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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. PVP muss sich insofern lohnen, als dass die Belohnung den angerichteten Schaden zumindest theoretisch übersteigt. Wenn man für die Vernichtung von 200k an realen Werten jedoch nur 40k bekommt, dann heißt das zwangsläufig, dass viel PVE gegrindet werden muss.
  2. Die Funktion wurde sehr stark benutzt. Ich habe zahllose screenshots von Gefechten dieser Art. Damals galt noch exp und gold für jeden Schaden, den man verursacht hat, und dementsprechend bekamen auch Anfänger etwas dafür raus, dass sie eine Dura von ihrem Schiff abgegeben haben. Auch war die Beinahe-Garantie, dass die small battle kein einseitiger Gank sein würde, ein echter Anreiz sie zu machen. PVP ist übrigens kein Beiwerk von Naval Action - es sollte im Kern schon immer ein PVP Spiel sein.
  3. Die Spieler, die auf dem PVE Server spielen, werden weder NAL noch NA PVP spielen. Deren Einstellung dazu ist einfach eine völlig andere, die man nachvollziehen können muss. PVP ist nicht etwas, auf dessen Geschmack einer gebracht werden muss oder kann. Außerdem sind das eh so wenige, dass darüber unverhältnismäßig viel gesprochen wird.
  4. Ist doch bei WoT genauso, da kannst du auf einem Premiumpanzer auch keine upgrades mehr freischalten und man kann damit crew leveln. Wo seht ihr denn die Zukunft von NA, wenn man die Kämpfe in NAL auf Knopfdruck bekommt?
  5. I've had this happen three times this last week. And I have a phat pipe.
  6. Pretty irritating when you crash on the sea, and then you can't log back in for two minutes because the game gets stuck on sending crash reports.
  7. Ich werd mir ja so den Arsch ablachen, wenn NA Legends dann wieder für damage gold und exp abwirft, auch wenn es keinen Kill gab, weil das in World of Tanks, das man hier offensichtlich kopieren will, ja auch der Fall ist. Obwohl man bei NA Legends ja nicht mal sein Schiff riskiert und es sich nach einem Verlust nicht neu "verdienen" muss. Die NA Spieleranzahl fällt dann spontan auf null, weil es niemand einsieht sich diesen ganzen Mist hier mit dem Grinden zu geben, nur um dann in der Open World Fangen zu spielen und kein PVP zu haben, wenn man genau das was man haben will auf Knopfdruck als böse böse böse böse böse böse "instant gratification" verfügbar ist. Dann ist die Entwicklung von zwei Jahren der Open World einfach verschwendete Zeit gewesen. Schade, ich hätte lieber ein OW Spiel, aber admin hört lieber seinen Favorite pet postern zu (und @-ed sie sogar an um ihre meinung zu kriegen) obwohl die schon gar nicht mehr spielen. Die, die jeden Tag spielen, die haben nichts zu melden.
  8. Ah you know what, you don't read my posts at all. I'm one of the main lobbyists for this very thing, and you say that? You don't read my posts, your posts are barely legible due to your complete disregard for spelling and grammar, and you now accuse me of this? Hell no. Here I was about to sift through my testing screenshots (because you clearly do not test this game, you just consume) to find the data you asked, but apparently it would be even more wasted effort on you. You claim to know what people are asking for? How? By reading this thread? Don't make me laugh. You know what you want, and you're projecting it on everyone else. Ignore from here. If you don't read my posts, I am not gonna even see yours.
  9. This was February 2016. Your rumors were months later I assume (I never even heard of that, it seems impossible because your client doesn't decide how much damage you dealt, therefore doesn't send any data to the server about that), and it wasn't taken out for that reason either. It was taken out because the whiners kept whining "waaah the people we kill must walk away with nothing!". The same whiners and dev pet posters here that as a thanks for having their way aren't even playing the game anymore. But that's who is being listened to here, a handful of dev pet posters.
  10. I give up. I have to write everything three times in this thread for the slowpokes. Solo kill PVP on a Belle Poule. Literally already said so in the post. Read everything before you reply. That is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. If you don't know what kills reward today, you shouldn't discuss anything in this thread at all. If you don't know the game because you're not even playing it, why are you here?
