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Everything posted by Magnum

  1. If you want my feedback - either accept it or not. I will NOT be battling PM's with you. I came up with my conclusion after several days of chasing them and being sunk by them - if they are "NOT" OP then give me the BP so I can "fight fire with fire" SIMPLE REALLY
  2. Feedback: Your implementation of this SO FAR blows chunks and gives [RUBLI] an unfair advantage in game. Explanation of feedback: The three Gold Santa Cecilia's you gave [RUBLI] for winning your tournament are situated right in the sweet spot of Frigate building = too fast for bigger stronger ships to catch - too strong for smaller weaker ships to fight (and win). THEY ARE OP! IF --- IF you do more of this: Favoring those with great ping and no real world obligations, which is really what it takes to win your tournaments - you will RUIN your own game. ----- You are NOT a real world despot who can hand out choice goodies to your pals - you are "selling" a game and if it is not equally difficult for all players to win, it will be getting bad reviews.
  3. If the NEW shipbuilding system is more fair and egalitarian than a system where a few elite players get better ships than us plebes - I'm all for it I think a system where ANY player can buy ANY Blueprint is a fair Blueprint system. A system where ANY player can buy ANY ship is a fair ship ownership model. Why have in game money if it means NOTHING? - I have 200 Million in game cash and STILL can't build an Agamemnon because NO BP.
  4. As a way to hand out "special" ships or BP - it blows great chunks. There are plenty of good players who didn't/couldn't/won't make the tournament - why punish them by rewarding only the "elite" with the cool ships? Even RNJeesus shines on the so-so player from time to time. I am now officially boycotting your "special" ship hand out method ....
  5. I am hopeful that what you envision is a system of acquiring ships similar to EVE online where the basic hull is standard and the specific fittings you put on it are what determine the "quality" and "usefulness" of the finished ship. Buying/making ammo and gunpowder SHOULD be a part of your prep for battle - searching every port for "fine fir" should NOT! As for a wipe - I stand to lose more than most (I own 11 first & second rates) but it is what I agreed to - so OK. I do think a system of redeemables would be worth it. --- XP earned by a ship I craft should be a commodity I can give to my first officer or sell - it is TOTALLY useless to me!
  6. They have a tagger in OW that tags the victim then for 2 min they chase - still ends with a 4v1
  7. Please - I do not need no stinking XP no more - can you please give it (even @ 1/2 or 1/4 rate) to my First officer. For Gawds sake he deserves it for putting up with my whiny ass.
  8. Here in the USA September is all full of election circus to keep us off balance and now this ..... September is a long month - its like 30 days or something - is there any coherent guessing going on as to which ONE of those 29 or 30 days might be the day this goes live?
  9. This is NOT a bug - it is the same at all ports for all items = if the NPC trader at the port has zero stock it will not even show you the slot for buy/sell - unless - you arrive at the port with stock to sell to it then it will show you the "normal" sell price that you can sell your stock to the NPC or the normal "what your contract should offer" price for items NOT consumed at that port. What happens is if a consuming port has zero stock of an item AND an enterprising Captain puts in a "offer to buy" contract the NPC will not compete with the "offer to buy" contract by offering to pay more. As it happens when the consuming port does have stock it will compete and offer it's regular "buy" price over the top of your "offer to buy". Thus - if the port has no stock and you place a buy contract there - sellers will have to sell to you first - this is GOOD for the game. Any other "buyer" can offer more than you offer = competition This is similar mechanics to the sell phenomenon where you can offer to sell for 1 gold less than the port and any buyers have to buy from you first and other sellers can offer to sell for even less. I'll repeat: not a bug
  10. Yea, I prefer that, it lets an offending captain know what part is over the line and which line. Also the rest of us aren't left wondering what ever happened to that thread.
  11. I am going to raise a question i hope is OK here: I on occasion have (I think) posted a post and a day or so later come back and I can't even find the thread by using my history. When this happens I am left wondering "WTF did I really post there or was I on another forum?" ---- would it be at all possible to leave a place marker so we at least can see "oh, that thread got clipped and is on the cutting room floor"? As an aside: I think Henry gave me my warning point - but it was well earned and I earned it not someone else, Henry (or whoever) was just doing a thankless job, er thanks.
  12. There is the sunset, set sails men ......
  13. I'm wondering if this treaty was written by a Danish or French Alt? Why do you (meaning ALL of you) think the timers on southern Haiti need changed?
  14. Geesh - I quit reading these forums for a few days (my twitter feed is much more fun) and an Aussie shows up . Oh, well who cares back to my hole .....
  15. My experience mostly in Renomme - three times entered at 7, 8, 9.5 knts - ALLL three times ended up having to drive backwards to get out of irons. Reno used to absolutely whistle through irons, coming out at 3-6 knts Lucky for me I am a good backer upper
  16. What a nightmare - tacking is just turing into irons - no matter how fast you enter if we cant have diesel engines - do you need power brakes?
  17. +1 for tower bells -1 for ruining the smugglers gamestyle. The smuggler flag is (as best we can) modeling the idea of a small boat, in the dark of night bringing in or taking out contraband. Avoiding patrols is a staple of that smuggling - even multiple patrols. The very concept that once you are spotted by a patrol (tagged), you have no choice but to fight them is game breaking, you should still have just as much right to escape as you ever did. Just like the pirate, the smuggler should have a chance at least to baffle pursuit. --- Just as easy to force the patrol boat to leave and patrol another area as force the smuggler to fight the patrol boat
  18. The British have the most gallant and energetic public players of all factions - HUZZA!
  19. The map could be super useful if it showed where PvP battles were (with dots) like 15 min after they were finished with the data persisting until reset every night. This would allow Captains to know where the hot spots were that day. If desired the dots could fade over time even.
  20. Love the new grid in the map! would also like to see the grid line graduated every 5 min of lat or long please.
  21. This thread should be merged with "Hiding in Battle Screens - solved(?) -- http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14485-hiding-in-battle-screens-solved/ Very similar discussions. Skully, such a pie in the sky balanced scene would NEVER happen in OW in this game - NEVER EVER EVER NEVER .....
  22. If the players in their "home waters" had some sort of advantage in PvP combat reinforcement - it would make taking ports to expand ones home waters a good thing. --- Suppose the "join timer" in country X's home waters allowed any other country and pirates the usual 2 min join timer - but Country X players get support for 5 min. This would model the notion that Nation X Captains would be more common in the home waters and would join to chase off a gank fleet for the entire time of the fight. It would add reason to increase the size of ones "home waters" - which could only be done by conquering adjoining ports. --- It would also naturally reduce the griefing by gank squads right outside a Capitol - or other large group of ports. Many thanks to Bjerg Bjergsson for the idea.
  23. The gank squads don't like it - they want "their PvP" to be 4v1 or 6v1 (sarcasm on) "Now THAT'S PvP" (sarcasm off).
  24. Try this: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14485-hiding-in-battle-screens-solved/
  25. Wow, some random doodles (1/4 baked "plans") really stirred up ZOD didn't they? MUUUUUHHHHHHAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAA!
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