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Corona Lisa

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Everything posted by Corona Lisa

  1. Except theres no vote here. Also following your theory about votes why is Merkel still Chancellor of Germany? 😕
  2. requin pulling a santi at 8 knots live footage The santi captain got executed afterwards for not using the determined defender perk
  3. *have 🙂 Btw now u need to tell us which game u mean
  4. Apart from the server pop issue its still a terrible idea imo. What will happen if everyone has to start from 0 after a few deaths? Noone will risk anything, only ganks and running
  5. Such a feature kills the usefulness of 5th rates apart from being a circle cap bot in PBs and ganking traders
  6. Imo the guy who wants to pay the most should get the ressource, not the lucky dude who randomly outbid you by 1 gold at the right time in an endless bidding war.
  7. You mean so the guy who pays the most actually gets it? Great! Care to explain, not sure what you mean here
  8. Not too much of a change honestly as long as we dont go back to no TP at all. But please stop the 1 gold contract outbidding by forcing players to pay at least 5% (random number) more as the last guy. Trading doesnt feel like trading, its just sitting in a port and outbidding the other guy for 1gold until he loses interest
  9. Do you have any data how much hours of fishing it took you on average to get a bottle?
  10. I like the idea of it. Not sure why you think my comment was negative, just pointed out a potential problem
  11. ...and his opponent is fcked too Maybe add a ring of death?
  12. @Thonys What do you think about havoc leaving VP?
  13. 1. Wo hab ich das denn behauptet? 2. Auch wieder quatsch 3. Was juckt es dich denn für welche Häfen andere zahlen 4. Wie nett von dir. Ich frag mich was die neue Spieler davon halten, dass du die Preise für essentielle Rohstoffe hochtreibst um dich weiter zu bereichern Hier noch n Zitat für dich, hast ja auch n paar lustige Sprüche dabei gehabt Ich kenne die Weise, ich kenne den Text,Ich kenn auch die Herren Verfasser;Ich weiß, sie tranken heimlich WeinUnd predigten öffentlich Wasser.
  14. Eine Frage noch bevor du dich wieder EvE zuwendest: Wie siehst du eigentlich deine Rolle in deiner Nation in NA? Du handelst in Häfen, um die du nicht gekämpft hast. Du bist in keinem Clan und spielst nur für deinen eigenen Kontostand und stiehlst somit quasi trading goods von deiner Nation. Erinnert mich irgendwie an nen Parasiten...
  15. joa Warum machste jetzt nix mit deiner Kohle Dominique? Ich mein das game wird sich zum offiziellen release ja nicht um 90° drehen, also warum warten
  16. Try disabling the integrated graphics card
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