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Everything posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. DLC were launched & sold, I guess it cannot go backward for commercial reasons. Nevertheless, as legitimate testing needs, why not reducing both, Hercs & Le Req, "specifications" ? These 2 predators could become more gentle with lower wind & agility habilities. Or integrate weak points such as more vulnerability of hull or mast ? This could enforce the idea about any ships that are not crafted should get lower specifications than the player crafted ones.
  2. Hola lobogris, Tu historia es aluzinante (Espero que Bucanero sabra leer entre las lineas), me parece que siempre te has quedado y te quedaras a parte... Tu percepcion de la faccion Española esta muy lejos de la realidad. Entrastes en el RAI ? eso si podrias mencionarlo, esta iniciativa fue estupenda y no creo haberte visto en este grupo de clanes. Si a caso tienes ganas de organizar o proponer cosas hazlo aqui, es el buen hilo (no es Radio Matuco). Habra una oportunidad para empezar de nuevo entre todos (si algun dia el release llega...). Y lo bonito consistira en construir un nuevo grupo tomando en cuenta lo que se hizo bien y mal. No me apuntes a mi solo, pertenesco a un clan "los Celtiberos", siendo totalmente solidarios sabras que apuntas a nuestro clan entero. En este hilo, hay que mirar adelante asi que olvidate de contar historias pasadas sin sentido ni utilidad. Y eso ya son simptomas de paranoia aguda
  3. Dear Admin, You're the helmsman of the NA ship ! Vous tenez la barre du navire NA French & Spanish (vets playerbase) comunity really love this NA project (ship). Les comunautées Françaises & Espagnoles (les vets) aiment vraiment le projet NA (navire) We are your strongest asset (crew) to push forward this project. Nous sommes votre meilleur atout (gabiers) pour faire avancer ce projet. Most of us feel frustrated & disappointed about the latest evolution of NA developpment (wind), somehow the stream is going toward server population emptying...(doldrums) Une grande partie d'entre nous est frustrée & déçue par les dernières évolutions du dévelopement de NA (vent), nous nous dirigeons peu à peu vers un serveur vide... (pot au noir) We feel like the bear who once tested honey and remains nostalgic. celle-là je laisse tomber Give us some light (hopes), Eclairez-nous (espoirs), maybe through a monthly update of your ongoing development ? peut-être avec le partage d'une récape mensuelle de vos développements en cours ? prepare a large campaign of poll's to animate debates about next upgrades ? Organisez une campagne de Poll afin d'animer les débats au sujet des prochains patch ? There is a way to find the ideal balance (As Grungy well said in another topic) we might not be far away. Il y a surement une solution équilibrée à trouver (comme l'a mentioné Grundgy) nous en sommes peut-être proches. Cheers Frog
  4. Why not having only pirate NPC's with aggresive behavior ? in PvP server. They were supposed to be the outlaw badies, let them be feared. With a specific advantage of being Pirate player that would enjoy possible backup from their NPC's.
  5. Gracias por anunciarlo, una colaboracion con un clan pirata (latino) podria ayudar, nunca se sabe. Suerte !!
  6. Alu, Hay que ser mucho mas tolerante con la immensa diferencia de jugadores que se metera en el NA post-release, es una condicion primordial para que esta comunidad permenesca sana a lo largo. Necesitamos a todos ! tu, yo, y los demas, nos necesitamos para construir eventos inolvidables en este maldito bonito juego. Muchos respetamos y admiramos tu busca de la eficiencia en este juego; pero no crees que dar consejos (solo) no seria mas beneficioso para el grupo entero ? Frog
  7. Celtiberofrog


    here's another one !!
  8. Thx for these news. WHAT ABOUT RVR ?! IS IT STILL GOING TO BE UPGRADED IN PARALLEL OR AFTERWARDS ? Damned, are we perceiving that release will occure by mid 2019 ? or will it be earlier with some further patches afterwards ?
  9. Les book & knowledges sont des détails futiles, qu'on les garde ou pas, ça ne servira à rien si le serveur est vide de joueurs... et DesMoines, bien sure que certains nouveaux joueurs seront chaleureusement accueillis dans les clans, mais n'oublions pas que d'autres resteront indépendants et peu enclins à communiquer sur TS ou autre. Et d'autres qui n'auront que 1h ou 2h à consacrer par jour. Cette catégorie de joueurs sera peut-être essentielle pour un serveur "repeuplé", d'où mon insistance à implorer les Dev's de mettre en oeuvre une configuration NA la plus attractive possible afin que ce nouvel aflux de joueurs soit "captif" sur le long terme. Le RVR sera peut-être une des clés de cette attractivité/captivité car aujourd'hui on voit bien que sans "contenu=activité" les joueurs se lassent rapidement. C'est un vrai casse-tête cet aboutissement de NA !!
