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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. Contracts with the same value are alphabetically ordered. If I set a contract, but his name starts with A, his contract is "higher".
  2. Diplomacy in Naval Action... A: *point you with a finger* B: If you do not stop that I am going to TEAR YOUR F*ING FACE OFF!!! A: *Still pointing* B: YOU F*ER ASKED FOR THIS!!! IM GOING TO TEAR YOUR WHOLE NATIONS FACE OFF!!! B: *Take a screen shot for later brags*
  3. It is really sad thing that reset would not be bad at all. It is just that in one year, the game went from the best game that was supposed to get even better, to something that I could not expect. The only reason I am still playing is because I am assuming/waiting that you fix this. One year of development: 1. You improved some things that were working already really well. 2. You broke some things that were working already well. 3. You did not improve multiple things that really needed attention. 4. If you actually improved somethings, it is hard to see that as so many things are so depressing. ... 1. Merge EU to Global. 2. Setup that version with flag system + merge current combat + land in battles + current port battles on PvP EU (Maybe I missed a feature or two) Verify that people like the current more than the old one. Simply stupid if you release without verifying. "We had a really good one, we F*k it up, and release S*t, just because" - Wont be the smartest thing to do.
  4. Releasing often would indeed and definitely be better than a "MEGA patch".
  5. What if we could teleport FROM free town outpost, but could not teleport TO free town outpost?
  6. Right now long sailing times are extremely tiny issues compared to the rest. Devs have announced that they understand the issue and are actually going to fix it? Or are we still in the same square we started from? -> Works As Intended
  7. Ship knowledge grind is heavy. Insanely heavy when you know that you have to do it again after every wipe.
  8. Fix revenge ganking Remove multiple repairs per battle Make upgrades very common or craftable
  9. Battle balancer after battle join timer will work for sure. It is simply too obvious solution that hard to understand why it has not been tested in general. It probably has to be a bit more than pure BR balancer, but should not be too hard. For example, if you have Constitution vs 3x Surprise, Constitutions side should get another Constitution in. Could also be so that defenders side can always get 1 friendly in, simply decreases ganking. I am pretty sure they could create a nice system. The biggest issue is that devs announced that there shall be no fair fights, fair fights are for Legends. Now we basically wreck the current game, we make it like EVE and EVE PvP sucks. They had a better concept than what Arena and EVE like games have, but I suppose that no. EVE PvP is pure gank PvP, it is the worst possible PvP I have played. Could be a reason why EVE is and always will be a niche game. I gank someone with my friends 4vs1. Only a carebear PvP player would not want to balance this fight. Even after 60 minutes would be 100% fine. When you are about to improve something, but it is not like the rest, cannot do that.
  10. There should be BR balancing for OW PvP. Battles left open for weaker side until balanced. Would be a very good step forward from pure gank PvP.
  11. Casuals lose ships, you have to replace ships. You play on PvP server, you are planning to do PvP. Casuals lose even more ships. HC in NA means HC PvE grind. Right now I sure would be interested to play another age of sail game. I think the last patch was bad for the game, for sure it was. Share of PvP, I assume that is not much. You also probably avoid any risks that there might be. As if you were taking some risk, you might actually lose something. If you do lot of PvP, you will end up to lose ships. As you think that game is ok, "your share of PvP" cannot be much.
  12. 3 different fleets. 4x Pickle 4x Surprise Surprise, Essex, Trincomalee, Constitution ... Who would sail in the last fleet? Why it does not make sense to sail in the last fleet? Why all ships has to be tweaked to go 15kn? What is the purpose of those ships in this game? Why speed upgrades are so expensive? If you say the game works now just fine, you are sailing very specific ships. Speed Surprise would be a good example. Does that make a good game? It probably does not. Speed is important because you have to be able to run OR gank. I want to sail to PvP. I may win, or I may lose. Most important for me is that I and my opponent have a good fight, and probably fun. Revenge fleet is fun? Chasing someone with your gank fleet is fun? Running from a gank fleet is fun? This game really sucks at the moment. (Big part of what sucks is that you cannot afford to lose ships, you cannot afford to take risks and sail to war)
  13. You probably do less PvP. If you do PvP, you sail in revenge fleets or in bigger fleets when you go to enemy waters. It can be that you sail a Pickle, or in the best case scenario you sail a Surprise. Ganking is probably your PvP playstyle. You are crafting/trading/PvE oriented player.
