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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. I agree. It needs to be slightly longer. If spawn was at night then keep it at 25 minute between slow transitions. 20-30 minutes at night should be enough.
  2. Developers please take note of these questions for future official game guide.
  3. Ship positioning does not always work. For example I positioned ship behind enemy and spawned in front when battle started. Please fix it.
  4. How to play Naval Action in 4k. Amd users I am here to show you a little trick that will make Naval Action even better looking! AMD released new Crimson video control panel for us lucky costumers. 1. Download and install software. http://www.amd.com/en-us/innovations/software-technologies/enhanced-media/radeon-software 2. Once you installed it open it and go to - Display - Enable Virtual Super Resolution. 3. Go to your display resolution settings withing Control Panel or Right Mouse click and select Screen Resolution (Win7) 4. You will see new resolution options, select highest one for wide screens. 5. Once selected, launch Naval Action and go to video settings. 6. Change game resolution to highest. Enjoy 4k Naval Action. By using this you eliminating the need for Antialasing that kills FPS. Just turn it off, because you won't see the difference. (Not recommended for weak Video cards!!! Make sure you got at least 3gb Video Ram) Screenshot quality does not show actual game quality.
  5. Your video card can't handle it. In Video Options do his: AA - OFF FXAA - ON WATER - MID/LOW FILTERING - MID/LOW I got R9 390x with 8gb ram and I only get 52 fps on Ultra with 6 core cpu and 8gb ram. This game is very demanding. Also, never use antialasing it kills fps big time. Let's compare R9 270 vs GT630 1GB (In your case 2GB ram will add 5 fps) Best choice would be to upgrade. Here is what I would suggest to get on budget R9 280x 3GB($120 ebay) or R9 380x. These will guarantee you 30fps on high/ultra. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ASUS-Radeon-R9-280X-R9280X-DC2T-3GD5-3GB-/161909841601?hash=item25b2941ec1:g:UCEAAOSwfZ1WZERU
  6. Beautiful work. Is it possible to make port markers (-50% size) when zoomed in all the way? Circles look a little too big on last zoom.
  7. Log out of steam and log back in, restart app first.
  8. In this game, it's better to play for USA is you are in USA.
  9. Thanks for making it clear for others, but what if players are new? the only way for them is as you said stay close to the land. This will keep players away from exploring oceans. My biggest concern is, if players are lost and there is nothing that can help you find where you are, it's simply 'start over' or f*ck this game it takes forever I will try another one excuse my language . -1 player today, -2 tomorrow....
  10. Compass is good, but it's only good if you memorize your location in the world before you start your journey. If you are in the open ocean and do not know what is behind you, you are in trouble. Do we really want people to go to F11 and read X00000.0 Z00000.0.
  11. I know, what happens if player spent 1 hour sailing and got lost? Teleported back to start over? Yeah... Time wasted. With 'Capital' marker player at least can try to get back on track.
  12. I do agree with what you are saying. Making a good first impression is always a key and as you said before, only time will tell how hard population will get hit by this issue. I also appreciate players who rate topics and never express their opinions.
  13. +1. This will also hide water going through hull.
  14. Players quit game over stupid things like this. Company looses $ & population.
  15. Please add 'Capital' marker to Open World, as well as toggle on and off feature. I've noticed lost at sea problem is often happens when players leave ship sailing afk or loose sight of land. With simple marker, you will reduce the amount of players who get lost at sea. Capital marker will let players know approximate position in the world. Since you know where the capital is you can navigate from there.
  16. What time? Please post TS info here. Thanks.
  17. Is it possible to add 'looking for a group' feature. Player would simply enable group search and wait for an invite. (pvp, exploration, etc..). This is good when new players need help to start.
  18. We are still testing , but I already can tell travel time is a game killer. Devs I hope you read this and fix it before it's too late. -Divide world map into zones. -Add spawn markers for each zone with timers and fee. -Make fee increase with each spawn to eliminate Trading exploit. With this system players will be able to spawn quickly where they need, but for a limited time and cost. So, plan your travel carefully. This also can mean, if there is an attack on your port you can spawn in that zone and defend the port. However, return cost will be pricey and will require player to wait for preset timer to reset or simply start activity in that zone until next reset. Big plus is once players attack certain port, player defenders fleet will show up and will remain in that zone for a long time. Both attacker players and defender players will fill 'hot' zones. This will only result in great pvp. After timer expires players who willing to pay for spawn can fast travel to another zones. Zone spawn cost and timer can go up or down and all depends on how is the unrest in the zone. If under heavy attack and player numbers are high, cost should decrease to stimulate player numbers in 'hot' zone. Note* Spawn markers will fast travel players to zone, players will still need to sail to desired destination and will take time. OR Take a look into Potbs fast travel to ship mechanics. (World size is way smaller in Potbs). Have suggestions? Please share.
  19. Players produce resources. --> Players Purchase resources and/or Produce ammo. --> Ammo purchased by Captains, Merchants. --> Merchants deliver ammo and supply ports. Oh wait a second! Ammo is given to us by Gods, it's unlimited! Forget econ and restocking, let's just aim and Pew Pew! Conclusion, if there is an economy (WIP), almost everything that is associated with ships should be produced.
  20. Please visit this page: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4225-open-world-beautiful-places/page-15
  21. Why not add basic unlimited ammo(used when quality ammo is out), and have players purchase and restock quality ammo? Ammo is a big part of econ. Think about it. Devs need to make this feature available, can't get more realistic than that. I don't mind using basic ammo with slightly worse specs if I run out. Currently unlimited ammo is a joke, it feels like some game for kids. True Captains need to learn how to take care of their ships.
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