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Everything posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. In war server this type of multiple zones, (where to find agressive AI's for lucrative good training), would be interesting. Any "peaceful" captain will double check his rout and avoid these areas if he wants. These "dangerous zones" will surely add difficulty for PVP and PB's but it may be interesting for global gameplay.
  2. I guess we got to be a bit more patient to see the server with wealthier Factions. Rusian Faction has wan the military race thx to its population of active veteran players, now will this Faction capable to sustain its growth & expansion on long run ?
  3. How about BF settling in Polish Faction then ?!
  4. Every Maintenance the map show several circles where "hunting pirate patrols" have been spotted. These AI's are aggressive excellent ships of all class with marines, etc... (like the one with small skull sign). They hunt any fleet the closest in its circle zone. If you sink one of those AI's you get very good rewards. The more circle in the map the more it would push new captains for good fighting training and get important rewards (with low class ships too). Hopefuly not dropped in the map too close of coastal trading routs !
  5. It would be so cheeky to settle in Spanish Faction !
  6. Not very kind to them !! they're not closer cousins of Neanderthal
  7. If you do not want to buy DLC ships: If you do not want to join a clan first but learn on your own: if the TUTORIAL is too hard to finish: ==> You may focus on "deliveries" first, you must start with passengers deliveries which can be done with the simplest ship. check in each visited ports the "mission list" and chose some passenger missions depending on the intinary sailing you may prefer. These deliveries will allow you to raise some Reals & Dublons quite easy, then with some cash you may be able to buy a good ship in regional capitals "ships auction list". The only restriction will be to sail on ships with your maximum allowed crew. But with a better new ship you may be able to hunt AI's ships and get XP's for upper ranking. Once you have cash and can capture a small trader, like Trader Brig, you may carry on with deliveries but with "Cargo" this time, which will grow your cash faster. In any cases you may be able very soon to complete the first Tutorial levels, you may get a free "Rattlesnake" with "repairs" (very important repair stock) which will help you a lot to start hunting AI's. Once you own a trader ship. If you are patient, you better study the map area where you are, investigate every nearby ports to know their ressources and check different cost of goods. You will find that some expensive goods can be bought in one port and sold in another port with substential benefits. Bear in mind that when you sail a trader (only trader) you can visit any enemy port as well.
  8. Dear all, Here could be posted any relevant advices to give to new players, in order to help them progessing faster or avoiding loosing interest. Cheers
  9. Gentlemen, Since the last wipe, war server has got a better population rate, it is rather steady around 1000 players by European evenings. This is quite positive and should offer better RVR perspectives. Now it's just a matter of balancing the repartition of main active clans in different Factions 8))
  10. In that same veine a simple sign together with player name, like a small square in red or green color, if it's green the player as set his wish to be recruted by a clan if it's red the player wants to remain independant This visual information may push players talk to each other, thus newcomers could join clans easier from a start.
  11. One may start a new thread such as "ADVICES FOR NEW COMERS" There anyone can input (in few lines) its basic method to grow as single player, methods to rank up, trading and deliveries, crafting bases, etc...
  12. Hola a todos, Mirar esto señores, es imenso ! (perdonar este pequeño intermedio)
  13. El Real Acuerdo de Indias fue la mejor movida de la historia de la Faccion Española, ojala algo parecido se podria organizar ahora.
