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Patch 9.8 - Damage model 5.0, Server merges, Bird is a word (19th may)


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How do you get back to your capital what you gathered during exploration ?

Besides: this might make sense on PvP server, where players usually trade close to their capital, so they can sail back stuff, but it doesn't make sense at all on pve server, where players can trade all over the map.

I eg often build ships for players from the other end of the map and could only do that by tping the materials back to my capital.

Sry, but this is yet another  case of completely ignoring PvE server.




You get back to your capital by sailing or by transporting goods by using free-town delivery (and picking them up in the free-town nearby your capital)


We are not ignoring PVE server at all. It was always said that the only difference between PVE and PVP servers is inability to attack players.

We never said they will be drastically different or/and will be maintained separately. What happens on PVE = happens on PVP. 

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How is this any different than capping a trade vessel near the port that sells those goods? I don't see the advantage here, except for the fact that you attack a defenseless bot in slightly safer waters.


No different at all - just operating on the inference that most people, given the way teleport to capital has influenced the game so far, have setup their shipyards at their national capitals, so I wrote my reply from that frame of reference, i.e. with the idea that, for a trader-crafter, all is judged relative to the location of one's shipyard.

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New ships added

  • Player voted ship: Rattlesnake - sloop of war
  • Player voted ship: Chapman's Indiaman - combat trader

I've seen the question asked before, but not answered yet.

It would be nice to get the whole data on new ships introduced to the game.


What drops them?

What do they drop?

What are craft level and labour hour needs?

.....are 4 questions I would like answers to.

Edited by jagfour
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With the clan tag situation, say clan is called "CLAN" and player is called "Dave" what order does it appear in open world and battle?


1. Clan Dave

2. Rear Admiral Clan Dave

3. Clan Rear Admiral Dave

4. Rear Admiral Dave Clan

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Very excited for this patch.


Regarding the clan warehouses, do these only exist in the national capitol? Or will there be a clan warehouse in every national port? 

How exactly do they work? Will there be size limits? Can a clan purchase additional warehouse slots? Can anyone add to them? Can only officers take stuff from them?


Thanks for the work guys, this patch looks awesome!

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With the clan tag situation, say clan is called "CLAN" and player is called "Dave" what order does it appear in open world and battle?


1. Clan Dave

2. Rear Admiral Clan Dave

3. Clan Rear Admiral Dave

4. Rear Admiral Dave Clan



I'm going to guess:


Rank [Clan] Name

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At least for those nations whose capitals consume compass wood.  They will have to learn to sail with their compass wood like everyone else who sells compass wood for profit.


Oh dang, nvm.  Did not see that point about ports stop buying resources.

Oh well, willl just have to get back to selling gold coins.



May 18, 2016 will go down in history as the Great Compass Wood Bonanza


My only regret is that I'm going to miss out on all the fun hunting down the traders trying to get their last hit of magic money.


Happy Hunting, All! May I suggest that Jamaica is lovely this time of year? :D :D :D


"Ports will stop buying resources if NPC stock exceeds 25000 - further changes to economy will be done in the next patch"


If I am reading that correctly they are only putting a cap on the compass wood gold rush not eliminating selling to NPC completely.


Big thumbs up for eliminating TP to capitol with your precious load of compass wood. Now you'll have some risk for your big gold rewards.....

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New ships added

  • Player voted ship: Rattlesnake - sloop of war
  • Player voted ship: Chapman's Indiaman - combat trader

I've seen the question asked before, but not answered yet.

It would be nice to get the whole data on new ships introduced to the game.


What drops them?

What do they drop?

What are craft level and labour hour needs?

.....are 4 questions I would like answers to.

According to API:



LHs needed: 449

Level needed: 16

XP you get: 1010



no BP data


That may change in tomorrows patch though

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Nice one Devs, good patch it would seem.

While I bemoan the loss of full hold TP, it should hopefully stimulate the formation of convoys of player-traders escorted by player-warships .... perhaps.

Looking forward to seeing in Nation chat, something along the lines of:

"Heads-up chaps! The wind is good and today's evening goods-train is about to leave from platform (insert name of Freeport)- anchors weighing in 10 mins from now."

One can always dream. :)

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something else just popped up in my mind, which isn't explicitly mentioned: can 1st, 2nd and 3rd rate ships still dock at deep water harbors, or is their docking also restricted to regional capitals?

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That's the problem PVE and PVP need slightly differing things economy wise 


Already with fewer players there are less resources for sale and what there are high priced


selling ships is slow so crafters have less incentive to craft as what they make they will often have to sell at a loss, which cuts down of what's up for sale, so many are adopting the way waste a week to build something I will have to break up


With no BP's for sale and limited ships on offer it seems to be driving people away

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Exit timer is now going to reset if you are taking water. This will help in group battles where you always had to keep destroyed enemy tagged.



This....is wonderful!


I really like this patch! Hopefully it'll clear up a lot of the issues we have been having lately.


Question on the wood types:

Is this new cm width addition adding on to what the wood already does to the ship? or does it replace the current bonus?

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something else just popped up in my mind, which isn't explicitly mentioned: can 1st, 2nd and 3rd rate ships still dock at deep water harbors, or is their docking also restricted to regional capitals?


Yes, you can still dock, you are only not be able to make a portbattle at those ports anymore.

Edited by Belize
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Did i miss something about the title of this patch :


Damage model 5.0, Server merges, Bird is a word (19th may)


Found some references on the net about " Bird is the Word " but can't put them here or I'll get a ban probably ... or is this a hint about birds sound effects added when we are close the the lands ? This last one will be awesome for immersion :)

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Yeah this song and when you google " Bird is the Word" and see results in urban dictionary .... i have doubts it is this , well who knows, Admin can sometimes be facetious


Or it's birds sound effects in game and i will be extremely happy with this, that's something i miss since i started to play, imagine low visibility, almost lost in the middle of nowhere with no visibility on some lands for few days, only water around you ... and suddenly you start to hear some birds calls, meaning land is close  ;)

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