  11. You're reading it wrong, he clearly says they make like 100k to 150k damage per kill or assist. That means they made e.g. 10 kills when playing, but totaled 1.5 million damage dealt. This does not mean they dealt 150k to a single ship. They damage farmed one ship over and over to reach that kind of damage dealt, and every now and then they scored a legit kill. This is an average across all of their activities.
  12. No, you certainly did not get more gold / exp from PVP than you do today. Don't make me prove that as well.... Okay I dug it out anyways Solo kill PVP on a Belle Poule. That is less than you get today.
  13. No, that's not what the link says. You're making this whole thing up. Everything made up.
  14. >It doesn't matter if you use alts or another player. of course it does. The alt doesn't fight back, the player will.
  15. Recently killed is not there to prevent alt kill farming. It's there so you don't kill someone over and over for rewards. >Why would the Admiralty pay you gold rewards any way for a ship that escapes? Do you ever sometimes argue with "it's a game, that's why?" Well, now you can't anymore.
  16. You speak for yourself, not most folks. There's plenty of players who want to see gold for damage return as well. >We don't see every thing the devs do to punish these folks and we don't need to, but making every rule around preventing a few folks from exploiting hurts the other 10K players that don't exploit the game. Please explain how a rule that forbids cheating actually hurts you as a non-cheater.
  17. Yeah, you probably are too new to have seen this first hand. maybe it already happened in March. You know what? That was very, very easy to find. So yeah, be really sure that never happened. It's just right there in this very forum.
  18. I'm gonna explain this for some reason to someone who should know this because he's been here since April 4th, 2016 and this happened during that time, but here is exactly why Alt account damage farming never worked in this game: Player A joined battle with Player B, both under his control Player A damaged Player B close to sinking, then left the battle again and collected damage rewards. Player A and B repeated the process and made a lot of money No one reported them Then Admin had a monitoring alert that Player A had made a lot of PVP gold from damage but no sinking. 99% of his income was PVP damage, and 0% of his income was a kill or an assist in PVP. Admin investigated and saw the the damage farmed over and over on Player B. Admin reset them both. No reports were needed, simple log monitoring caught them. That happened with a few accounts at once, and after that no one damage farmed alt accounts anymore. Because simple log monitoring catches this. don't make me bloody dig out the admin announcments from last year about this precise thing happening. You should have paid attention back then.
  19. This AGAIN? We went over this three times in this thread alone. Oh boy. POTBS did have a leaderboard, it was web based and far more elaborate than what we have right now. The boogeyman is knocking on the door again. Oh my god, we have to have a bad game because people might exploit a good game. Meanwhile, people actually exploit in PVP right now and no one bats an eye.
  20. I'm gonna laugh so hard when NA Legends rewards damage again, similar to the "World of" games it's apparently going to copy, even when you don't risk your ships there and don't have to earn a lost ship back. And NA drops to 10 players over night. Admin will have wasted two entire years developing the open world game. Two Entire Years. Two years of copying POTBS to the crossed t's and the dotted i's, while claiming he doesn't want to copy POTBS at all. Yet every single major change since EA launch brought the game closer and closer to POTBS. In fact I can't think of a single feature added to the open world game that was added that did not exist in the very same way in POTBS. The only thing was durability 1 for all ships. Very largely a cosmetic issue to silence the vocal whiners.
  21. Ist das der offizielle Standpunkt, mit dem man das Open World Spiel vom regulären Naval Action jetzt bezeichnet? lästige features, die PVP verhindern sollen? Wird NAL dann NA ganz offiziell irgendwann ablösen?
  22. >You buy a game, and steam values full value at 2 hours, you can refund prior to 2 hours. That's a really bold interpretation of Steam's refund policy.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00Ws4dlh94o amazing! Exactly as @Challenge said, people are quick to post tutorials and content, but they don't clean up after them when the game changes
  24. It will also be ports that are being used that will go neutral. If it doesn't make a difference whether your iron mine is in a port of your nation or a neutral port, why bother keeping it in your nation?
  25. I wonder if anyone specifically requested being able to repair every 10 minutes for 1/3 of your armor so that in many situations ships are simply unsinkable.
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