  14. Hola, No se quien eres pero pienso realmente que te pases en tus comentarios, te pones a hablar (imaginar & escupir) sobre la vida privada de los jugadores !! Si tu mismo te pones con nombre anonimo porque te metes con la vida privada de otros jugadores ? Primero tendrias que actuar como jugador conozido para tener cualquier credibilidad. Mejor dejarlo alli, no seas mas toxico porque estas fastidiando al resto de la comunidad Española, cuando necesita organizarse objetivamente. Por favor deja hablar tus compañeros, traga tu rancor y mira adelante. Visto la evolucion de NA despues del wipe (unos 1000 jugadores como maximo), parece que no se podra encontrar un RVR balanceado hasta que haya en cada Faccion un minimo de 1 clan consistente y competitivo (con gente capaz de dedicar horas diaras al juego). Asi que me imagino que los famosos ex-VLTRA tendran que volver algun dia en la Faccion Española, como los SNOW en GB, o los NN en Francia y los WO en USA. Estas movidas podrian realmente mejorar el balance global, si no el juego se ira al carajo pronto.Solo los HAVOC han tenido este tipo posicion que beneficia al juego/RVR, en ponerse con los Daneses. Asi que porfavor, la tolerancia y el respeto es la unica forma de proyectarse entre jugadores, o todos tendreis que olvidaros del NA.
  15. Si la communauté NA devait stagner autour de 1000 joueurs, il faudrait vraiment trouver un équilibre pour le RVR. Autrement, les clans compétitifs (qui passent beaucoup de temps sur NA) se regroupent et écrasent le reste des Factions/clans facilement. Le seul clan qui a réagit dans le bon sens est HAVOC, il s'est installé dans une petite Faction, alors que la majorité des autres clans compétitifs se sont unis ou chez les Russes ou chez les Hollandais. En fait, l'équilibre du RVR semble dépendre de la répartition de ces clans (de vétérans maitrisant parfaitement les règles et ayant du temps à consacrer à NA). On ne peut pas empécher les clans à rentabiliser leur temps, donc on arrive pas à éviter leur regroupement qui est légitime. Un scénario idéal consisterait à trouver au minimum 1 clan compétitif majeur dans chaque Faction. (NN en France, VLTRA en Espagne, CABAL en Hollande, SNOW en GB, etc...) Mais ça n'est pas logique et profitable pour ces clans vu qu'ils perdront leur efficacité puisqu'ils devront compter sur d'autres clans nationaux (moins actifs) incapables de s'adapter à une organisation rigoureuse. On est donc dans un contexte stérile pour une évolution équilibrée du RVR. A moins que de nouvelles règles soient intégrées, possibilités d'alliances ? Une petite communauté avec son lot de joueurs passionnés créent un déséquilibre inévitable des groupes. Aujourd'hui l'économie de NA ainsi que son ranking sont assez lents et laborieux. Ce long processus en décourage plus d'un si les chances de se battre contre d'autres Factions "à armes égales" sont inexistantes. (soit dû au nombre désiquilibré de joueurs soit dû à la différence de richesses) Je me rappelle le peu de temps qu'on passait il y a 2 ou 3 ans pour accéder à une certaine richesse et à construire des navires de classes 1 ou 2. A l'époque n'importe quel clan un minimum organisé et avec une dizaine de joueurs pouvait devenir opérationel. Ca n'est plus le cas aujourd'hui à cause de ces mécaniques trop laborieuses qui ne laissent la place qu'aux joueurs invétérés.
  16. Is it possible that after only a few weeks from fresh map peeps are already losing faith about RVR balance ? After a few weeks a bunch of seriously passionated players have managed the rules of the game with mastery, their efficiency and dedication to the game have shown impressive military & territory progress. Does the main reason of this spectacular result remain on the players enthousiasm and dedication of these Faction/clans ? I guess so. They play their best within the rules, as do players from other Factions. Are today's RVR rules mostly oriented for organized and very active clans ? it might look like it. How NA's RVR history could avoid always outcoming on a superpower Faction ?
  17. Lots of recent & old facts lead to the same conclusion: RVR needs either Alliance system mostly oriented for small Factions, or it needs no more Nation effects but only Clans Vs clans mechanics.
