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Everything posted by Paint

  1. Well he really couldnt have any chance to escape. nothing beeing bout patience or advantage, a LGV doesnt really have much advantages over a frigate unless some more speed but dont quote me on that. So yeah. Running was his best chance.
  2. Zu 2., Bin ich dagegen wenn ich mich nicht irre war das auch mal so das man quasi mit schiff teleportieren kann, von anderen Outposts aus. Aber würde mMn. viel taktische Tiefe nehmen da man die 1st Rate Flotte einfach im Capital lagern kann sich jeweils in den Grenzgebieten der Nation n outpost setzen und innerhalb von 5-10 Minuten da ist (Entfernung bis zum Capital + Entfernung vom Outpost zum Kampfgebiet/PB). Was Logistik und Flottenmanagement quasi Überflüssing macht.
  3. Why are you all talking just about the Powder, did any of you ever walk on Wet Wood ? No pleasure. And not when there is ruff sea. Should have a big impact on the weather deck, as people can only accomplish different tasks slower, since they need to pay attention they dont fall and hold their balance.
  4. I dont know but this thread reminds me of the Deutsche Wochenschau in the Second WW, always used to impress their countrymen with great numbers, that the allies would need 20 Shermans to take out one glorious Tiger, but they didnt include that they destroyed theirselfs more than the allies did to poor reliability, what i want to say is: Who do you want to impress with this ? What kind of role does this play ? Do you think people will Join you because you destroyed some ships from a overexpanded, underpopulated, fairly unorganized Nation ?
  5. Wow That are some seriously mineature masts. Santissima is probably a F1 Car maneuvrability wise compared to this.
  6. Dont like that much.. Locks people out of Portfights that arent in important clans if its heavily organized.
  7. Really nice to see a top notch 2nd rate, 16 more Guns than the Pavel, Usable guns on quarterdeck and bow chasers which the pavel lacks. Would like to see it introduced. Ah okay, that explains the more oldish build style.
  8. IMO a addition which would preventing just having 1 ship for each zone and rest 1st rates who protect them would be that you get points by constantly staying in that zone(make it a bit bigger so you have room to fight) and get a specific amount of points per second.
  9. Look at my Quote. This is the Topic if you want to read the whole conversation but couldn´t find it / Didnt have enough time: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13899-please-provide-fair-information-for-the-whole-community/
  10. Well i´d like to have it some longer, since if you sail alone say to a port from where a port attack will be started and you run into pirates f.e. you´re fucked if you´re outnumbered. Cause till you can call same near help the battle timer is already closed.
  11. Ich habe keine Beleidigungen erwähnt. Außerdem solltest du eventuell lernen, Was der Name und was der Forenrang ist. Zudem ist meine Argumentation richtig, wie dir der Mod bestätigt hat. Das ist kein BUG ! Punkt aus ende. Du hast es als solchen bezeichnet, gut man kann Fehler machen trotzdem bist letzten Endes du der Fehler in der Kette gewesen.
  12. Then People would start maps by themselves, They wont tell just their friends but their whole nation. Wont be long till all are discovered imo. but no offense, its a great idea for sure. @Slamz, I´d see more potential if they would enhance the Coastlines with details and so on in battles, aswell as shallows which act in a way an Island acts, as a barrier you need to sail around to pass it.
  13. I think that might just fit, i think its End of Napoleonic wars plus five years, so yeah Would really like to see it ingame since it has got some punch aswell .
  14. This was the fastest and most resource-saving Way to implement Land Battles ASAP. But if you want to you can sail into the open sea to have not such "Unreal" Illusions as you might say.
  15. Kann nur sagen, zu 99 % sitzt dein Bug vor dem Computer-Bildschirm.
  16. I think it will be implemented in battles sometime but not on OW. Just my thoughts though.
  17. Well for me it was with my old screen aswell as with my new one.
  18. You obviously didnt understand. You can also get points by capping. So if the Enemy sails away take all the zones and Easy.
  19. Have this too in every battle i enter. its a bit before the bug report button pops in.
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