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Everything posted by Landsman

  1. You're not alone and I was in this situation as EU player aswell... I wanted to join them but they have always been PvE only except for one small PvP clan that they pissed off so much that they quit Prussia again. Instead of trying to keep the few PvP players they had with this clan, they made them quit the nation. So yeah, Prussia only has retarded PvE jockeys and most players already left the nation again or are inactive now. So I never switched to them either fortunately... dodged a bullet right there I guess. Shame about the nice flag. I think @Liq is still stuck on prussia, because he is out of forged papers and the devs won't give us more... so now one of the best PvP players is trapped in the nation with the shittiest PvE players #justiceforLiq
  2. About time to be honest... RvR became pretty boring with only russian empire giving them a half decent opponent. I just hope that it's not just another nation that takes their place and zergs everyone again... some balanced nations would maybe even get me interested in RvR.
  3. Yup, sadly... another reason I prefer Legends. Yeah, at least they make it available for everyone so I guess they are thinking that if someone isn't sailing Wasa and gets rekt by one it's their fault for not sailing it aswell...
  4. You mean the merchants building ships in the safe zone with almost all resources available to them at zero risk? Yeah, that really hurts the eco and all.... #literallyunplayable
  5. Exactly, it doesn't really matter outside of PBs...
  6. Still hearing the people claiming it wasn't OP or how constitution or other ships were better... still gives me this subtle chuckle thinking about it.
  7. Nice logic but when OW started, NA was new and hyped. Look how many players are left for NA in general and now imagine how many of those left that grinded their ships and crew in OW already want to do it in Legends twice... When they release Legends and OW you will see... They will most likely not even wipe OW completely, because the game can't take any more players leaving. Every wipe costs them players, because people are whiney and can't take losing some pixels. Seeing how OW is almost dead already, it won't survive another full wipe most likely...
  8. Haha, sorry mate but I stopped reading here already... the OW version has been up for what now.... 3 years? Don't even try to compare it to Legends in this regard... unless you wait 3 years and compare it to the current OW NA.
  9. NAL is in open beta and people don't feel like grinding / unlocking the ships twice.... there have been more than enough testers already and most of the time it is still way easier to get a balanced fight quickly, which is almost impossible on the OW version, if you don't set it up. Where is the PvE version of NA? Ah, yes the PvE server... and who plays there? Barely anyone. My point still stands, NA works without PvE but not without PvP ( in the long term ). By the way, admin himself said the game is about PvP with ships, so you're basically arguing against what the devs see as a fact and it is their game... who would know better? Who would log into the game without the possibility of PvP after only 100 hours playtime???
  10. I am afraid you just didnt understand what I meant... NA could exist without PvE ( case in point is Legends ) but barely anyone would play it without PvP ( especially for 100+ hours ). So yeah PvP is what defines NA... hence I said it is PvP. Why do you think even PvE players want to play on the PvP server??
  11. Yeah, take the PvP out of it and see where it goes... good luck. Just looking at the player numbers of the PvE server and the fact that even most PvE player rather play their PvE on the PvP server tells the whole story...
  12. The only version of NA worth playing at the moment? OW would be so good without safe zones for veteran players and a lot more players online... but it sadly isn't the case...
  13. The game is PvP. That is its main content... PvP with ships. Even trading involves PvP, because without the risk of losing your cargo to pirates there is no real point in trading... you could accumulate endless amounts of gold but it would mean nothing ( just like in the current ingame eco, coming to think about it ). People with above average IQ can enjoy blasting away some bots only for so long, before it starts to get boring. PvP is what ( should ) make OW alive and what provides endless content. Look at the PvE server, barely anyone wants to play there, not even most PvE players as they flock to the PvP server too, for whatever reason...
  14. Even more sad and angry than a empty US server that barely differs from the PvE server due to player numbers alone?
  15. Yes, please @admin... if pop goes up with the merge and I had forged papers, I might give OW another shot...
  16. Hard to believe there even are 100 active players in your faction... but yeah should be increased and also we should be able to add enemies. It is a bit silly that we can't to be honest...
  17. @admin Why did you remove paints anyways? I'm not complaining and assume you have your reasons but it would be cool, if you could share it with us... Paints improve the game alot, since it is not only some much needed and wanted customization for the ships but also increases visuals overall, since ships look a bit different and we don't have 5x the same cookie cutter Bellona or p-frig in a battle... Paints would be the best PvP reward.
  18. And this is why we need rocket ships.
  19. Sounds good but you lost me at... This would be bad for balance. I would love this, if they could balance it somehow asymmetrically but it would be very complicated and is even more unlikely to actually happen...
  20. I like the idea but rather than the garbage someone didn't want it should be the cannons ( all cannons )and some fixed amount of repairs depending on the ship + the remaining from battle and a random upgrade of those the ship had...
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