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Everything posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. Rendirse ? pero chicos esto es un juego que sigue siendo testeado, cada mes hay nuevas cosas que integrar, adaptarse, olvidarse... La rueda gira, Ahora hay un rvr que no resulta con el tipico ejemplo de Key West que no se puede recuperar por la mecanica de los timers, mañana cambiara. Ahora los Ingleses han recuperado clanes activos, estan en un rato euforico con mucha ambicion, nos paso tanbien, pero mañana cambiara. El payaso este offrece paz, hay rumores que los Franchutes (y sus americanos) van a empezar a pelearse con los Ingleses, no me parece que sea altruista su oferta pero solo un interes a poder concentrarse en este proximo conflicto sin tener a España molestandoles.
  2. Tightfisted maybe, but much more bored ? absolutely.
  3. That is a nice reason to explain your remarquable nocturnal conquests from SINGLE ZONE PLAYER BASE FACTION. I wish there could be some medals in NA, you would have several on your uniform ! congratulation ! In the other hand, your statement confirms how a bunch of 20 players can screw rvr evolution for a much larger bunch of players by using defensive timers. That's the way ! carry on with this constructive eloquence Fact is we did test a very nice episode of equitable rvr in the EUR server, despite a low player population. Fact is low player population is only circumstantial, because the game is still under testing. Thousands of accounts will be active again in the final version. This BIG RVR ISSUE will be resolved by then, otherwise a final NA version with sterile RVR will be doomed. Assuming that the main configuration of NA is based on maps, factions & conquest that are mostly MEANT FOR RVR PLAY.
  4. Whatever the circumstances of Key West conquest, the demo is pretty clear. By being so passionated, Chris, to explore every temporary tested mechanics to your advantage, you are indeed helping a lot the community to reveal mechanic faillures. There is no better way to show the vicious effects of Timers that generate sterile RVR for a single zone player base Faction.
  5. Key West conquest have shown the worst effect of timers: an opened port so close to a Capital should have been fought back rapidly, but it's not possible... In that precise case how could such a feature be accepted by a single zone player base Faction ? The Key West event has really hurt the Spanish playerbase rvr motivation. Then when active players number starts decreasing in a faction its territory must be reduced. In that sense some ports without timers can presently be set on purpose.
  6. Did you notice, like a large majority of players, that many owned ports require many players. This fragile balance vanishes as soon as active player number drops. GB faced it several times and your territory melts like ice under sunbeams. The pity about it is when you recover playerbase to reconqueer ports your enemies cannot fight back because of that damn "high & low" cycle of factions. It is indeed frustrating, but when you add to that the timer system effects (for factions that do not count in their ranks any "other time zone players"), then the "low" becomes kind of permanent... Now, you have no respect for the Spanish...those are typical words from your undercover colleague that you're presently discrediting...
  7. I would not bate on that feature being applied for final release, it was tested like the previous map version, like the timer system and servers, who knows what features will be finally implemented ?. PvE player ? never opened any caracter in that server. Now if "pve player" was supposed to be an offense, you're truly wrong. You must be a damn proud pvp player to go that way. I mostly love this game for its potential RVR events. Celtiberofrog and you Aster, so ?
  8. I guess that period of time is extremely short compared to the long wars against the British empire fleets, just check the historical war list between those three nation, you'll find out which side Brits are.
  9. Don't you realize that you "the others time zone French" and others, you're hijacking RVR ? everybody knows the "timers" system is revealing for months a major faillure for the RVR evolution, it is mostly a feature that is unfair for both community of NA players as it works in both direction; its effects turn the RVR sterile. Regarding the "Frenchy French" community I have nostalgic memories of the one I knew (with its numbers...) Historical mindset ? why do you think NA kept the historical & geographical situation with these 3 super powers territorywise & ressourcewise ? those factions are supposed to be player tanks. We witnessed some good time where France & Spain against GB was a very well balanced conflict, within a somehow historical logic. Without this historical background but a fiction background, this community of players would be quite different. I'm sorry to see that this "designed" historical background entails a corner position of the American faction. Refering to the current geomap I was not sure that these new territories Omoa zone as being conqueered or lent by Brits, but they have relevant timers... France at war with Brits, that's nice, but to make it balanced, as you mentioned, Brits need more "the others time zone" players. A balanced sharing of "the others time zone" players in EVERY FACTIONS would be indeed the perfect timer system solution... but so utopic !
  10. Despite the fact that today's RVR is pointless, due to other priority to finish up the NA developpment, let me expose a few points: - Since King of Crowns and his colleagues from USA have joined the French Faction, they have broken the real French player community as well as the balance between Factions by abusing port timers. For sure France is now on the top of conquest board, but at what cost ?! - There was a real historical slogan for the "Marine Royale Française", it was "Morts aux Anglais!", and Spain was always very comprehensive to this , hence a natural long last friendship between both Factions. - The Spanish Faccion has always been very hard to keep unified due to the temper of its native players, but its fight against Brits was and is always the best conflict in NA. Spain, France & GB are the 3 main factions in NA (territorywise), that is an historical basement. - Now, within last six months NA factions situation, I'm wondering why any faction have not choosen to seriously fight the Swedish ? in terms of "interesting conflict for RVR" it would have created a new and sound fight dynamic. BUT, the Swedish being one of the most efficient group of captains, most groups of clans prefered to go for easier conquest. (easier means less organized & therefore less efficient groups of players). As a result, Swedish players are bored, just waiting for who dares attacking their ports but not doing any more "challenging" conquest for ages. - The recent clans migrations in different Factions seem to have created a new ephemeral political situation: where Brits are getting more populated after a long period of low motivation, where Russian clans are reorganizing a new force & conquest ambition, where France can draw benefits of their American players and can pretend to be recognized as the current NA territory leaders, where Spain territory is being torn up by a large bunch of revengeful clans added to another low motivation period from its playerbase, where Prussians have managed to consolidate their homeland, where Sweeds are in neverending observation position, (exception with Cabal). besides no changes with: Americans still struggling from their map corner, Dutch & Danes are struggling to be active, Polish still with small playerbase, Pirates remain a group of alts, USA players and independant clans. Anyway, NA community deserves a much better RVR level of interest, let's being prepared for the great wipe, hoping that diplomacy between factions will be back with real tools.