  18. Let's forget the suggestion to improve communication between blocks of players, but in the past RVR was real fun with "diplomatic" side. back on tracks for RVR news. Cheers
  19. SUGGESTION for Factions Embassies: In order to include some kind of Faction diplomacy, (in the current fresh RVR history) Do you think it is possible that every Faction would chose 1 player as a "messenger", The list of official Faction messengers would be publicly disclosed here. Each Faction messenger could simply write PM's (in this forum) to each other Faction messengers for any required purpose. Such a communication between Factions would mostly have the role to find compromise, agreement, commitment, trades, etc... This basic diplomacy can only work if Faction clans are capable to chose & trust the messenger as the Faction voice, and of course make sure that Faction clans will respect possible agreements negociated with other Faction(s). most probably, each Faction would rely on their strongest clans leaders to federate their Faction other clans to select a "messenger player" to build up relationship with other Factions through communications between different "messengers" in the list. The messenger does not take any decision, he'll be just reporting messages of his Faction.(he's not a diplomat, only Faction voice). It's quite easy to set up, War server would only need 11 messengers (unless Pirates do not or cannot bother) that can exchange PM's Any results or actions outcoming from messengers network can remain privacy of Factions or can be publicly disclosed in the War forum RVR news.
  20. Un jour viendra où un les clans Français bien organisés (et compétitifs), se retrouveront dans la Faction France. Inshallah !!!
  21. We got what we got and have to deal with it. So let's discuss and be informed about current RVR news. Let's write the new RVR history.
  22. Ok about this detail, but Did SNOW look for safety in joining Dutch Faction ? Players migrations rely on fun/content quest, it does not rely on safety quest. Disorganized Factions are and will always remain the strongest problem of NA when dealing with RVR. It has always generated unbalanced territories ownerships. Untill an ALLIANCE system could be implemented.
  23. WITHIN RVR BACKGROUND: A Zerg Faction becomes Public enemy n° 1, it could collaps rapidly if they got multi-attacks from a coalition of smaller Factions. So not so safe in long run. Cohesion and organization is what competitive players are looking for. The one's who want to play/grow safe will probably fill the Peace server up. So today's players migration is not driven by safety Factions search, it's mostly driven by efficiency search. That's why migrations are mostly occuring with whole clans who know that best time optimization will be reached among other competitives clans. That's also why some Factions are cruelly loosing good clans, cause those clans look for cohesion with same level dedicated players and run away from disorganized Factions. HAVOC is well organized & competitive clan, I guess there might soon be future clans migrations in that small Faction that is Denmark. It will not be for shelter but mostly for fun and content that will pay off the required painful time consumption.
  24. Nom d'une couille d'huitre !! Certains devraient vraiment écrire sur Word, avec correcteur, et copier/coller ensuite leurs messages... Pour les NN c'est la même chose que tous les autres groupes de joueurs compétitifs dans NA: Si tous les efforts que tu produis dans NA (terriblement chronophages) sont ruinés à cause d'autres joueurs qui ne peuvent pas produire le même niveau d'efforts, le jeu ne vaut pas la peine d'être pratiqué. Donc les NN, comme les VLTRA, comme les SNOW, etc... se joignent à d'autres groupes de joueurs, peu importe la Faction, afin de rentabiliser leurs efforts. Il faut oublier la couleur du drapeau dans le NA d'aujourd'hui, pas de place pour du sentimentalisme. Quand on veut faire du RVR la cohésion d'un groupe de joueurs est l'élément principal pour apprécier NA sans avoir l'impression de perdre son temps.
  25. I do not even think it's about safest Factions, It's just that a number of players have got deep knowledge of NA, the required time to spend on NA means a lot of efforts (as it eats your private life). To get to best results of these efforts push those players to go in Factions where efforts will get optimized results, In these Factions where groups of same type of competitive players are. (otherwise they deeply feel it's a waste of time) The same happened with the mighty Sweedish, peeps were looking for content and fruitful efforts. Today, if you start with a Faction where clans organization sucks then the efforts you're possibly willing to produce might be minimized because of other same Faction players (clans) who cannot produce same level of efforts. Competitive players join competitive group of players, that's the existing behavior of NA players today as far as RVR is concerned.
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