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Everything posted by Kaos

  1. It was tried but turned off pretty quickly (left into permanently bugged state) because jack sparrows couldn't comprehend other pirates possibly attacking them and it always caused a huge flamestorm so I guess it was too much freedom and devs decided to scrap this feature and put safety barriers by forcing pirate unity for the children to avoid further headaches.
  2. Instead of spending time and energy to make up complex solutions to nonissues I suggest to not waste your time for empty waiting in future and accept that this train has gone and move on, next time be better and don't let them escape into result screen.
  3. It wasn't meant to reduce ganking, it was implemented to give some control over situation to potential solo/small group players. If they don't want to adapt and not have anykind of sailing cohesion with their friends to stay within 2 min range then I can only feel sorry for them because they ask to get ganked.
  4. Kaos

    Harassment in NA

    From my experience throughout gaming the most toxic reactions usually come from people who can't swallow a defeat and this cheater quote is pretty classic self-defense mechanism to point the blame on anyone/anything else than themselves, most of the times these people branding others cheaters do it just say anything to excuse themselves of their poor performance. Even in NA me and my friends have been called cheaters and whatnot just to cope with losing but why would anyone take these banters seriously and care enough to make videos about them is beyond me. Also people play competitively because it's fun to win for them. ''Fun'' is subjective and some people like to turn their brain off during gaming while others constantly scan for options to gain advantage, is their fun not allowed when it contradicts your own? Most people also play to win because what fun is there in losing after losing?
  5. I think you don't understand my post, you are repeating everything I wanted to say in it. I'll reword it then: in order to keep pve players on map we ''need'' to give them all kinds of crutches from ai fleets, missions, heavy bot traffic to perks like coward and you can't take it away from them once you introduce it or ratings will drop since this is the main influencer. If you question this you get answers that say that all pvp games are pve anyway and basically you know nothing, even EvE is pve game ... Also on a sidenote it's not the first time these features meant for making it easier for the gank victims are actually being used by gankers to make it more easier to avoid counter-ganks and enjoy even more risk free ganking.
  6. It is all normal and according to plan. This post might give you some insight of the direction this game is taking: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14416-crew-management-update-discussion/?p=267864 What do we learn from this statement? PvE is dominant ( interesting to say this when the map is overflowed with bots and handhold missions that make it possible to lvl to rear admiral in one place without having to move to other zones, if only finding good pvp fights was that simple ) Restrictive changes towards PvE oriented players are bad because ratings will drop, does it imply that restrictions towards PvP oriented players in order to handhold PvErs is okay because pvpers are marginal minority anyway and it won't hurt ratings? All PvP games are in fact PVE. (!?)
  7. What is this ''making a pirate living'' in this game? There's literally no money sink once you know what you're doing so does it mean these people have reached some pirate nirvana and should stop attacking traders because they have so much money accumulated that they don't know what to do with it?
  8. If it's a timer only against the specific pirate then he will tell his partner(s) who is waiting outside of the instance ''ok I am on timer, your turn'', if it's timer against all potential attacks it would grant the briber 20 minute of invulnerability shield and then why not activate it each time with a help from friend before going through dangerous zones? I couldn't find a solution to these potential loopholes.
  9. What would stop people from taking the bribe and capping them anyway after it's received, let's say in next instance? That would be like getting a tip from the victim on top of capping them since I assume bribe would be from their funds and not from their cargo.
  10. Why not try it with outlaws if that is still under consideration, don't have to force it on everyone to have an effect on ratings but then again it means you have to make outlaws awesome.
  11. plot twist: you need at least flag captain rank (or higher) to get pvp currency against target nation and every death adds a cooldown for a period of time to prevent farming your alts. And if you still do it then good for you, take your 3 alts to port battle and see how this multiboxing works out for you.
  12. You implement a pvp currency like in potbs (mark of victory) and you make them nation-specific and dump them on the target port to get done with your points hassle. Group from Denmark wants a port that belongs to France, they accumulate their points through pvping against french players anywhere (not limited to specific zone) and then dump them on the target port to trigger port battle. Why should pve'rs have any say in the outcome of a pvp event? Do pvpers go to pve server and tell pve'rs that they need 1 PvP kill to start their pve mission, imagine the flamestorm... This pvp currency can be used to also obtain specific gear faster to bypass the mindless grind for people who just play to pvp.
