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Everything posted by Aceituna

  1. I don't talk about modules but about the whole ship. Colours were removed with the newest update. But before the icon could turn black when it was sinking (could't be controlled by the player anymore) or when it was almost sinking (usually when only few % of structure remained). Edit: You can see that in the picture.
  2. There are four colours the damaged ship's icon in the game can have. Green - slight damage, Yellow - Damage, Red - heavy damage and Black - severe damage. So the option could be available when the icon is red or black or only black.
  3. If we talk about scuttling in battle this would work. There might be option to scuttle the ship when it's icon turns from red to black. But there would have to be some reason for doing that instead of keep firing until the end. Maybe it could give add some % of the surviving crew into our reserves.
  4. True, maybe it should be an player-only thing. Also how would AI decide to scuttle the ship? There would have to be some kind of ,,battle value'' for each ship that would determine which side has advantage in the battle (like it is in the Total War series) so AI would know that the battle is hopeless.
  5. I think it would be better to rather have an option to scuttle your fleet rather than surrendering it because warship's captains usually attempted to scuttle their ships when they wanted to surrender. It would be also nice to have an option to let your ships be interned in neutral ports.
  6. So when this already became regular discussion topic and we complain about lack of news here again I would like to propose one idea that was discussed few months ago. Would it really hurt devs (Nick) if they would write few sentences about progress like once a week? Something like: ,,Hey admirals, this week we made a big progress in ???. And we are currently working on ???. Don't expect new announcement any soon.'' Don't you think that you owe us some transparency after all those postpones? We're paying customers dammit. BTW: When this was proposed few months ago some people said that they wouldn't like this because devs would sacrifice their time for writing instead of working. Well, this really wouldn't be a problem. As a student of journalism I know how much time writing certain texts takes (sorry if this sounds like bragging). Such massages would be written in media (yeah, this translation is weird) style while it would carry simple information. That means that you would basically write just facts (so you don't really have to think about what you write) and it could have less than fifty words. It would literally take less than five minutes to write.
  7. Let's cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the eels of war.
  8. Yeah, that's not what I meant. Sorry for the confusion. I am aware that the crew is in the promised section. I just wanted to sort of ,,amend'' that information. I simply wanted to say that the crew progression is promised and besides the crew itself it's also promised that the officers will have their own progression.
  9. I have good news for you. This is actually a promised feature: By the way: you wrote about crew training. It's also promised that the crew progression will be separated from the officer progression which also will be a thing. (I quote part of Ink's topic about campaing development: Crew and Officers progression, Technology development and connection to Crew & Officer progression) Also I would add submarines to the confirmed features since mines are there. And when we already talk about wishes here, I would really like to see some diversity among playable nations in the terms of those promised political events. For example RTW 2 has only these genereric political events (Such as: Your citizens in colonies were attacked. What ship are you going to send there?) which are same for all nations. I would like to see different unique events for each nation. For example: As Japan you would constantly have to fight with the army for political influence or as Russia you would have to deal with Bolshevik mutinies among sailors.
  10. Well, the website says this: ,,Complete map that includes all countries of the time period''. Which as I understand it, means all countries, including those without coast. Sure, we can't expect actuall land battles. But the events on the land have to be represented somehow. It would be nice if Devs could put some light into this. Also one part of the article sounds very interesting: Reduce his ability to support his fleet and armies. It might mean something.
  11. May you post a source for this? I never heard something like that. I think that the only source of confirmed information is the ,,Playing modes section'' on the website. Which says this: you will not directly control events on land. So where did you get that the land warfare will be almost non-existent and will be limited for costal regions? In my opinion the land warfare can't work like this because the campaing will contain all the nations of the time (so even the landlocked ones).
  12. Honestly, I would be against it. Simply because I think that the affects that would be caused by poor quality control are already part of other features so there's no really need to add such feature. This is already affected by the range of your designed ship. And this should be part of the crew mechanic. So that leaves us only with the engines. Well it might be nice if speed of your ship would deteriorate with it getting older (as it historically was) but I don't think that we need a whole new feature for that.
  13. Nice update indeed. A lot of the stuff the game just got was really missing. So, may you finally tell us something about campaing? Or at least tell us approximate time when can we expect some news (something like ,,we will update you until Christmas'')? And by the way, five months ago (!!!) you promised us monthly patch notes, where are they? Will we ever receive them?
  14. Oh, finally. I just hope there won't be any delayes again. And now, how about top this moment of joy with some news about campaing?
  15. When the song ends it's the moment when the whole Dev team goes into retirement before managing to finish the game.
  16. My guess is quite similar but I would be glad if Devs could confirm these predictions. Altrough even if they would tell us, after all the postpones and other ,,unforseen circumstances'' we have experienced I still would be sceptical to promises of the Devs.
  17. Oh, come on guys. You are just as mysterious as always. Can't you tell us at least approximate time of release? Something like: ,,in a next two weeks?''
  18. Or Prague 1419/1483/1618. Defenestration time, lads!
  19. People use this as an excuse for Devs since Spring and I really don't understand why. When they were asked about this back in April/May (I think it was in the steam discussions) Devs themselves said that it won't have any big impact on them because even before they were working mostly from home.
  20. Here you are. And this image is very old. It's from October 2019. Well, you asked for some proof posted by Devs and I don't think there's any. This was posted by a member of community.
  21. Yeah it's summary of the past two months of work but the summary itself is three weeks old. So I was interpreting something that is three weeks old not two months old.
  22. I am sorry but two months? The post I quoted is from the 16th of October. So it's three weeks old.
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