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Everything posted by Aceituna

  1. Hello gentlemen I would appreciate an advice or help. After almost a week I tried to start the game and this appreared. I tried to reset password two times which didn't help. I found this couple months old topic: Which says that this problem was already solved once.
  2. I was just writing something similar to Tycondero's answer when he replied. Here's why we can assume that campaign will be turn-based: If you go to this website: https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/the-playing-modes (It Is official Game Labs website) And you scroll Down a bit, there is this written : However, once they become available, each campaign turn you will have the power to sink enemy merchant or military ships without any opposition, unless the opponent has sufficient Anti-Submarine-Warfare(ASW) technologies. During wartime, their effect is calculated per turn according to the strategic situation on the map.
  3. Corvettes are not part of the game so I don't see point in requesting this. Weather and night battles are promised features. Well, you can already save ship design. Also devs promised that ship saving will be enhenced together as part of campaign. Crew is also promised feature as well as it's casualties. I assume that when you say more damage, you mean more damage details, right? There was a big improvement in the term of damage details during the whole alpha stage.If i remember it correctly some time ago devs said that will be improving it but it's difficult and slow process because in order to make these details look nice they have to make these details unique for each hull. Devs promised to add more hulls and parts in future but after campaing. Devs said that there will be battles near shores but the land will be there as ,,distant terrain''. Please scroll down at this website for informations about submarines and ASW: https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/the-playing-modes
  4. When the game is released on Steam, Devs will send you Steam key.
  5. Oh, I forgot to react to this in my provious comment. Sure this often happens in the earlier period of the game. But this is not historically unaccurate for two reasons: 1. It happened that two ships fighting against each other were unable to cause some serious damage to their opponent (Just look at the engagement of USS Monitor and CSS Virginia). 2. Also in the the earlier stages of the game, ships didn't have modern fire-control systems so their fire was often quite inaccurate. Example from history: During Battle of Manila bay in 1898 (during which US Navy destroyed Spanish Pacific squadron) Americans fired 5859 shells. Only 142 out of these hit their target.
  6. After reading this I tested this in-game multiple times. When 305 mm shell hits destroyer it means sinking or at least severe damage. I think that is fine. And about those light cruisers: I tested that too and I needed about ten hits to sink the light cruiser (the cruiser had armor) and I also think that is fine. Of course this depends on the size and few other parameters of the certain light cruiser but I don't think that ,,regular'' light cruiser shoud just ,,torn apart'' after 305 mm hit (unless you make a lucky shot such as hitting ammo storage) This was actually discussed and requested by community. Devs actually said that they are thinking of adding option for adjusting hulls. (It is in the video that Barney sent you in the other topic. Around the 13th minute.) I am not sure what that mean. As I understand it you ask for addind certain historical ships with stats and look they actually had, right? If that's what you meant I'd like to say this: A lot of hulls that you can see in-game are actually historical hulls (such as Bismarck or Hood) and also I don't see point in adding trully historical ships that look exactly as originals because 1. you can recreate some of them yourself 2. and also ship designer is important part of the game. What point this designer would have if we would be just using historical pre-made ships? Crew is promised feature (ane one of the Dev's priorities). We don't know how it will work exactly. Devs promised to work at this These details of damage actually received big improvement during Alpha stage of development. I remember that Devs actually wrote about this at the forum. If I remember it correctly they said that they will add more details but the process of adding this is slow because if we want these details of damage to become nice than they hava to make unique details for each hull. Non-lunching torpedoes were discussed over and over again during the whole alpha stage. Just set torpedoes to aggressive and make sure that target is in the firing sector of torpedo tubes. They are already there. It's already there. Just double-click at the ship you want to follow. Sure it's unfortunate that after almost a year in alpha stage we still don't have campaing. But well...it's alpha and when we bought the game we all knew that campaing is not part of the game yet and we all were willing to accept it (altrough the long wait and repeating delays may be sometimes frustrating). From your previous post I know that you didn't know that and I understand that you are dissapointed because of that but you should have just read something about current stage of the game development before you bought it.
