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Everything posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. Horatio de los cojones, Would not you be a frustated spanish player undercover ? you sound so vengeful toward our faction...
  2. In order to have slightly better fun in RVR and give a clearer vision for the newbies, would not it be nice to settle a "current diplomatic situation between nations", I did try to keep it updated for Spain (but I lost tracks now)... Please, to the one who are "guiding" substantial group of players, try to state clearly your "official" diplomatic positionning for the nation you fight for. Or do you prefere the current very thick war fog ? From a new "diplo bases" the RVR could evolve in a more rational/predictible way. To my point of view PVP should be a result of RVR positionning, otherwise it's a mess that creates misunderstandings and conflicts between groups.
  3. Horatio de los huevos, Tu sabras que ya no existe diplomacia, solo hay grupos de jugadores que crean el contenido del RVR sin ninguna logica diplomatica entre facciones. Y no es ningun insulto de decirte que el nivel de tus post nos preocupan por tu salud mental. To be a clown is neither an insult, it's because you are indeed in disguise.
  4. Hay miles de gente que compraron el NA ya, la mayoria espera a la version final para probarlo de nuevo. Estamos en un "early access" juego, se toman años para testear TODO hasta los DLC. Son pocos, tienen tiempo, tienen una voluntad infallible y una vision muy concreta de su proyecto final. Estamos en frente de un equipo de desarrolladores muy atipicos dentro del mercado, pero concientes de la excelencia/originalidad de su trabajo. A pesar de todo, tenemos ya aqui el mejor juego de simulacion de veleros historicos en un entorno grafico exepcional y una stabilidad de coneccion muy buena. Lo unico que nos hace falta es la paciencia.
  5. Dear Horatio (de los cojones), Don't you have something better to do than writting ridiculous post in a foreign forum, this is not salt, this is rather a patological case. ...no balls to show your ingame name combined with an extreme dedication for provocation and childish comments... For sure you got something heavily twisted in your brain. Hasta nunca payaso !!
  6. Ya, porque te fuistes a Piratas Lobo ?!! La Faccion se esta undiendo sin tu presencia o igual sera al revés
  7. Ostras !! llevaba casi un mes con un bugg en mi perfil sin poder hacer ningun post en este foro !! Ya pudeo postear !!! Respeto a tus comentarios Juan, no se ha que vienen. Tu sabes y la mayoria de los jugadores Españoles (excluyendo a los novatos) saben que siempre se ha faltado numeros en nuestra faccion. A habido algun periodos de euforia con intentos de juntar jugadores bajo las mismas banderas de clanes, pero la falta de gente genero falta de ojetivos y perdida de motivacion. Los pocos veteranos que quedan aplican regla simple: divertirse e intentar atender a buenas batallas (sin olvidar que estemos en una fase de testing todavia). El RVR se puede organizar solo con grupos ACTIVOS, asi que frente a los numeros actual de la faccion, solo se puede reaccionar en la defensiva. Sin hablar de los nightflips... Respeto a la situacion "politica" de la faccion, es un lio tremendo entre clanes (y jugadores), no se puede hacer nada entre facciones, una anarchia diplomatica. No hay responsables por la situacion presente de la faccion solo hay un corriente que nos lleva a todos frente a nuevos obstaculos, segun nuestra capacidad de ramear en grupos o no. Hemos tenido la suerte de incluir clanes "estranjeros" recientemente, cosa que no se conseguia desde años pero que es vital en este juego, (no hay jugadores estranjeros en la Faccion Española ! solo hay jugadores Españoles que no entienden que esto es un juego intercultural !) y pa los que no hablan ingles pues es una ocasion de empezar de aprender un poco de idioma GRATIS !! Ahora, por mi parte, solo quiero añadir que los dichos veteranos (que tienen una paciencia tremenda y que pueden pasar tiempo pa NA mas que otros) se estan convertiendo en un club que practica el ELITISMOS, y eso es un problema que conlleva intolerancia, mosqueos, criticas y al final culpar siempre a los demas ... Mientras que la esencia de un clan tiene que apoyarse sobre amistad y abnegacion entre sus miembros. En fin, no hace falta preocuparse por la situacion presente, mejor valdria preparar ya nuestra comunidad para el juego que saldra en su version final. Habria que imaginar un sistema de clanes o de grupos de jugadores que pueda preservar a las diferencias y la independencia de cada uno sin quitar la habilidad de reaccionar juntos. El RAI a sido la mejor iniciativa y podria seguir funccionando con gente dedicada (un saludo respetuoso a Alonso!!). La confianza entre jugadores es el mayor problema a gestionar, asi que una idea podria consistir en la registracion de una multitud de clanes (de 2 tios, de 5 o de uno) cada unos sacando la ventaja del almazen, pero con un signo de pertenencias a un grupo global. por ejemplo [ES-1], [ES-2] o [RAI-1], [RAI-2] etc...El registro es oficial y controlado, cada nuevo que entre toma el numero siguiente dando de paso su antiguedad respetiva a cada clan. Buen viento a todos !
