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Tom Farseer

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Everything posted by Tom Farseer

  1. The second scenario is valid, the first isn't. Lincinio stated the exact scenario for the screen to appear, which is an OW PvP instance excluding R-Zones and Patrol-Zones. To be honest, the use of alts will always be problematic. An unexploitable gamemechanic with alt-accounts being a reality is basically impossible to achieve. The more important question in my opinion is where the line should be drawn. Which mechanical loopholes can be accepted, which cannot?
  2. Und ein Vorschlag zum Thema Geschütze, long canon: Lange Kanone medium canon: Kanone carro: Karronade swivel: Drehbasse Im Mittelalter hat man analog dazu auch nicht wirklich zwischen den in heutiger Fantasy üblichen Langschwerten, Breitschwertern etc unterschieden. Wenns einhändig geführt wurde: Schwert. Wenns zweihändig geführt wurde: langes Schwert oder Langschwert. Wenns einschneidig war: Messer (auch bei 1m Klingenlänge...) Die meisten anderen Begriffe stammen entweder aus späteren Epochen oder aus der heutigen Zeit....
  3. Natürlich ist Crew mittlerweile Teil der deutschen Sprache. War es aber damals vermutlich nicht. Salty Sails braucht vielleicht nochn bisschen Nachhilfe beim Thema Ausdrucksweise, was er sagt ist aber prinzipiell nicht falsch. Mein Vorschlag wäre auch Mannschaft. "Lineships" würde ich schon mit "Linienschiffe" übersetzen. Ist schon der korrekte Begriff auch wenn so mancher heutzutage dann eher an ne Aida oder sowas denkt. Statt eingenommen "eingenommen" bietet sich "gekapert" an. Als genereller Tip: Vermeide besonders bei Übersetzungen Anglizismen wo es nur geht. Ich komm zeitlich bedingt leider nicht dazu selbst die ganze Liste durchzugehen und eine Übersetzung anzufertigen. Falls du irgendwo Fragen zu Begriffen aus der Seemannssprache haben solltest hau mir gerne ne PM rein =)
  4. My point is if that situation arises one of the two parties concerned has already messed up in some way. If the enemy can confidently risk boarding you, chances are it is a bigger, slower ship. Don't tack close to it then. Worst case you lose the weather-gauge for a minute or two while evading. You can win it back most of the time. I am not saying that boarding mod (and several others) are grossly unbalanced at the moment. They are. But saying that boarding is an insta-win no matter the skill is quite frankly crap. On the contrary you need a bit of skill and practise in maneuvering to avoid boarding as well as to initiate it.
  5. The boarding itself may not take that much skill. But skill is involved in whether boarding even happens or not. Mast mods can obviously tip the balance but they don't negate chain damage. If the enemy takes ones kinetic energy while keeping his own (e.g. chaining you whil evading your chain) or pushes one into the wind without even needing chain or mastsniping, he obviously is more skilled. I have been in boarding against my will less times than I have fingers on one hand. Each time was because I messed up in some way or other. Nothing to do with gear...
  6. That statement works under the assumption that both/all parties involved took the time to grind out those ships and are willing to risk them. The BR allows for such fleets, but if the economy does not then maybe people will just have to resort to more varied fleet setups, wherin 3rd rates make up the backbone of the fleet (as it should be IMO). I don't have many Dubs currently because I don't have as much time to play. But as I see it, with higher playernumbers the overall sum of dubloons will rise (they are generated out of thin air after all). So with higher player numbers clans can then afford more 1st rates to bring to a battle. Disclaimer! Personal Opinion: I don't see any problem with having less 1st and 2nd rate lineships lumbering about. I think they should be very expensive. The third rates however could see a slight decrease in cost to make extended wars in deep water ports a little less tiresome and give smaller clans (counting in gametime, not people) a chance to partake.
  7. Honestly, who said anything about a surprise? 🤔 Deep draught ships joining shalow PBs is obviously problematic. All I did was point that out. Imagine a bunch of Surps and Hercs being there for a defence and getting shredded by a bunch of Bounce Poules and Indefatigables. Hardly what the devs intended, is it?
  8. So... ummm.... the battle was fun and all... but... is noone going to talk about how two Indiamen were able to join that PB from just outside the shallows? @Released Privateer and McKillen made it funny by joining in ships that are usually (and I stress usually) not as much of a threat, which I appreciate. But in all honesty they could have gotten two decently fast heavy frigates in there and completely messed up any sense of balancing. Honestly, @admin this really needs to be fixed soon.
  9. Indeed we are. I see you already joinedour Discord server. We can hash out all the details on there. ❄️
  10. So it's basically ARK but in much, much worse? Even ARK to this day has bad performance for it's visuals (but I guess that counts for a lot of games on Unreal Engine 4...), this looks atrocious 🤣
  11. Gatekeeping, much? Sarcasm aside, it was never stated that the so called "hardcore" nations shall not be able to trade profitably without having to enter enemy reinforcement zones. Even those factions will need some balanced trade opportunities or they will just die out or rather be dependend on alts. And the discussion about whether or not these nation should be in the game is for another thread. Neither @Released Privateer nor @rediii asked for any capitols to be added to any nation, be it "hardcore" or not. I think the point Released (weird... I called you "Banished" before...) is trying to make is that a nation without a capital port should still be able to find capturable trade ports that at least consume some decent amount of goods. As it stands currently ports of this kind are few and far between. Even County Capitals with high BR-ratings often consume one or two goods. @admin stated that prices are based on difference. He did not state that they are based on distance alone. Which is probably why Released (still fells weird to call you that...) is asking about whether capitals will still be the main consuming ports.
