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Corona Lisa

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Everything posted by Corona Lisa

  1. Dunno if thats on topic, but Id like to see some more incentive for trades with other players. I like economy and trading, but in this game its boring because its so static. Actually most of the time its not actual trading, its just outbidding other guys by 1 gold all day long until the item drops. Some ideas to improve trading: Auctions for rare stuff like books or upgrades. All prices are hidden until server maintenance and then the highest bid gets the item. Would be even more ideal if it is only possible in one single freetown so it acts as a trading hub for all players (so that would be a hotspot and players try to smuggle their stuff in and out while others try to steal it). Possiblility to set up trading contracts in the capital. For example offer 2 mill gold for 1k hull repairs in a specific port. So traders can check it regularely while noone would see it if I place this contract in a small port rarely anyone visits.
  2. Noone said that lol. But its not a PvE server either, so if you sail out of safezone you have to open your eyes at least. You dont see who you are attacking so I dont get this argument. You should play in Sweden before judging me. I am aware that most are casuals who just run a mission or do a traderun a day/week, thats why I said I think less than 10% interact in PvP at all. But that doesnt mean those people should do it in complete safety. All the time people talk about immersion, about realism. Where is that realism when you can choose your mission in complete safety? So many dont even see the hunters and sail straight to their mission, because they dont have to look around anymore for potential danger. Its boring.
  3. I dont think its so hard. Manual sailing, angling and you win vs most of the players already. Its just hard to practise, also with the potiential loss in the mind a lot of players play unneccassary scared. Thats why the skill level in this game is very low.
  4. Its amazing to see how many people suddenly post here when something disturbs their little PvE only bubble on the PvP server, when all they have to do is open the eyes before entering a mission. You have to sail 20 minutes to your mission? To get PvP you have to sail much longer and sometimes wait for ages, while a ton of ships just ignore you and enter their PvE mission. On. A. PvP. Server. Would be interesting to see a statistic about how many of the active players participated in any non PvE action. I bet its less than 10%.
  5. Its your opinion that the game dont deserve these negative reviews, but the good thing about steam reviews is that everyone can share their own opinion and its hard to buy good reviews in contrast to reviews from IGN or similar. It would have been better if you just ask about a honest review of the game. (mine is positive btw, but I also understand a lot of the negative ones)
  6. I dont understand why people want limited ball at all. Even if you play amazing you will die against a bigger number of players because you have no ammo left. How is this skillbased? It just promotes ganking even more... And what tactic is this? Just because there is a limit on chain (which we dont even know yet) doesnt mean angling and positioning are irrelevant.
  7. Nice change, it will force people to play more agressive and not just chain for the whole duration. Its also good for new players imo. Often you see them chaining a 40% target instead of killing it.
  8. Leaderboards with rewards were nice in the beginning, because everyone wanted the blueprints and also the paints were very valueable. A lot of people came into PvP zone only for the rewards. After a while every nation had dedicated crafters with the blueprints and also paints got inflated, so the rewards lost most of their value and noone gave a shit about them again. I believe the amount of rewards given out needs to be dependant on the amount of players online to keep them valueable for a long time. Since the devs were unable to do this with other stuff like trading goods or Victory marks there is no point in implementing rewards like in old PvP zone longterm. Also a lot of people check leaderboards after every fight. That means they care about it and that it is motivating to be on the leaderboards, even without rewards.
  9. or different keybinds for each firemode
  10. All your talking about elitism is just wrong in my opinion, there are only people who want to go out and fight and people who dont want to do it. I think Ive never seen someone telling anyone "nope you cant sail with us you are too bad". Not in Pirates, not in Sweden and not in Prussia. I switched because there were not enough people who were interested in OW PvP. Only a handful and if those are not on there was nothing to do. Prussia was the only option for both active RvR and small group OW PvP. Also I made that decision weeks before rubli switched, I only knew 2 of my former clanmates were considering switching. Biggest problem is still people are too scared of PvP. I think the main reason is because everything is predictable from the moment the fight starts. There is no fog where ships hide, you see every move the enemy makes. Noone can shoot you in the back and you can blame the "fking camper" or something. If you die its 90% your own fault. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201509/5-reasons-we-play-the-blame-game
  11. Its just a bullshit argument, you dont know who you are attacking in OW since names are hidden.
  12. Well what do you do when you have no dockspace left...sell it to NPC for 20k?
  13. I like rng crafting and I think its good for the game. When you get a standard ship (like 90% of the time) you dont feel bad if you lose it in PvP because it was nothing special anyways. And even more important, you actually need to lose it so you can free up dock space to craft your next ship, which could be a golden one. 4 or 5 slot ships are very rare, they are not meant to be used for PvP zone or smth in my opinion. Best use would be an important fight or PB. Or you could sell them and get rich. So rng crafting increases crafting and to craft you need dockspace. To get dockspace you need to lose your ship in PvP. rng crafting = more PvP
  14. Wenn er vorher nur auf dem PvP1 oder PvP global war hat er keine XP auf dem PvE server und fängt dort bei Null an. Die XP hat er nur, wenn er sich vor dem Wipe schonmal dort eingeloggt hatte. So schlimm is es da gar nicht, jede Nation hat um die Hauptstadt eine Zone in der er quasi nicht angegriffen werden kann. Nur wenn du n bissl weiter raus segeln willst (map erkunden oder sowas) dann kanns gefährlich werden.
  15. Its because of the size of the group I believe. 200 people in one TS is very different from 15 or 20. Also a commander can only tell so much, in a brawl everyone needs to talk when he needs help, call out weak targets etc in my opinion. Also I dont understand how people enjoy being in a TS with a ton of other people and only listening to orders. For me thats very boring and players are basically just numbers, I felt like a bot or something. Communication is a big part of what makes games fun and competetive for me.
  16. 15 PvP marks each on @rediii and @Abram Svensson . 10 extra if you write "clanwhore" in chat and post screenshot
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