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Everything posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. Hey Redii, Mostly TS adress and new clans added into the Real acuerdo. Nothing has been modified from the political relations as I'm not fully updated about it, so please let me know.
  2. Updated first introduction post Fair wind all !
  3. Lo siento Jorge, a pesar del gran respeto que tengo para ti, no me parece rasonable seguir pasando horas para construir cosas que no tienen todavia consistencia. Te prometo que volvere a combatir con tigo en los mandos; pero cuando el tema estara finalizado de una puñetera vez.
  4. Señores, A sido un placer, dejo a NA hasta que sea un juego oficial. Sentirme como una rata de laboratorio ya ne me hace niguna gracia. Demito de mi encargo de diplo. Suerte a todos. Frog
  5. Good idea that could be implemented for PB's suggestion event : 1 Hostility flag is purchased by a "clan leader" ==> event & port target publicly displayed, flag life countdown of 120 min (flag useless afterwards) ==> local PVP tension. When hostility flag is successfuly planted ==> a large PVP zone appears around the port untill end of event. next server day, PB n°1 event is opened for 60 min from first attacking ship entry (Server window = from 7PM to 10PM) ==> local PVP tension (PB fleet must reach PB) following server day, PB n°2 event is opened for 60 min from first attacking ship entry (Server window = from 3AM to 6AM) ==> local PVP tension (PB fleet must reach PB) Event ends at the end of this second server day, results & rewards after maintenance. PB event result ==> after calculation of Total A+B+C (Forts & towers out of calculation) A. ratio of BR & kills of PB n°1 B. ratio of BR & kills of PB n°2 C. ratio of BR & kills in PVP zone. note: as today, only friendly clans can entered PB's (flag clan & port clan), while in PVP zone the calculation includes all players belonging to the 2 belligerent factions. This means that the PVP zone exclude any tags or battles participation from other faction players. New features involved: New PVP zone associated to PB's events, end of port timers, end of PB circles points but PB theater is a restricted by a large circle, hostility flags are back with high cost of PVP marks. Potential new feature implementation: Raid flags ==> Short time PVP events, when raid flag is planted by a clan the event open instantly for 120 min, it is publicly displayed. Depending where is located the raid zone it will only include all players belonging to flag faction against territory faction, the raid zone excludes any tags or battles participation from other faction players. same calculation of ratio BR/kills per battle in the raid zone will give double PVP marks to winner sides. note: Raid flags with high cost of PVP marks.
  6. Thx Shiro, that's the only way I guess. Nevertheless, I believe that a "tow permit" mechanic should not allow a large ship to dock in a "shallow water port". It should be correctly coded, otherwise it slightly sounds like nonsense.
  7. Looked like was good fight & fun for Sweeds, GGA. Did you get out your PB fleet from Morgan ? thought this shallow port would not allow that cause it looks shallow waters are spreading far from the port entry.
  8. All these trash posts smell like : NA will finally get released, until then the most passionated & high ego players have decided to screw the RVR. Why the hell should they bother anymore since everything but XP will start "AGAIN" from zero !
  9. what a durty looser you are Batman ! your slimy talk has no effect on our group, you fail to unify your faction so you try to divide other faction... What a frustration it must be for GB players to have to deal with you...
  10. Our Global server, as it should be called, deserves a "universal" hostility system that would involve all players whatever their time zone. The only way to achieve that is to implement port attack/defence over a minimum of 48h server, it would require at least 2 consecutive steps (PB?) that would involve at least 2 main time zones players. The PB would be largely predictable and would mobilize as many players as possible. Dev's it's still time to find a balanced system for "every players". Timers are totaly wrong, a tested feature that should be forgotten for ever.
  11. Créer un "Niveau de kills" de chaque joueur (trophés visible avec son nom), plus son niveau est haut plus il rapporte de PVP marks (afin de limiter les pb d'alt PVP farming car un "vrai" bon joueur sera une cible de choix, et les "faux" bons joueurs se feront couler rapidement), ce niveau baissera quand le joueur se fait couler. Aussi les nouveaux joueurs seront moins harcelés car peu rentables en PVP marks (un nouveau démarrerait avec niveau "0"). Ce système ne fonctionnera qu'avec des gains PVP marks pour kills ou assist (les dommages inffligés donnant uniquement des Combat marks).