  7. Answer for your question ,,what to do'' is simple: wait. Because campaing is not implemented into the game yet. Campaing release was announced for November - December but this announcement was made few months ago so it might be even later.
  8. Well normally I would be dissapointed by any update that doesn't contain campaing but in this case I am quite pleasantly surprised. It's really nice to see that fighting in formations will be now easier which I think is very needed improvement. I am also glad for those quad guns. Not because I would want them so much but because If you wouldn't add them some people here would probably get mental breakdown xd.
  9. These lines of smoke appeared just few seconds after start of the custom battle. As you can see there is no ship that might produce this smoke. (I am sorry if this was already reported.)
  10. Yesterday I made screenshot of this flash fire that was caused by a single lucky shot. Altrough it is impressive explosion I think it doesn't make much sense. Zähringen blew up just after New Mexico's first salvo. Only one shot out of this salvo hit. As you can see in this picture the damage this shot caused is clearly visible on the prow of Zähringen just under turret A. And this shot that hit prow managed to blow up Turrets B and C (in the middle and on the stern).
  11. Sure, development was slowed down due to the internal problems which is no surprise because when we were earlier informed that team will get new programmer they said that it will slow down progress but they also said that this reinforcement will later pay off and I think that another 3 - 4 months is enough time for this action to start to pay off. So I think that this 2 months don't neccesarily mean delay of campaing. Also I don't think that they were ,,doing nothing'' because: 1. We can see that there was at least some activity because of this hotfix that was made. 2. And also Devs are employees so I think that they can't just ,,don't work''. Anyway I think that it's groundless to continue this discussion because it's based entirely on speculations.
  12. In the post where patch notes were promised Ink said: We will update the community on the progress by posting the internal campaign patch notes at least once every month. Of course that a lot of things changed since then (like postponing Steam release) but if we assume that promised date of campaing release didn't change (it was promised for November - December) than I think that your prediction is a bit too dark (altrough I can't know it for sure) because they said that they will give us patch note EVERY MONTH. So if I understant it correctly it should mean that first of these patch notes should come out at least 2 - 3 months before campaing release. Because if they would release the first patch note one month before release (as you said November) then the phrase EVERY MONTH wouldn't make sense.
  13. It's nice to finally get some news. Althrough it's not the kind of news I'm interested in the most. It would be beautiful if you could tell us when we can expect the first of the promised campaign patch notes. (At least during which month)
  14. https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/the-playing-modes Follow this link. Points 1 and 2 and are described there. Point 3: Devs said that they plan to add battles near coastline. Point 4 has been discussed many times and people ask about this over and over again (especially in Steam discussions) Devs said that they will consider adding aircrafts and carriers after they finish all rpomised features of the game. Point 5 is described here: https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/post/deep-battle-system
  15. If I understand it correctly you say that campaing will need to give player a reason to build smaller ships by having tasks for which we will need smaller ships, right? But this is already promised: (https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/the-playing-modes) I think that on this website there is described many campaing features for which player will need smaller ships. Such as: securing army’s supply lines, neccesity to keep naval strength in a minimum safety level in all sea regions you control and also for anti-submarine warfare. Of course that for all of these tasks I mentioned (besides ASW) capital ships could be used but I think that it would be extremely inefficient to use capital ships for these tasks. For example: using BB's or BC's as patrol vessels in colonies.
  16. It would be amazing if community could make own Models for the game. Not only because the fun that would come with new unique hulls but it would also make adding hulls by devs unnecessery. Because if community would want some historical ship added for the game. We could just make it on our own instead of asking devs for that. And it would also move the ship design part of the game to the whole new level. But I wonder how this would work in-game. Especially in campaing. If each hull unlocks in certain year/turn. Who would determine when each of these community-made hulls become available? Edit - I would just like to add: No matter how much time and effort devs put into new hulls. They will never be able to add all hulls between 1890 and 1940 that existed (or were planned) and are wanted by community. So i think that if devs want to further expand number of hulls in-game it would be better for both sides (devs and players) if devs would just provide tools for hull creation to the community: It would reduce work load for devs (As Barney said), hunger that community have for new hulls would be forever satisfied and most importainly: It would improve this game. Which I think is what we all want the most.
