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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. I'm sorry, having reviewed the post in question, I entirely disagree with your assertion. The post was designed, written, and intended to incite a negative emotional response in a large portion of the player base. The wording, the content, in fact the entire post was designed for you to take National News content out of National News and put it in a place where the opposition couldn't respond in kind. Had this same suggestion been made at any other time in the game about any other Nation that was in a bad position, I would have hidden it as well. You may appeal this above me if you like by PMing Admin, but after review, I agree entirely with locking and hiding your post.
  2. As you may have noticed from this morning's reopening of National News, those threads were left for a reason. Besides, my popcorn was getting stale and my arse too sore from this hard seat. Moderation is conducted in response to user feedback. Many users have indicated that they do not like the lack of political posts and the inability to engage with each other on a more, well, personal level. It has been rightly pointed out that 18th century nations and their citizens regularly sparred with each other through broadsheets, newspapers, and the like. In that spirit, with Admin's direction, we have been allowing users to be a little more free with each other in certain areas of the forums - namely National News and the Guilds forum. Users are encouraged to utilize those boards to poke fun at each other and engage in light Forum PvP. Direct personal insults should continue to use the Naval Action Insult Generator (http://wiredstar.com/NAInsults), and other rules must also be followed. Additionally, decorum should be maintained as if you're writing for an 18th Century Newspaper. Baby eating cowards - ok. Raw profanity - F*** you you f***ing f***s, not ok. Users who would prefer not to engage in forum PvP or who are easily insulted may want to hide the National News and Guild boards. We appreciate your feedback regarding our moderation. Additional feedback here is welcome. Have a great week, and good hunting.
  3. They did actually. Many of the United States' founding fathers wrote letters to newspapers under pseudonyms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silence_Dogood- A fine example.
  4. Do you have any game controllers or other peripherals on your computer that may be sending clicks or other keystrokes unexpectedly?
  5. It may be possible to have a PvE specific feedback thread for patch changes, and it is obvious that some changes affect the two server styles quite differently. I'll see what we can do.
  6. Please read the response that I wrote in the linked post above. To the OP: We don't need to add it specifically, harassment and abuse are already not tolerated. Thank you for posting.
  7. Determination is as follows: It is perfectly within the mechanics of the game at this time to lure another player in this way. Saying "I'm using an exploit!" is usually trolling. In the absence of any video or other evidence, the admission is pretty baseless. Unfortunately you were caught up in a betrayal - it happens from time to time. Case dismissed.
  8. These have all been suggested before. Please do a search and add your support to the existing topics. Thank you.
  9. Please use the topic on the newly planned crew mechanic to provide your feedback. Thank you!
  10. Please use an existing thread for suggestions regarding port timers. I'd recommend responding directly to Admin's latest potential feature feedback thread in the Developer forum. Thank you.
  11. Steam has everything to do with that function. Forum Account ID -> Steam Account ID -> Game Database. There is currently no way to figure out the link between forum account and steam account, and therefore no way to link forum account to the characters/nations of a particular player.
  12. Most ships were capable of having chasers. Maybe not permanently, but very often a smaller gun could be moved and fired from the bows, through a stern light, etc. I think chasers should be an all or nothing kind of thing. If there are "no" chasers permanently equipped in a ship, one 4lb medium in the bow and stern could be used (even if not in the model).
  13. Please F11 this issue at your earliest convenience. Thanks.
  14. The first chance? Maybe. The second, maybe. The problem is the time it takes away from development since there is no tool to make this easy (for now).
  15. Nothing is stopping a player from opening a politics and bazaar forum for the game. In fact, I'd encourage anyone asserting that flaming and bad feelings are necessary for the game do just that - open a forum for politics for Naval Action and spend their time managing it. It was too much. Too much for mods to have a life outside of the forums. Too much distraction for the developers. And too many hurt feelings and bad blood. "We'll be good" isn't enough.
  16. How do you tell the difference between someone who did it so that friends could catch a juicy target and then immediately exited the instance while the target was killed? There are a lot of factors to take into account and it's easier to have two popup windows and consequences for doing this. Likely not. Best to hand over the resources to which you have access to a friend and delete/recreate the character.
  17. That's ridiculous. Nelson didn't get to pull the entire British Fleet into battle with him when he needed help - he made do with the resources that were immediately available within a reasonable sailing distance. No time limits on joining battles? This ensures that if you enter a battle, you're going to sink. Period. We had this once, and people being able to come from all over the map made a huge mess of things. This isn't "the group with the most numbers gets to push the auto-win button", this is a game that attempts to recreate naval battles of the period. Those battles didn't have ships from 700 miles away jumping into combat when they heard a magic distress call over the air - a Captain sailing alone fought alone. That is the way it should be. If your friend gets attacked and needs help, and you aren't sailing there with him to help him, that's tough luck. Trying to skew mechanics to ensure the biggest nation/clan always wins every battle is shortsighted and makes for poor gameplay. 2 minute timers ensure you know who can get involved in the battle because they are within a reasonable distance to have been able to fight based on "correct" an unaccelerated sailing speeds. The BR 1.5 change? Meh, I can take it or leave it. I'm fine with either choice. I will, however, fight to the death for 2 minute timers because I've seen the mess that results from 10 minute timers, and no-timers. My personal feeling is that those who advocate for no timers or long timers are simply those who are able to, and enjoy making sure they can bring 24 friends to every battle with them, no matter where those friends are.
  18. Please provide feedback in either the 9.72 patch notes thread, or the 1.5 BR Explained thread in the Developer board. Thank you!
  19. Sounds to me like it might be network related - something between you and the server isn't working very well.
  20. National Politics were originally required to be posted in the National News forum, however, that board had to be closed since people couldn't be civil. Please do not post in game politics or battle results on the forums. Thank you.
  21. Ouch Mr. Fishy. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully a Dev will be by soon to help you out! Make sure you F11d with as much info as possible if you haven't already. Include where you were before the battle started, what direction sailed in the battle, etc.
  22. He was sailing a Santissima by himself, and did so in a way that all of those ships could get into the circle and attack. Pretty foolish move, and the screen has nothing to do with the mechanic discussed in this thread. Without context (how did this battle shape up, who was doing what and where), it's pretty worthless really. He could have been sitting AFK outside of a port allowing everyone to simply sail up and attack him en force. 1.5BR is to prevent a massive pile-on from everyone that is in the area, but not in formation. As stated multiple times, it is not intended to prevent a closely packed enemy from all getting into the battle.
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