  12. Tack before the Requin gets too close for comfort. Which even a Live Oak/White Oak Niagara can easily do without falling below the speed threshold for boarding.
  13. While I agree on the problematic with knowledge books, I am not sure that this specific statement is true anymore. When I tagged a spaniard in his R-Zone last week, I was sailing an Indefatigable and the game spawned two (very beefed up) Indefatigables. I take two things from that. Reinforcements are no longer completely laughable. They cannot kill a competent player on their own but they should be strong enough to force most attacker to leave the battle as fast they can by running upwind. That is a good thing. (Going with the wind the AI kept up at 13 knots while being chained to 87%). Good for me that the AI still can't go close to the wind. 😅 It would seem from this limited experience that reinforcements are no longer tied to ship rate but rather spawn the same ship. It would be nice to get some info on those changes from someone who has definite knowledge on the matter (pokes @admin ).
  14. While I wholeheartedly agree that Any forum user should keep it at least somewhat civil and be constructive about things Taking out the banhammer should be reserved for the most extreme cases ('tis a slippery slope), my criticism at you, dear @jpjchris would be that a tribunal is hardly the place for such a suggestion (hint, hint... ). Nonetheless you do have a point!
  15. Seeing as game localisation will be on our doorstep shortly (first half on 2019 according to @admin's recent post) I thought maybe some members of our community who are willing to help with translating texts can post this here. Obviously a reasonably high level of english (or russian?) will be required to ensure a certain level of quality. To determine proficency levels you can use something like this for orientation, in case you don't have a certificate. Suggested example for signup format in this thread (and simultaneously me signing up ) Native language: German Other languages: (if applicable with level of qualification): English, C2 proficiency (certified)
  16. Sounds definitely interesting. My concern is that if you completely remove the trader tool, without implementing something like the captains logs @AeRoTR mentionen in his comment, the meta listing will just move away from the game and into online spreadsheet that are maintained by players. Resulting in less tech-affine players losing a source of income while those that are used to creating spreadsheets and filtering their own flow of information get another advantage. My advice is think hard about what consequences which change will entail.
  17. Also would this mean that one could green on green his own AI ships and loot rng dubloons from them? If yes, that's an exploit waiting to happen. Oo
  18. 10 players can flip anything but the highest BR (8k+) ports in 4 missions max. 1 mission takes about 30 minutes if you go at it with a bit of thoughtfullness. The deep water ports that are around 2.5k BR are 2 missions for ten people. Hardly a whole evening. Especially if you consider that people can just leave the mission and start a new one in parallel giving you more ships to sink in total. The BR isn't a problem in hostility. What is a problem is people being discouraged by the whole "wipe incoming" yammering. The wipe is probably a few months away still. The wipe has absolutely NO effect on the quality of content you can have right now. If you don't play now you only lose playtime and gain nothing. So many people whining about having to work their way up again after said wipe. It's a GAME. If it feels like work, you are doing it wrong! So let your hair down, mates and enjoy playing. It's no use to desperately hang on to a few shiny bits and bytes.
  19. @Angus MacDuff I guess I should've taken a look at your location before asking^^ To be fair, the way the Thor launches it's rescue is far from modern. Only difference is that we launch not from the (nonexistant) main course but use a gantline on the schooner mast to raise/lower the boat and one connected to that to pull it abaft of the schooner's shrouds and backstays. For lack of anything usable as a crane we manually push the boat out over the bullwark. Takes more people and is probably not the safest way for those involved but we have to make do with what we got. Works quite well and we are fairly quick with it.
  20. Ever did a Person-over-Board maneuver? Last time I did one (on this ship) we launched our rescue while going 7-8 knots under sail in force 7 winds. Btw. launching the rescue (which sits just behind the forcastle) is done by hand (by 6-7 crewmembers) with two gantline. This also has to work (and does) in MUCH worse conditions. Think northern Atlantic ocean, with 5m waves. So yes. It is true... Edit: Also, let's try to keep this on topic 😃
  21. Overall I find the suggestion quite good. I would not go so far as forcing complete immobility. A boat can easily be launched at normal cruising speed so realism is not the issue here. For balancing/gameplay reasons I'd say going below 3.5 knots (not quite an arbitrary number 😉 ) for 15-30 seconds could be nice. It forces you to think ab out when to loot, so you don't get boarded while you men are busy readying the boats.
  22. So increase OW speed but decrease join timers. This is about quality of life and at least a slight reduction time-investment. Not about getting the chance to assemble more gank/caountergank fleets.
  23. I sent you tips on trading routes in private. You can make much more than 10k per trip a Trader Brig without having to sail all to far and in relatively safe waters. I stress the term relatively however.
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