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Everything posted by Worry_Rock

  1. Well, the American's especially had torpedo problems, one example is when USS Tinosa launched in total 15 torpedoes at a Japanese cargo ship, of which over half hit, to only cause limited flooding and a loss of speed. But, that's just a more well known case, many a American torpedo detonated to no effect, this was mainly due to the magnetic detonators but other factors played some part. Another well known example is the accidental Swordfish raid on HMS Sheffield, where most of the torpedoes dropped exploded on contact with the water due to the magnetic detonators. But, the raid on Sheffield led to Ark Royal (the ship that launched the Swordfish) switching the torpedoes to contact detonators for the raid on Bismarck that disabled the rudder.
  2. I also find this quite annoying when I'm trying to construct something historical, but for the time being I feel they're trying to lay down a baseline with a caliber most navies used as secondaries. As development continues I have a feeling they will start to add more country specific hulls/guns/mods/ect and at that point we'll get things like as you said the 5" American secondaries, maybe some 6"/15cm mains for later German destroyers (Type 1936A Mob) and for the secondaries of the Deutschland's. As for my baseline point the German Admiral Hipper's, Bismarck's, Scharnhorst's, and Deutschland's used 4.1"/10.5cm, the British used 4in guns for the secondaries on a variety of things from HMS Hood to the Leander's and also as the main guns on most destroyers, the Americans used 4" guns as the main guns on the Aylwin's to the Clemson's and as the deck guns on subs, but as you did point out they aren't found as secondaries, the IJN used 10cm guns on the Akizuki's and as secondaries on Ōyodo and Taihō, and the French and Austro-Hungarians used it on other things.
  3. So, we know that they're adding ye' olde Quads but have they said anything about the mixed caliber Quads like the ones on the Pre-Dreadnought Virginia's and Kearsarge's? as even though in reality they were very ineffective, they would be a fun (and strange) addition to the game.
  4. I would like to see something like the up-gunned German destroyers, like the Type 1936A design with both single and a double 5.9in guns, so basically 6in weapons, but specially the larger caliber weapons maybe as a special country specific perk, if they end up doing specialized tech trees in the campaign.
  5. I would really like to see something like Hiei's superstructure during WW2, as she was fitted with a prototype superstructure for the Yamato-class. This is the same superstructure seen in the fully upgraded Kongo in World of warships. Overall it looks really nice and has a combo of the old tripod mast and the newer-looking pagoda tower
  6. With the French Quads I wanted to ask if like in real life they would be separated into multiple compartments? because in real life they were less like the British Quads that were one turret and more like two Twins tied together. This most famously worked at Mers-El-Kebir, where one of the roofs of Dunkerque's Quad turrets was penetrated by a 381mm shell that killed the entire gun crew on that side of the turret, but the two on the other side were undamaged and continued to operate.
  7. I'm pretty sure Vanguard is a Lion-class hull modified during its design to carry four twin 15in guns instead of the three triple 16in guns. Also, Monarch is a preliminary design of the KGV's, when the KGV's were supposed to carry nine 15in guns instead of ten 14in. but overall, they're all fairly similar as the Lion's were just enlarged, updated, up-armed KGV's. The Lion's and Vanguard have Transom sterns, and Monarch and KGV's didn't, so there's a tad bit of a difference but they're all fairly similar ships, with the exception of their armaments.
  8. I understand this game is still somewhat in its infancy, I mean it hasn't even been released yet, so this request may sound like a lot but let me explain. So, as of now, for most countries the turrets of similar caliber or year look the same. So I was wondering if the turrets will ever be stylized based on country? as most turrets didn't look the same in real life. So while I am expecting this to most likely be added but I just wanted to know if it was happening or if anyone had ideas for this.
  9. Well most of the larger polish ships were named after famous polish general ect. But, the largest polish built ship were destroyers and were named after weather, Thunderstorm, Lightning, Thunderbolt, and Gale (?). Although personally I think they would have hopped on the bandwagon and named them after counties, but its your ship so in the end its your decision.
  10. I'll drink to that! even in a post-Jutland world they even considered giving a BC 5-7in is like smoking at a gas pump, and considering they all detonated I can say that dying is the only thing these can do. But I will admit 33 knots is impressive for anything larger than a CL, but besides that they were basically useless. next time I'll make a German BC, something better protected.
  11. So, after about 20 minutes all three of the Lexington's pulled a HMS Hood and sunk. so overall, it didn't go very well
  12. although the Mogami's could work, I think the Sendai's or maybe Kuma's would work better, as they were actual CL's, or possibly at a stretch the Agano's... But then again having a hull that could work as both a CL and CA would probably be good for the campaign so overall it would probably be a great addition.
  13. I decided to keep back my Lexington's as they had very light armor, but sent forward my Cruisers to cause some damage with torpedoes then withdraw. What ended up happening was the one of my CA's and the CL sunk, but in exchange I scored a ton of torpedo hits, and sunk their CL.
  14. So, My fleet consisted of three Lexington-class ships, two heavy cruisers and a light cruiser, the opposing fleet was exactly the same but Japanese. I also set the year to 1920, as I could use the cage mast that I was really wanting to use.
  15. In about 1911 American ship designers started on a project that would never be completed, at least how they envisioned them. These vessels are now known as the Lexington-class, a class of six Battlecruisers mounting 14 and 16in guns in a variety of layouts with the armor equivalent of wet toilet paper. Whilst never completed two ships of the class, Lexington and Saratoga, go on to become the largest American aircraft carriers up until the Midway-class. So, I set out to make them (or something like them) and test them against an equal Japanese Fleet.
  16. Recently made this beauty, I based her off early WW1 German Battlecruisers. As its my first large build its not as accurate as I wanted it to be but I'm happy I got this turret configuration to work as its a tad bit strange.
  17. Ngl I don't even know what this is, but its called the USS Vesuvius
  18. Honestly, I really want more hulls for Battlecruisers and Battleship hulls from the like early 1910's and late 1900's. Plus the Flush-deck battleship hulls on Nelson and KGV.
  19. Honestly, with the new quad turrets I would like to make the new Tier 10 Italian battleship from Wows
  20. Many ship classes had tiered decks, for example the Japanese Fuso, Ise, Kongo, and Nagato-class battleships (and Fast Battleship), and from what I've seen most of the ship hulls are flush or early dreadnought, thus I would like to propose custom tiering for certain, or all, hulls, to allow creation of more historically accurate ships, like British battlecruisers, Japanese battleships, and Standard-type US Battleships. I also think this would be good for Cruisers and possibly destroyers, and if Carriers are added this could be used for fight decks, with the pre-refit Kaga and Akagi or Courageous-class carriers.
  21. The invincible Cleveland-class, although Santa Fe had taken no damage and Princeton is a conversion and also sunk. 1. USS Santa Fe pulls up along side USS Franklin 2, 3, 4 Battle Damage to USS Birmingham 5. damage to USS Princeton
  22. Once they removed the HMS Furious's 18in gun they put it on HMS Lord Clive, thus this illustration.
  23. Something I've been wondering about is if Refits and Retrofits will be possible in the Campaign mode? also, The British used two quad 14in and a twin 14in as it would have been a delay of 18 months for the three triple 15in they originally wanted to use.
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