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Everything posted by Kaos

  1. I haven't told anyone to right click it, you just need to reclick the attack to restart the counter.
  2. I don't even know your name ingame but our deepest condolences to you for catching you pants down that day. Now how is this relevant to the topic? If you want to stir shit up why not pm me and let it all out there if you can't let it go? It's important to find a way to get those people back involved in pvp who got discouraged by the reality of ''open world sandbox''.
  3. I have engaged quite a few fights 1v2 where enemy outguns me and in one occasion I've been called a ganker while attacking a constitution+surprise alone in a con. None of them said GG or anything so don't sweat so much about me being the evil that only ganks others, have you lost a dura to me or why the salt?
  4. Even with 4 ''lifes'' (considering you fit out the ship with the mods and actually want to keep them) majority are very careful about their engagements and tend to be not very happy and ''okay'' with it if you deplete even one off of them considering their initial reactions in chat. With one durability things will get even more cautious and salty which I don't care about but I think there needs to be more incentives to make people more interested in pvp instead of avoiding it even more and more, not to mention the extra timetax it would take to refit/stockpile everything in case of 1 durability system. Think more about the ways to make pvp more attractive as an alternative to farming NPC's safely in some distant corner because the thought of losing a ship is too much of a mental block to some.
  5. Just cut his tongue out (chatban) for his own good really...
  6. Kaos

    World of Warships

    Wargaming and complex ... Making complex games is not exactly how you cater for mass appeal so I have bad news for you.
  7. Probably meaning that you can use the name as a reference point to correct aim and adjust and ''save/remember'' last hit location at longer ranges.
  8. Not even sure if it's funny or sad that this person is demonizing slave trade, something that actually happened in history like it or not, speaking against it like a pinnacle of humanity himself yet has a signature where he burns his enemy to death, which seems to be okay and cool.
  9. Juridically correct legalized thieves and the generic thieves. Former limited and guided by the articles and legal notions while the latter by their own sense of morality or the lack of it. First one was expected to play by the rules of their letters and not harm their prisoners while nothing was expected from pirates, hence they were hanged without a bigger discussion. Depends on perspective. For some, thief is a thief - no matter how many legal papers he throws at you to justify his actions.
  10. First have to see what kind of OS mechanics they will give us. If it will be another ''forced-to-fit-for-speed-instead-of-fighting'' to avoid getting ganked a'la potbs then I can see most people sticking to arena modes just to avoid the hide-and-seek and actually getting fights where people don't turn tail and run after the first broadside exchange doesn't go their way.
  11. As a background/culture kind of element for atmospheric effects why not? As long as it doesn't influence gameplay and stays within the limits of decoration and cosmetics.
  12. I'm not really arguing with your point, just showing what it will lead to. This is already in the game until they come to name range. I would like to see you call targets in such a manner while there are 3+ enemy ships of the same class cutting into your line from different locations and their position changing in a matter of seconds once it becomes a brawl. Because I wasn't replying to these other points.
  13. I can't already wait for the confusion from future jack_sparrow's when calling targets because they had decided to turn off the whole UI for the ''immersion''.
  14. It would definately make the battles even more longer than they currently are. Instead of allowing a ship independently repair itself after repairs are depleted, I would see an allied ship sending out his own repair from the storage on a smaller boat (with the option to sink these too), forcing them out of the combat aswell for a period of time (limited range to send help?), to prevent specially faster ships to forever sail away and repair themselves.
  15. I am curious how much freedom can you (or engine) give to the players for tinkering around with these settings. More specifically about how low can you set them for allowing wider playerbase and to people with high end rigs who care more about stability and performance instead of cosmetic elements and graphical effects? Will the engine allow to open console and go wild like in Quake or will it be more restricting with pre-set options?
  16. I'm surprised that this hasn't been implented yet. It was very valid and added variety to tactics and approach in 1v1's and smaller group fights in potbs, specially for pirates since their goal was not to destroy ships but to capture them (why destroy your prize?). For example first broadside was mixed with grape on upper deck and bronze on lower to force enemy to deal with the crippled crew/maneuverability while already at the same time lowering his hull armor. The combinations were many as to bypass the simple hull destruction,first you had to kill the maneuverability of the victim's ship with grape/chain shot to get on his stern at which point the battle was already decided if he let you do this.
  17. Currently the game is in alpha status and everybody is thrown into the same pot just to TEST the basic mechanics. Things like matchmaker and open world engaging mechanics are future music so it's not the time to complain about this yet, give it time.
  18. So you want people to easymode in some overpowered pixelship and just to not make it's opponents feel bad for getting wrecked or as you call it, ''to make people feel good'' - throw some points at them? No. That's call of duty / WoT tier babysitting. Nobody will care about some silly points, people will still rush to powergrind the most powerful/easy to play ships just to stomp everything that they can meet. They would even pay for this ability with whatever 'points' available in game just to get a slight upper hand in the game (gold ammo spammers in WoT just for example). With your merchan ship and 44 gun frigate example you should not make any merchant ''feel good and equal'' with points, instead he should feel pretty fucking dumb and embarrased to get caught pants down by getting into that situation in the first place. You see, things like this will not help anyone learn anything. All these merchants and future carebears will just have to deal with the fact that it's not 'realistical' to wait somekind of a compensation from game to pay for their judgemental mistakes or lack of thereof. Also I can already see the ways to exploit this by arranging fixed encounters where noobs will powergrind themselves with their friend in the biggest ship possible for maximum ''points''
  19. Wouldn't it make sense gameplay-wise for these ships to have some sort of a weakness or a counter against them? Without maneuverability weakness it would make things more linear with the end-game sol's being the final destination for everyone who want's to compete and lessen the variety and make other ship types obsolete. Besides isn't the point of the sol to stay in line, hence - Ship of the Line. If it get's isolated from line (it's support and main defence to neutralize the lack of maneuverability) due to unfortunate circumstances or the incompetence of the captain then it should deserve to sink but without maneuverability weakness it wouldn't have the penalty in brawling mode so why even line up with it? My mind draws a picture of generic yolobrawl metagame with these universal SoL's where the battle is forced into a chaotic brawl and the individual skill of each captain takes it from there to decide the outcome. I know it's not the right topic for it but I would throw it in anyway - Serious endgame SoL should be a group project and have an upkeep. It has to be earned instead of grinded and it would preferably need a group of people to work on it's upkeep. It could be kind of a representative of specific nation/society/group whatever you will call it. An idea to courage people to bring it into the battles would be the seriously lessened upkeep for example.
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