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9.9 Feedback Poll

Anne Wildcat

9.9 Patch  

403 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about AI fleets being added?

    • Love
    • Mixed
    • Hate
  2. 2. What do you think about officers, officer ranking & perks being added?

    • Love
    • Mixed
    • Hate
  3. 3. What do you think about fishing being added?

    • Love
    • Mixed
    • Hate
  4. 4. What do you think about the new graphics & sound?

    • Love
    • Mixed
    • Hate
  5. 5. What do you think about having to hire crew & rehire or heal crew after battle?

    • Love
    • Mixed
    • Hate
  6. 6. What do you think about the new structures and crafting line?

    • Love
    • Mixed
    • Hate

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Mixed on the fleets, like it as a concept, but would like to see a lot more micro managing required from the players side in order for them to be effective.

Love the officers, adds some customization for each player.

Mixed on the fishing. Dont have anything against fishing itself being in the game, but was really hoping it would be meant for fishing boats with fish schools scattered randomly in the ocean, instead we have tens of afk ships standing just outside of major capitals, still in the safe zone, funneling an endless stream of money.

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The only thing I said hate on is officer perks. I like to know what I'm fighting against & modules already add uncertainty. I would think in the age of sail, ships knew what they were up against, they could see the ship, cannons, and estimate crew size. Now they would not know how efficient crew was, so that would be an unknown. But I may be wrong as history is not my forte.

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Silent hunter is for you. I didn't make it on newest part of game. Bored after first quest.

Im not sure from where it stems, but i just despise U-Boats, if it was about sail ships in the same format i have no doubt i would love the game, but theres just something about me and U-Boats that doesn't add up O.o 


The only thing I said hate on is officer perks. I like to know what I'm fighting against & modules already add uncertainty. I would think in the age of sail, ships knew what they were up against, they could see the ship, cannons, and estimate crew size. Now they would not know how efficient crew was, so that would be an unknown. But I may be wrong as history is not my forte.

Would have to argue that it's the other way around and the game already gives way more info than it would possibly be possible to know about the enemy ship - the exact crew number, how many crew members die after a rake, how much structural integrity is left. in reality i doubt you coul tell whether that line ship was sailing with 800 or 1000 crew men, whether they were seasoned seamen or just conscripts from the fields, that were forced into the ship by their country due to a lack of trained sailors. The only things you could tell is the gun count and ship type from looking at the enemy ship.


The cost of crew is a joke, way to over priced.

Have you tried crafting and refilling it with medkits? they make it quite cheaper 

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Mixed on the fleet,

hate on the officers ( hello op determining defender, ridicoulous perks anti-pvp, totally no brain-concept with no debuff      )

the other thing are nice


maybe no -debuff should be reviewed

coward should come with penalties


perks are early stage - will get improved

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What new graphics / sounds?


So many of them... crew command shouts, battle sounds near markers, wildlife, sea sounds,... and the splash screens, illustrator(s) are really talented.


If you look carefully at the illustrations some of them hint a lot for future things ;)  ( I hope too much heh )

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1. AI Fleets. Mix.

Generally positive, but i find situations where they can be problematic. Port battles for example ( dunno if you can join now with ai but before it was doable ).

Generally i love ai fleets for solo players, but people in party ( 2 human players ) automaticaly should deny using AI.

So it gives opportunity for solo players to have some support and fun, but promotes teamplay, as its better to have friend or two with you instead of stupid bots.


2. Officers. Mix.

Thats first implementation so im not going to whine, but definatly they need some tweaking in numbers, be it how much they cost or how much u get from it. It would be also nice if they would give not only adventages but also disadventages. Like modules are doing :) That way you can customize more towards choosen path but it cost you something. With proper disadventages the numbers can be high. Even like now.


3. Fishing. Mix.

I dont mind fishing. Its nice to have in game. But i hope for some tweaks soon.

First dont let people afk fish.

Second dont allow to fish @ safe zone.

Third ship should move to fish.

Fourth. I would like to see dedicated ships for that role. Or simply dont allow normal warships to fish. But if you insist to let them fishing, dont let them get bottles and let them fish less amount and with lesser frequency. They really wasnt dedicated to do that.

Idea about giving disadventages like -25% speed with 1 minute cd on seting on and off for fishing is nice too. That way this can create room for some nice action. Fishing fleets, escorts and hunters!

Fifth. Dunno how works the RNG for bottle drop, but it need some looking. Maybe if someone was fishing for long it gets more chance with time?


4. New graphics and sound. Luv <3.

Nothing to add :)


5. Crew etc. Luv <3.

Hate me as u wish but for me its a good start to make big ships harder and more riskier to use. I really cant imagine this game after 1 year since launch without any diminishing mechanics like that. People would then sail all biggest and best ships. Boring!

