timers to open or expire. As i've said, give us stuff to do during that time and it will be perfect.


Agreed. But at the moment that's what we have ( yay! ) and that's already a good thing.


As the entire text was focused on complaining about the bottles and not specifically suggesting ways to give way to exploration playstyle it is easy to get the wrong idea :)

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If they are going to have long distance it would be nice if you got a little more cargo with them.  Keep the Gold item and chance of labor contracts, but give me more cargo to find after the long haul.  It's been about 150-170 space and most folks don't even use a trader to get them some times.   Though I don't waist my time when I go pick them up.  I stop at ports and make trades as I go to get them and I make money that way so the time isn't wasted.

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I might be wrong but a wreck hunt is kind of a...hobby thing, or at least it should be.


Main mechanic regarding wrecks is moving people out of the zones and sail to the far side of the world.


The rewards were good for this but nooooooo everyone had to cry they were too much.


Now that they are mildly interesting there's more crying to be closer.


C'mon guys, think a bit. The entire purpose of bottles is to make people explore the map while injecting upgrades into the system to be tested.

I don't want to explore the map, as you say, at the cost of midless sailing and then getting sunk in enemy territory with the loot on board, thank-you very much.

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I don't want to explore the map, as you say, at the cost of midless sailing and then getting sunk in enemy territory with the loot on board, thank-you very much.


Why don't you want to take any risk while exploring for wrecks ?

Do you really want to turn it into farming ? 

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I've just opened a sealed bottle at Fort-Royal. Shipwreck is near La Orchila.

Definitely not a too long distance to me for an Exploration activity (about 35-45' with fair winds).


What is fun about it is that I have an outpost at... La Orchila. 

See what you can do to reduce travel time if you really want to... ?


That example makes me think that the wreck activity needs some tuning to really be an Exploration activity that is an adventure combining real long-distance voyage and dangers/risks.


First thing to do, I guess, is disabling wreck locations near the ports where you can build an outpost.

Then add dangers (there will be more players after release on PvP servers + implement aggressive AI on the PvE server/zones) 


So I'm not sure reducing current distance is the first thing to do.

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I don't want to explore the map, as you say, at the cost of midless sailing and then getting sunk in enemy territory with the loot on board, thank-you very much.


I understand, can't have it all our own way I guess. I would enjoy so much so many things to be easy to do in game, like having trader surrender imemdiately upon seeing the black flag but hey... I can live with that they don't  :)



As the sandbox goes, it is a choice :) You either go to the wreck, or you won't. I think we can agree on that you don't want to go to the wreck.


Oh and as the devs said - cold shower, hot shower . they are testing distance by trial and error :) Sometimes too far, sometimes too close.


Best advice to everyone, don't get comfortable with mechanics and do not go annoyed if they change.

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