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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. If your idea of peace is being farmed for fun by Danish players in your missions, enjoy it.
  2. It doesn't matter. Danish players are still zerging Swedish players doing missions around Gustavia. Any peace treaty isn't worth the bits and bytes it is written on. It seems my assessment of Herminators intentions has been accurate all along. To be clear: This is happening right now.
  3. ok, assuming we're here, in 18th century society. Someone receives the payment for a certain, very expensive delivery, then fails to deliver and refuses all contact? I mean, realism is the reason we punish many things here that are a-ok in other online games. Especially since you have _no_ recourse since green on green damage is banned. How about making it a poll?
  4. I'm pretty sure there will be very few reports of scams on this scale if you start punishing people. Why do you punish crossteamers, damage farmers or other exploiters? That also costs resources. It's such a non-argument
  5. First of all, unlike the new troll insinuated, I did not defend _these particular players_. All I said that this is quite impossible to really pin on someone because this might just happen through regular gameplay. Damage farming can't happen by accident. Crossteaming can't happen by accident. This can. People could always just exit a mission and jump into another fight nearby. And if they don't brag about it, how do you catch them? second, if this is a tribunal case, you need to declare the accused by name. Not "A clan". Since you didn't do this, we can only talk about this in general terms.
  6. The Naval Action Labour Fallacy. Time spent crafting planks is wasted on not crafting ships You can use people who don't know how to code anything to investigate and punish ingame scams. That way, no development time is lost.
  7. Absolutely not in line with you punishing players for far less serious offenses. If a person were to commit fraud on this scale back then, he'd face a trial and be ruined as a person. Realism please. It's nice that this works for you and your super deep pockets. Many crafters don't have complete sets ready to go.
  8. Someone please explain to me in what way the jump from 2 Cerberi to 2 Constitution for one level up makes any sense... 2 surprises, 2 frigates, yeah. But this is jumping three levels at once. we currently have a small group frigate and 2x surprise. Two Cerberi are pushovers, two constitutions are out of the question.
  9. I already covered that Alex. Not a single French player was ever spotted at Haiti. Same for the ports of Spain in central america. The French were holding a lot of territory in the east. Taking their Haiti ports two hours away didn't seem like a big deal to them as it now does to you.
  10. Let's just ignore that many of those ports were neutral ports sitting between ports we already owned from the beginning, or that they were ports no one in the nation used such as central America. We've also taken zero ports from nations right next to their capital. Britain started with a number of ports almost as high as Spain, except we kept them. In what world that is aggressive land grabbing is beyond me. "Play to crush" accusations against Britain are the most hilarious thing I've ever read here. Are you seriously holding it against us that we took Pedro Cay, Saint Ann, Prinzapolka etc? How nice the Swedes were supposed to surrender two ports to you that weren't theirs to begin with Also demanding an Alliance, you really think that would have worked? Since he is French, and so are two of the ports you named were French before the weekend, he's just as qualified to accept.
  11. I wonder if the fact that multiple Swedish players begged for peace is good enough, or if Herminator insists on the big clans also begging for mercy to appease his ego. Either way, with zero ports the game is pretty much unplayable. So our best bet at this point is that the Swedish players only quit until the map reset, and not for good.
  12. The way I read admins posts about pirates there will be no big changes for the difficulty because "so many already play pirates".
  13. No it's fine let's leave it like it is. Contrary to what was promised. Pirates will be the easy nation full of Jack Sparrows, just like the Brethren of the Coast were.
  14. This is hardly tribunal material but should be in open world discussion. It is pretty much impossible to tell whether someone deliberately reinforced a battle from another battle or whether it's pure chance. You exit a battle and see another right next to you, are you now not allowed to enter? This needs a game mechanic solution, not a million tribunal cases.
  15. I'm not Swedish. I'm merely looking at this situation from a long distance away, and commenting on what I perceive to be an attempt at humiliating the opponent on the forum on top of in game.
  16. Why are you beating on the Swedes while we British hold all your ports on Hispaniola? Well, except Higuain
  17. 1. if the offer had been sincere, I'd have expected you to attack towards West today, not buy a flag the second the ultimatum was over for English harbour. 2. of course not. 3. I already said what I'd do, and I'll repeat it: ceasing the attacks unilaterally. I'm not saying you should stop the attacks for the good of the game. But we can do without these threads. and smug posts like this one really do a thing on credibility.
  18. well, you could simply unilaterally decide to stop fighting them. But I guess you wanted them to grovel first. Enjoy the English harbor "battle" This thread is just as dishonest as the American thread two weeks back towards Spain. The only difference is that too few in RUS speak english, so they didn't come to this thread to tell everyone what terrible people they are for not taking the fake offer and that everything that happens from now on is on Spain, not the US
  19. pretty tall tale considering it takes roughly 3 clicks to get to this thread to figure out you've made that up? http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10571-1st-big-content-patch-information/
  20. Because I can't possibly think of a more dull fleet composition but the same ship 25 times. This is an inherent issue with crafted third rates only having three durability, making it remarkably unattractive to craft them Either make third rates uncaptureable, or make crafted third rates have 5 durability.
  21. Americans didn't lose anything, really. A couple of ports they never wanted changed hands. No one set up there.
  22. because defending far away ports is utterly pointless?
  23. That's the attitude we need when alpha testing the open world RVR.
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