  11. A nosotros parecer que Horatio no tener cosa hacer en vida real... nosotros tener pena para el. usted saber que existe mujeres para relajar ? si usted no tener dinero, poder ayudar nosotros. Vida real bonita, menos pasar tiempo aqui (dejar inflar huevos)
  12. Do we have to understand that Hardy is Admiral Horatio Hornblower ? Any comments in this forum from cpt Hardy ?
  13. Horatio de los... quote: [ usted dar por culo a GB desde meses ! culo dar dolor todavia... no ser justo !! ahora quiero tambien dar por culo a usted !!! pero usted no presentar pompis yo mucho frustacion !! ] yo tanbien poder escribir asi
  14. Horatio del manicomio, A ver si te enteras de una puñetera vez que el RVR actual no tiene nigun interes, ni de los jugadores y menos de los Dev's. El tema de los timers lo jodio todo y ahora con el testbed uno puede darse cuenta que estamos en las ultimas fases del NA early access. En estas condiciones de juego, tus comentarios son totalmente vacillos y suenan mas como gemidos por tantas pajas que te haces !
  15. My point was a (joke) hint toward the existence of some caracters that are very active in this forum without revealing their ingame name... Undercover comments are not really helping but mostly subversif, but we have to cope with it...
  16. If Hachi has the intention to clear this forum from trolls that are spreading disrespectful comments towards comunities of players I support him. Disrespectful comments generate disrespectful answers and so on... Provocation comments should be accepted within respectful words. Respect must be the basement of the forum policy. It's gonna be a hard work, but it would be nice to reform this forum together with the release. question in case of reform: could it be possible to associate ingame name to forum name and only allow to post the NA players ?!!
  17. Pues gilipollas seguro, pero con la mente muy torzida tanbien. Este tipo de gente que se esconden antes de provocar a otros siempre tienen un fallo, al escribir tanto dan pistas sin darse cuenta. visto que el juego es muy aburrido de momento, me gusta dedicar ratos a investigar estos casos patologicos.
  18. Recordar a un Español que: - Era muy implicado por la faccion Española en los años 2016/2017 - Tenia buena (o muy buena) relacion con los Ingleses. - Tenia tanbien una cuenta en la faccion Inglesa. - Habla muy bien ingles. - Se marcho por razones muy conflictivas en la comunidad española de la epoca. - Dejo la faccion Española desde aquellos tiempos. Seguro que se podra recordar a un o unos tios con este tipo de recorrido. El tio se metio en la cabeza de seguir el NA de manera muy detallada (esta al tanto de muchas cosas respeto a la evolucion de la comunidad NA) sin realmente aparezer ni en el TS ingles ni en el juego mismo con este perfil. Y tiene un rencor profundo contra algunos clanes Españoles y con la direccion que tomo la faccion Española desde su retiro. Cuando se usa chrome tool no salen las frases con el estilo suyo, sus frases en castellano tienen un sentido y un vocabulario preciso. "...Contemplar formacion Royal Navy. Lord Nelson estar orgullo. Nosotros cumplir el deber..." Este post, copiado de otro post de Batman, intenta liar la manta indicando que el estaria igual participando en aquella batalla... o que el podria ser Batman, como se imagino a su tiempo.
  19. me parece que lees muy bien el castellano Horatio de los cojones
  20. Para mi este tio nos esta dando pistas... Si analises el numero de post que escribe en español, y que se supone que tiene que leer sin usar traductor. Asi asumimos que tiene una cierta nocion de castellano, de hecho hoy he comprobado que algun post suyos tardan pocos minutos entre ellos. Ahora, un tio que domina poco el Español no se daria la coña asi con todos estos postes, He mirado a su ingles y no parece nativo tanpoco. Asi que sus postes en este foro podrian perfectamente ser una simulacion de "español estranjero"... Algun jugador Español rancorroso que se toma un placer intenso en podrirnos la vida ? A averiguar.
  21. Creo que los DEV ven perfectamente el resultado de la "opcion" servidor unico. Precisamente, estos abusos o "exploits" permiten de apuntar los fallos y sus efectos en el RVR, y ojala de correjirlos en las proximas versiones. Cuando hay casos en tribunal sobre gente que se les ha robado todo su almazen, dicen los DEV que no se ha perdido gran cosa sabiendo que el "wipe" vendra dentro de poco y de hecho estara perdido todo. Asi que yo confio en unos cambios drasticos dentro de poco, y aguantar estas temporadas de ultimos ajustes. Lo que es seguro es que el RVR presente les importan un pimiento, solo estamos testeando y revelando quantidades de fallos a correjir.
  22. If only you could be brave enough to assume your comments... told you, you sound so insane.
  23. "...Ruso ser jugador de elite, jugador de elite despreciar jugador espanol normal..." "...Yo ser siempre amable con espanol..."
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