  14. Can you join my clan? 10 minutes all is done? I sail to PvP and lose a ship, 10 minutes and you are able to make me a new one?
  15. And now that I started to cry a river... When they said we go 1 dura, they said that ships will be also cheaper. Soon a copper plating will cost 10m, because none has energy to grind those bots. Basically ship prices went sky high. Also I had to buy 10m Gold Marines just once, not every time I lose a ship. 1dura is ok, if I can go to capital and see at least 5x more 5th rates than before this, and prices are 1/5, when ship + cannons + those rare permanent upgrades are summed together. More gear to make war means that there will be more people for RvR and OW PvP. Less gear means that we grind more trade/craft/PvE. Do we want this to be a Wargame or FarmVille?
  16. Ship specific XP also sucks balls. I have to now sail one specific ship always. I really do not see any sense in this. There are plenty of ships and I have to choose one to sail? Why? I want to have fun, and when I get bored to one ship I can try another one.
  17. Every game developer should know that idea, as it is a very important concept to keep their servers full. Devs were at some point trying to understand why people leave after 10 hours of gameplay. It seems like that they never really understood. Insurance is one option, it is how many games are handling this. It is not the only one. It could be also so that our economy runs well. This means that crafters craft ships and they actually start to sell those. Competition between crafters and prices go down. Ships are cheap and it does not matter that much if you lose a ship, you can buy a new one and you are back in business. If ships were cheaper, people have more ships, when they have enough ships they can afford to lose one or more. Then they sail to PvP. So basically devs should try to boost the economy to support constant war. They need T-34 factory that is pushing ships out 24/7, so that we can sail those directly out from factory and get wrecked. Port Battles should be rate and/or BR limited. People want to have even Port Battles, so they go there only when they have full 1st rate fleet. The idea to make 1st rates rare does not work, it just means that people do not sail at all. If they set a limit like 1x1st rate, 4x2nd rate, 12x3rd, ... This will boost RvR as you do not need that many 1st rates. Wars will be cheaper -> More RvR. For OW PvP, it is and it was obvious that people do not want to sail a pickle. They want to sail a Surprise because it is slightly OP for gank wars. 5th rates in general should be devs pickles, else the game may have difficult times in the future. There are not many who want to sail a pickle. Even if devs want to balance it this way, it does not mean that it is going to be like that. People just quit the game. We need total war economy, not total peace economy.
  18. It is a fact, nothing more. You do not have to motivate winners to stay in game, but you have to motivate losers. If losers lose their motivation, there will be less targets for winners -> Empty servers. I can see perfectly that devs do not understand this concept. This makes me worried, as game developers really should understand this kind of basic concepts.
  19. One more thing... No reward if you lose a fight? This is really bad GAME design.
  20. HC means that you have to do plenty of PvE grind (Trade,Crafting,PvE) to be able to play PvP. In PvP you lose ships fast. Since "HC" -> Win or be ready to grind tremendous amounts more. PvP is ganking oriented, everything in this game supports ganking. If that is not ganking, it is revenge ganking. 1 dura could work if we had plenty of ships in shops. Economy should be built so that you go to PVP, you lose a ship, you buy another and sail to PvP. If you cannot do that, it is hard to find targets. As losing a ship sets you back couple days. It is also hard to motivate yourself back to World Of Grind. Books and upgrades are RNG drops, and already stated many times that this is a fail. Huge upgrade bonuses made those to be very important, very expensive -> Ships are very expensive to lose. Huge Book/Upgrade bonuses made this gear based, not skill based. Multirepairs made this Mass > Skill etc. Motivation to play NA is not high
  21. True, I agree here. I think cannons could be made a bit less accurate, nothing against it. Maybe it would fix it.
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