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Everything posted by Aceituna

  1. It's great that side main guns don't act like secondaries anymore but I think that side guns needs one more fix. Would it be possible to gather main guns (both side and centerline) into one battery? It would be nice if all main guns could actually fire in salvos together. (I hope it's understandible)
  2. 1. Submarines will be in the game. Here is how they will work: https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/the-playing-modes 2. Devs said that they might consider adding carriers when all promised features are delivered.
  3. Yeah, as i said with only minimal requiarments fullfied. Don't get me wrong I don't have problem with that. It just seems funny to me when some people complain about too high speed and you even extended it xd.
  4. Oh, it's 48,5 knots with minimal requirements and 1912 tech.
  5. I'am sorry but about what should I let you know?
  6. Players: Destroyers are so fast, its unrealistic! Devs:
  7. Those days might be back, if we have to Wait for 9 days again
  8. If we should act by this logic, we would have to remove every statue And monument that is somehow related to history...
  9. 500 replies if it's released in time. If it's delayed server will collaps.
  10. I totally agree with personal traits but to me those mates seem inapropriate for the time period and for the type of the game (but it's just my opinion). I appriciate that you mentioned loyalty of admirals, that could be an interesting feature (admirals might dissagree with you about the direction of research or your political decisions etc. and that might influence their loyalty to you) And you wrote about dying because of natural causes, I think that admirals might be rather retired when they reach some age.
  11. I have already mentioned this earlier in some post but I think it fits here well. About those country traits: i think it shouldn't be limited only to bonuses and penalties. I would really like to see different political traits and decisions for each country (for example: As Japan-competing with army over influence, As Russia-facing mutinies because of bolsheviks, etc.)
  12. Correct me if i am wrong (because i am not american) i thought they dont just ,,want it'' but they actually started doing it (removing statues etc.)
  13. Well if you look into credits in the game menu all names (beside Nick) are kind of eastern. By the way: why is it weird for non-us team make game about us history? Mafia 1 and 2 are also about US while they are made in Czech Republic.
  14. According to official website (http://www.game-labs.net/jobs) where they offer jobs, there is written: Office presence will be required occasionally (travel to Kiev will be paid)
  15. I am sorry but US based team? Don't they have offices in Kiev?
  16. I think we shouldn't lose hope yet. It wouldn't be first time when update is released later in the evening.
  17. About those problems: Poor firing arc - those guns with poor firing arc should be shining yellow so try to move these guns a bit Weight ofset: I don't relly understand what help do you need. This massage means that parts placed at the bow or stern are too heavy, so you have to remove some of these or move them little closer to the center or add some parts to opposite side of the ship.
  18. There never was a mention about Ironclads, they do not fit the era this game should cover anyways. By 1900 there were no Ironclads in service with major Nations. 1. Campaing starts in 1890 not in 1900. 2. In 1890 Ironclads were part of some navies. 3. When Ironclads were released devs said that they added them to cover earliest stage of the campaing.
  19. I would like to ask: When 1st April update was released you said that ironclads are added for the needs of the earliest phase of the campaing (and of course because it was 1st April) so don't we need some ironclads before campaing?
  20. I believe that I've seen Nick's post where he stated that there will be battles containing shores but I can't remember where it was.
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