  13. Believe me you don't want to step on the same rake as potbs did by forcing pvpers to farm pve to take part in supposed ''end game pvp content''... Suggestion to implement universal pvp currency you can get from any pvp that you can convert to port battle commendation so it won't end up who farms pve faster and more efficiently during off-hours to accumulate points for actual pvp event. pvpers should enter first to prevent people who have nothing better to do than farm pve points to prevent key players from entering pb for said 10-20 minutes.
  14. Does this imply pvp and pve players competing over commendation points and port battle entrance? Let's say some pve group A farms all the npc's/missions outside said port for those points at off-hours and pvp group B who can't find any pvp outside that port (because enemy nation obviously does not want to feed them points) will have to resort to farming missions and npc's to get commendations too?
  15. Is this really a problem of the game or problem of player? When you enter a game that tries to be an open world sandbox (btw it means open also for ganking and sealclubbing) then what do you really expect to happen in the long run? Maybe these people just joined for ships and didn't realize they are entering the gankbox but they can't say they were not warned.
  16. Notice (everything below Santisima and Victory since these are 1 durability anyway) Good to know, I never read anything like that and had an impression that this shooting-for-gold is the inevitable norm in this game. So perhaps it would make more sense to drag back captured ships under those conditions then though I doubt it would be anything more than a nuisance for average player. Let's see how you implement it before judging...
  17. Maybe you are overestimating the value of yellow captured ships (everything below Santisima and Victory since these are 1 durability anyway). Why would anyone sail them back and put themselves at risk of being attacked while not at full complement and spend downtime if they can make same amount of money or even more by just sinking the enemy. And would undercrewed players sailing their captured ships back provide any more meaningful resistance once caught than bots would? I suggest send ships back to port using the current delivery system you have now implemented to decrease downtime for everyone.
  18. Increased morale loss when your crew dies during ship combat Increased morale loss after mast falls Add some epic officer that lowers enemy morale in boarding when he swings his sword (someone can now go and add it to officer proposal topic!)
  19. Can you specify ''Crew will become persistent between battles'': Basically after finishing a battle you need to go back to nearest friendly port/free town to replenish crew? Can you not press crew from enemy ship to yours upon capture to replenish ?
  20. I hope it will not have the same fate as the brief honor kills system that forced people to sail the ''filler'' ships to rank up or become an additional reason to afk/log off when the wind is unfavorable for your favourite ship. We have an open world sandbox and somehow people choosing the most effective tools is a problem it seems. It reminds me when WoT tried to make historical battles but failed and had to cut it out of their game because everyone wanted to play Tigers and Panthers instead of Panzer II's and no matter how much they increased the rewards for the lighter tanks trying to make them attractive, they remained unpopular.
  21. This is sandbox pvp and it's been like this since pretty much day 1 of OW and will remain so, don't think any roe will be changing that if they intend to keep this game as a sandbox. To bait people to fight back you have to basicly gimp yourself by attacking people who are in bigger ships. Also have noticed people tend to leave their nationmates under the bus so to speak when they could actually reinforce the guy in trouble many times by casually sailing by pretending to not notice or just wiser to not risk their durability for some random who they don't even know.
  22. Fighting while outnumbered is all very heroic but reality of situation is 90% of the server would rather 6vs1 instead of trying 3vs7 and that's why we are getting to try these beautiful restrictions. And as you said it yourself, people like to minimize their risk and increase their winning chances as much as possible. Why bother improving anything at all if you can just outnumber enemies and be done with it? It's war after all and RvR and whatnot.
  23. ? Are you saying that having to rely on yourself and not on the countless meatshields and dps slaves you can bring to the meatgrinder will somehow make you more lazy? I believe it's the opposite from experience, all those epic RvR guys who got caught outside their packs were as clueless as expected without their bodyguards lol Also 9 times out of 10 when you gank someone, you are not being beacon of benevolence forcing them to get better, they just point at 135 and afk sail away to waste your time in spite. You can't force anyone to learn shit if they don't want to do it themselves and before you open fire, I am not supporting these restrictions since I believe they will not help anyone anyway.
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