  10. NA player first impression is : "I'd love sailing large ships and attend epicall battles !" DLC is supposed to ease peeps that do not have time to craft, as long as they can/want afford it. Ship notes are supposed to ease these peeps too but it requires more gameplay time to afford notes. Ship Crafting is extremely time-consuming and is praticable mostly by groups of players that share time, or by player who can spend hours in NA. These are currently implemented choices for different players profiles such as newbies, independants, casuals and clans to get new ships. How about forgetting ship DLC's and sell only "crafting points DLC" that can only be converted into ship notes ? Large choice of ship notes (rather classical ships), limited slots/woods for ships made by notes as "standard" ships while only crafted ships could be optimizable to "specialized" and expensive ships, some ships type being only craftable. That way might please a large player base: - Those who only need to see a +1000 player in post-release server. (Vets) - The casual players that would be able to sail "descente ships" (no matter their skill). - Clans/crafters that will build high quality ships to use or sell out. - The independant players that could do their stuff as they want with any type of ships (standards or higher quality). - Newbies that will mostly have to deal with "ranking" before enjoying larger ships. now, if an independant newby who loves crafting but is a casual player, comes...he will be the sacrificed minority !
  11. Slt à tous, Après tant d'heures (d'années) à attendre de voir enfin un serveur avec +1000 joueurs... On se trouve dans un petit bocale avec pleins de pirranias dedans, du coup toutes les nouvelles modifs sont testées et validées dans un contexte "artificiel". Ce dévelopement est très difficile à suivre faute d'un manque d'info sur les objectifs finaux de cette équipe. J'ai relancé à plusieurs reprises sur ce forum la question sur les garanties qu'ils prévoient pour que le jeu officiel soit attractif, mais aucune réponse concrète. Ils peuvent affiner tout ce qu'ils veulent, la seule chose qui devrait compter est de s'assurrer d'un afflux suffisant de joueurs !!
  12. Creo que estais hablando del MICRO-NA que hemos disfrutado durante años. Hoy el porcentaje de jugadores expertos es muy alto en el MICRO-NA Igual me equivoco, pero despues del release, se supone que se conozera un contexto diferente con una mayoria de jugadores "normales", y de hecho un nivel de batallas, tanto de PvP o de PB's, mas facil. La comunidad Española tendra mucho mas jugadores (ojala) y las otras mayores faccion tambien. Alli si que los mejor organizados tendran ventaja, que tengan o no tegan "jugadores expertos". En fin, para mi lo mas impotante reside en imaginar nuevas estructuras de clanes que puedan actuar juntos con reglas sensillas y estrictas. Si este nuevo grupo de clanes podria construir "contenido" a traves de eventos semanales, dias de entrenamiento inter-clanes, dias de salidas masivas, dias de mercado paralelo inter-clanes, dias de consejo, dias de operaciones especiales, etc... seria la llave para mantener la motivacion de cada uno. Esto incluso atraves de una Web filtrada donde los programas, ojetivos, eventos estarian facilmente vistos. Una idea: "ASAMBLEA SAGRADA" Dentro de esta nueva estructura de clanes, se hace una asamblea cada 15 dias (por ejemplo), seria una asamblea naval en la Havana, el clan que presenta mas BR en este momento (sacando sus barcos en la baya) consigue tener el privilegio de decidir/orientar los ojetivos y eventos de los proximos 15 dias para el grupo de clanes. Se podria tener una lista basica de actividades/eventos/ojetivos que se pondria al dia por el nuevo clan que coja la cabeza del grupo. Eso seria una manera de crear motivacion a craftear y pillar gente nueva para cada clan, asi podrian pretender ganar la "asemblea de BR" y que haya un giro de clanes en la cabeza de esta estructura de clanes. Estoy convencido que el release sera la mejor oportunidad para empezar de nuevo entre nosotros !
  13. Agreed, BUT most remaining active players have been playing/testing NA in low populated server(s) for years. Most of those players have contributed to reach today's NA configuration, which is somehow an "expert" level that suits the existing limited player base. "Expert" means : High amount of hours to climb the progress scale as well as high level of skill to sail ships at their best. I got no idea about ideal solution to secure a post release "reasonable War server population", but I do know that without reaching a greater player population on a long run, a post release NA will be very disapointing. Unless you assume that NA has always been designed for a few hundreds of passionated players. Thx for your possible further clarification
  14. ok thx for info As you got well done the ship explosion design I thought more spectacular events such as instant blowing could be a plus. cheers
  15. Today NA ships keep their scuttles constantly opened... The scuttles were open only when it was necessary, otherwise the ship kept them constantly shut. When a ship was ready for shooting the scuttles were opened on one side or the other side of the ship, it was part of the shooting process and could therefore give precious visual information for enemies to check when shots were ready to be fired, or not ready (scuttles closed)! A manual key (or an automatic final canon loading process) would be so nice to be implemented as additionnal tactical parameters as well as realism historical mechanic.