  17. I noticed it few months ago when it was reposted somewhere. Originally it was posted here: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/31663-alpha-1-v60-general-feedback/page/5/
  18. It's nice to have a list like this here. It might reduce amount of questions about features that were already promissed. Few things I would like to add: Rework of secondaries fire control: In the list there is coast mentioned. I think we might also add coastal guns to the list. If you scroll down in this thread you can see reply from Ink. Ink wrote: ,,We plan to offer battles near coastlines in the Campaign.'' I'm aware that this comment doesn't meantion coastal guns but only coastline but if we consider that this comment is part of discussion called ,,Coastal guns'' I think that we might take this as confirmation of Coastal guns. Quad guns: I think that these might be moved from speculation to confirmed. Because if you look at the screenshot of research tree I uploaded you can see that quadruple turrets are researchable. Campaing features - I'm not sure if these are supposed to be mentioned singly in this list or if they a re just part of the word ,,campaing'' but because coast and crew (which are campaing features) are mentioned, I'd like to mention them too. Because there is too many of them to write every single one, I'll at least write here few sources where you can find promised campaing features: https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/the-playing-modes https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/36437-ultimate-admiral-dreadnoughts-steam-release-plan-update/
  19. It would be beautiful if centerline and side main guns of the same caliber would be gathered into one battery. I don't know if it's just me but it just feels wrong when centerline and side main guns fire separately instead of full salvos.
  20. I would also like to hear from devs about this. But from what we know: Nick said: The development speed has been slowing down from Spring and slowed to a crawl recently due to various unexpected/unforeseen circumstances. What does it mean ,,recently''? If we talk about events that happened before 19th June (when this post that announced time until campaing was published) Than we are fine because these ,,events'' (such as sick programmator that we were informed about) were known to devs when they scheduled the time rate of 5-6 months. But it might mean campaing delay if Nick wrote about some events that happened after 19th June that we weren't informed about (if I didn't miss something). But I am quite optimistic about this message because of this: More developers will join the project as well to speed up the development. This will of course delay us initially but it will pay off in the future. I suppose it means that we will not see any big development for some time because of iniciation of new devs into the project - (This will of course delay us initially). But announced campaing waiting time is 5-6 months. I think this time is long enough for this team changes to start paying off - (it will pay off in the future).
  21. If I counted it correctly, there are currently 39 posts with questions in Community question thread and there are only two official posts with answers from devs. So I think that we can't expect answers for questions in community questions forum. They said that we will get patch notes once a month but they didn't say since when we can expect these. It was written on 19th June so we might receive something in next few days. On the other hand they said that campaing will become absolute priority after steam release which might mean that these patch notes will not come before steam release (August). If they can't tell us any news yet it would be really nice if they could at least tell us when we can expect any new information.
  22. It would be great if AH would get own BC. I don't think that this ship remained in the phase of planning is a reason for not adding it. H-class remained just a plan too and altrought that it Is added into game.
  23. Thank you for posting this. I read some books about K. U. K. Kriegsmarine but I never heard about this. But I would like to add one little correction: Skoda is actually written with Š at the beginning (Škoda). I know it's a minor detail but because the Škoda works are in my country I felt need to correct this.
  24. I first read this topic just after coming back home from funeral. I can tell you that finding out that we have to wait for campaing for another half of year was for me sadder than the funeral. Kinda sad isn't it? I think that if we will really have to wait for another 6 months, someday WE WILL EAT DEVS.
  25. (sigh) I wished to receive campaing until end of June. Well now it looks like we will get it as christmas present. Anyway thanks for informing us. I have a few questions: What are those 2 nations playable first? (if it's already known) About those promised patch notes: Will these include screenshots? And when can we expect first of these notes?
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