Also im interested how landlording and keeping ports will work with crew restoration!


6. Crafting etc. Mixed.

Well. Im not a best crafter. Tbh im bad one. But the more we get, the better. But would like to not pay labor for getting stuff from my mines/plants etc etc.

I think devs are slowly trying to decentralize our economies, so people dont try to build only in capitals. And thats good idea imo. Of course there will always be hubs where people will gather. But the more we get, it makes game more interesting!

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I really like the concept of officers gaining experience and getting better.

Somewhere I read that people wanted to now what they are up to and reasoned with this being more realistic. I think it is the other way around. If you are starting a battle you don't know if you are facing a seasoned crew with a captain that has spend time and energy on training it's crew in all aspects of gunnery or if it is a fresh crew that has been pressed of the streets of Yarmouth two weeks ago.

A captain wouldn't know if the other captain has a new assignment or has been sailing the vessel for years and knows how to trim her to squeeze out every last bit of speed.

Sure some perks need balancing. The only way to find out is test - feedback - patch repeat.

I like where this is going.

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-AI fleets :


I have a mixed opinion about them. The fact that you can't customize the ships in your fleet being one of the thing lacking to this feature plus the AI being a bit retarded when given orders (ask your bots to demast, they just switch to chains and keep shooting at the hull).

AI fleets could be a good way to deal with the many unfunny part of the game. Especially when it comes to travelling and trading. I would like to be able to send a fleet of traders from one port to another (or just simply ships) so I don't have to make boring round trips and can focus on another part of the game that I enjoy.


-About officers :


So far, I like the general idea. I Don't really enjoy having 1 officer doing everything. I would rather have the officers working as in World of tank or any wargaming game. Having multiple officers on your ship with different sets of skill to select.

A master for every skills concerning navigation ; a Surgeon for every skills related to crew regeneration, health ; The gunner with skills about reload time, accuracy, men needed per gun etc...


-About fishing :


I don't really care about fishing, it's nice and shiny but that's pretty much it, no really a game changer like I would have expected, if only fish meat actually have a purpose outside of being a crafting ingredient.

You should be able to use fish meat to regen crew at sea, of course not at an incredible fast rate but still, 1 crew for 5 fish meat for example could be great.


-About new graphics and sound :


I like them so far, my only regret is that the new sounds are too inconspicuous, seagulls chirping should be louder and you should hear them from further away at sea for example. Voices in battle are also great, but too limited, I would like to hear the gunner shout "fire" when I shoot. Hearing my men screaming in pain and fear when I get hit by a broadside etc...


-About the crew :


I absolutely hate it. And the major reason for that is because medkits don't work like the actual repair kits. It shouldn't be something you have to put in your cargo but it should be on the side like the repair kits.

The problem with having the medkits in the cargo hold is that you lose them if you ever get sunk or just surrender. It encourages again people to fight in gank fleets to preserve their ships.

Right now if you want to PvP, you either have to get back to port after every fight and rehire crew, which is frankly boring, or you take the risk of bringing with you 300K worth of crew in medkit that you might lose at the first fuck up.


Just making them work like the repair kit would solve most of the issue I have with the crew system.


-About crafting.


Not much to say, I guess it's cool that I don' have to click hundreds of time the craft button for some ingredient now.

there is still too many "in between" craft. Like gold -> gold ingots -> gold coins, It would be great if you could craft gold coins directly from gold and coal without having to go through the "gold ingots".

Edited by Nalyd
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What new graphics / sounds?

e.g. the sound of gunfire when you are close to a battle in OW

e.g. the more detailed and higher contrast of landscape

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I don't think poll can capture the nuance needed for feedback on officers. I think the concept of officers is great, and the interaction of surrender and preserving officers is a game-changing improvement that could make battles much more interesting, less predictable and less pointlessly long. However, there are huge problems with implementation:

1. Perks are over the top, not very creative (many simply boosting combat stats that are already boosted by upgrades to a "balanced" degree), and fatally devoid of negatives (too many will be must haves). Best approach would be boosts to stats that are not already heavily modified by upgrades (esp. speed and reload), transfer of some less logical physical upgrades to officer skills, and negatives to offset any powerful boost (especially speed as it is a totally dominant stat).

2. You can surrender at last moment before sinking, which means you can both minimize your loss while also minimizing your opponent's gain (deny prize and possibly kill XP). You should have to think about when to surrender vs. keep fighting, not just have it be an automatic get out of jail free card you can use as your ship literally slips beneath the waves.

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