  16. would it be possible to imagine "explosive canon balls" as well as "red heated canon balls" ? If i'm not mistaken, those type of special amunitions were used from 1790's by French Navy. It was extremely tactical when shooting at the rear of the ships and inflincted devastating damages, with a jackpot when reaching the ship pouder magazin...The ships were exploding instantly in that case, apart from dramatic crew casualties and setting fire. note: The "red heated canon balls" were very dangerous to manipulate as it could easily set fire in the user decks, only expert canon crews could dare to use this amunition.
  17. How about, an exclusive pirate "Raid PB" that could be following the below steps: ==> You are in any friendly port (neutrals & freetowns excluded), you select 1 "Port raid flag" from a pop up list showing all hostile ports , capitals included. When selected, the faction owning that port will have a warning (like the old flag system). A port "raid flag" has a 3 hours cool down (just an example), during that time no other pirate player can anymore select it. If not used the "raid flag" vanishes or lose validity. Raids are not depending on port timers (if there are !). ==> You get out with any ship, that will show "raid flag" in OW. ==> You must sail with your ship where the crossed swords is ramdomly placed nearby the port to be raided. (only raiders can see the swords). ==> When you are in through instant enter by clicking swords (if not hunted before) you will always face double random BR ships against you. ==> Any player defender (player of same Faction of that port) being docked in that port, can enter the "raid battle" during the 3 min cooldown before battle starts. The "Raid PB" battle and it's entering cool down, starts when 1 attacker get in. Any docked defender player will see a window message to select and click enter (defenders can get in till maxi BR). If there is no player defenders that join the "raid battle" the raider player will fight against AI's. If some defenders join, in time, they will have the BR complemented by AI's (to reach the double defensive BR). ==> "raid flag" allow to create "raid group" to invite brothers, any joiner will get the "raid flag" tag too, then defending BR gets adapted to always double attacker's BR. ==> Battle is won when all AI's are dead and all towers are destroyed, within 90min (just an example) battle. no matter if defender players are still superior after that time. Could that be a feasible process ? Are there roads or highways for exploits ? Then when Raid battle is won, rewards must be evaluated, could it affect hostility ? could it affect Port taxes ? could it affect players outpost ressources ? valuable chest ? reals or doublons ? Port material production ? Should attackers deserve a safe return with goods and captured ships ? only if raid is won ? It must be risky to win, but when won quite lucrative & safe. Rewards for defenders could be considered too, to encourage these defensive operations.
  18. Lo que pasa es que el presente esta bastante jodido, intento proyectarme en el futuro NA, despues de la salida del juego oficial. Para eso deberiamos aprobechar el tiempo.
  19. Tenemos meses para intercambiar ideas, tenemos que anticipar este proximo gran cambio. Sento, tienes razon de hacer este tipo de preguntas. Respeto a comunicacion, que es una herramienta impresindible para NA: El RAI era muy buena iniciativa, podria funccionar como nueva base ? si es el caso, seria tiempo de crear un nuevo TS del RAI y promulgarlo en la comunidad NA. Una web ? a ver si Alucar tiene todavia su sitio donde podria ser el alojamiento del RAI ? Ideas !! sugerencias !! intercambiar !! prepararse !! Alonso !!!! donde estas ?!!!
  20. Ostras, no me habia dado cuenta del grado del daño que ha provocado esa maldita traison. Espero que con el tiempo este rancor respetado pasara hacia esa Faccion, sobre todo despues del wipe final. Un abraso. Frog
  21. Hola Julien, no se si tus mensajes llegaran a oidos interesados en este hilo. Tan poco no se quien es el jugador con quien tienes que hablar en la Faccion actualmente. Pero te sugiero de habrir un nuevo hilo en este foro Español y tendras respuestas precisas a tus propuestas.
  22. Tendremos Franceses como vezinos mientras es verdad que una cooperacion con los Nordicos seria interesante pero estaran lejos para empezar, y creo que en el grupo Español, por lo que he visto, una gran mayoria de los jugadores no les gusta salir lejos de sus tierras. Pues si y me alegre muchisimo cuando se establecieron en la Faccion, un grupo de guiris tan necesario en la Faccion (que podia haber traido mas gente), pero la poca actividad del servidor no les mentubieron activos mucho tiempo, y es una pena.
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