  12. La migration de joueurs ne peut pas être empéchée, comme la création de plusieurs comptes. Ce jeu se doit de laisser un minimum de libertée aux joueurs. Cependant, si un caractère (nom de joueur) change de Faction, un système rendant visible chaque changement serait interessant. Plus un joueur change de camps moins il sera considéré comme "fiable" à terme.
  13. - Commerce d'otages argentés ? (marchands, haut gradés, aristocrates, etc...), valeurs élevées dans leur nation d'origine, ceci afin de motiver la chasse de flottes (butins d'otages) et les trajets risqués pour leur revente dans les capitales. - Forte mer OW qui affecte les reserves de Rig ? - Epaves ou villages (non indiqués sur la map) à découvrir avec leurs lots de butins ou commerces exclusifs (renouvelable 1 fois par semaine?). Ceci afin de compenser/motiver les longs trajets OW. - Usure des navires avec frais de remise à niveau, XP de chaque navire suivant son temps d'utilisation (un navire neuf sera full XP), plus il est utilisé plus ses frais de maintenance seront élevés. - "Niveau de kills" de chaque joueur (trophés visible avec son nom), plus son niveau est haut plus il rapporte de PVP marks (afin de limiter les pb d'alt PVP farming car un "vrai" bon joueur sera une cible de choix), ce niveau baissera quand le joueur se fait couler. Ainsi les nouveaux joueurs seront moins harcelés car peu rentables en PVP marks. - Attaques de ports étalées sur 48h serveur en plusieures étapes afin de "faire participer toutes les zones horaires de tous les joueurs" ==> plus de satanés timers ==> Limiter les zones de protection aux capitales uniquement.
  14. Les mécaniques que les Dev implémentent sont des tests, il y a des failles que les joueurs exploitent rapidement. Ces failles permettent peu à peu d'arriver à des solutions "équitables". Cela dit, une faille persiste aujourd'hui: Toute faction n'incluant pas suffisament de joueurs "multi-zones" verra son RVR limité par plus ou moins de ports inattaquables. J'espère que le système d'hostilité ira vers une solution "universelle", permettant à tous les joueurs (peu importante leur zone horaire) d'attaquer ou de défendre chaque port sans exception. A priori, l'idée consistant à étaler une attaque de port en plusieures étapes réparties sur 48h du serveur permettrait peut-être d'impliquer "tous les joueurs". Les timers sont à proscrire.
  15. I remember there was a heavy bug with Inger's, some time by touching them your ship was ejected in the air... hope you can get your Indef back.
  16. Well, please ask in your ranks if there are volunteers, we'll welcome them, train them , and give them full control of the "American players RVR" on behalf of Spanish faction. cheers
  17. You got misled m8, the chronology as it was: ==> Russian threaten French due to "French nightwatch" agressions ==> "French nightwatch" keep on attacking ==> Spanish show solidarity to their Russian ally and ask French to react ==> French council declare alliance with Russian, which makes French allied to Spanish indirectly. ==> Spanish applaud this outcome and welcome the old Franco-spanish reborn alliance.
  18. Dunno who would bring fir/fir Buc to a PB, weird idea... Anyway, in this server we got groups of players that will never face & fight each other. 2 exclusive RVR theaters with night/daylocks timers in between, that what we got to cope with.
  19. Precisely, the French Faction is in an ambarassing situation because they got to cope with your independant behavior, the development of this thread shows clearly that there are tricky political issues generated by different RVR interests from different time zone players.
  20. The French Faction includes now a good group of former Global players that are mostly playing in USA time zone, hence their 60% of nightlocks (server time) timers now. The French players, that are playing from Europe, must cope with 2 politics that should please their USA group and their French group... Nightlocks will remain an advantage until the population of USA players will be large enough and split in different factions. Until then there will be 2 exclusives RVR campains in the map of our Server and difficult inter-faction politics.
  21. In fact we have a problem with server activity, we got high & low due to excessive changes in the mechanics. Presently server is low with lack of interest from potential active players. So the idea is to increase activity by touching their egos here. We need targets, nasties (like good old Vicious), arrogants, etc...to motivate players to play RVR. Sweeds took the role of super power before last Xmas but they lost interest. If the Empire of Russia & Spain have to become the badies ? so be it, Spain being the prefered enemy anyway. But sorry to say that WO & BLANC are kind of black sheeps with unorthodox activity within the factions politics.
  22. At last the police is coming !! Where have you been all these passed weeks. Thought Anarchy was going to prevail soon in our Server.
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