  8. It was updated, above is the official & lastest situation. Thank you not to interfer into this topic, this is purely informative regarding Spanish Nation & clans, There is no point to make any extra comments. Why don't you do the same for your own Nation, so everybody will be better informed about the permanently changing global political situation.
  9. UPDATED (new TS adress) The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Real Acuerdo de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; VIXIT ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; LEON ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: USA ==> Military Alliance Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Friendly Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts5.es
  10. UPDATED (new TS adress) The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Real Acuerdo de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; VIXIT ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; LEON ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: USA ==> Military Alliance Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Friendly Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts5.es
  11. UPDATED (1 Diplo pos) The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Real Acuerdo de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; VIXIT ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; LEON ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: USA ==> Military Alliance Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Friendly Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts3srv.com
  12. So glad to see such a large battle now a day... Thank you guys to keep the RvR alive and keep your group motivation up ! Let's hope for more events of this type in the central map, where it was meant to occure. Fair wind all.
  13. UPDATED (+ 1 clan) The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Real Acuerdo de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; VIXIT ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; LEON ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: USA ==> Neutral with all clans Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Friendly Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts3srv.com
  14. UPDATED (clan TS adress) The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Real Acuerdo de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; LEON ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: USA ==> Neutral with all clans Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Friendly Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts3srv.com
  15. UPDATED (clan in the list) The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Real Acuerdo de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; LEON ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: USA ==> Neutral with all clans Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Friendly Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts3srv.com
  16. Damned ! Stop wasting your time with suggestions, there have been thousands of suggestions for the last 4 years... I do not give a $*ù to this tow issue, what ONLY matters (urgently) is to get a final NA release ! It's time to pour our cristal tank into the ocean for God sake !! Stop feeding this forum, Dev's must finish their work asap and fulfil what has been promised for so long.
  17. Barberouge, Je suis désespéré par cette descente aux enfers (l'enfer étant un serveur vide). As-tu des messages rassurrants venant des cieux ? histoire de ne pas perdre la foie... merci Frog
  18. Alonso, Those are good ideas, but in case some could be applied it may take time to do it through further patches... I really do not understand what is the marketing strategy of the Dev's. NA is dramaticly losing players and there is no reaction while this issue is being experienced for so long. I'm completely puzzled about this. It looks like there are developping a game for themself without paying the slightest attention to the crucial fact of popularity... The longer it goes this way, the less pertinent is the remaining player community. Today most captains are the one who can be considered as passionated and I really doubt their opinion is objective anymore, since they are playing at the top level of NA possibilities without any difficulties to carry on in that context (untill there will be less than 200 players in server). What is the result of NA Legend ? what are the results of so many wipes & heavy patches ? Do Dev's draw any conclusion about these results ? To me, it's real urgent to get a final release of NA, it's the only issue to hope for, as soon as possible. A final NA could have a new title, sometime when a project is failling, only changing it's name can refresh popularity.
  19. Lot's of subversive comments in that topic, as usual... Do not forget the current NA situation: - Only clans are now driving the RVR issues - Acts of war, such as interfering into screening, generate hostilities between clans - Diplomatic talks are very confused nationwise, only clan leaders may settle hostilities independently - Clans include many rogue players that enjoy messing around (cause they're bored) - Some Factions, such as Spain, try to keep its clans within a coherent political positionning Fair wind all
  20. UPDATED The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Real Acuerdo de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; BEZZ ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: USA ==> Military Alliance Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Military Alliance Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts3.lu
  21. UPDATED The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Real Acuerdo de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; BEZZ ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: USA ==> Neutral with all clans Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Friendly Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts3.lu
  22. In order to have a better understanding of the on going and future CLAN politic positionning we wish to inform the whole Caribbean server captains community about the following: The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Acuerdo Real de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias includes the following Spanish clans: FNI ; 7UP ; FLEKI ; VLTRA ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; BEZZ ; NOVA ; GRIJ ; GOE ; LUPUS ; 4PM ; ALU Current political positionning of our confederation: Note: Without clear issues or declaration our positionning will take into account the proportion of opponents clan members involved in our PB . USA ==> WAR ONLY against VCO clan Great Britain ==> At War Sweeden ==> At war Dutch ==> WAR ONLY against Havoc clan Danemark ==> At war Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> At war Russia ==> Military Alliance France ==> Friendly Pirates ==> At War Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : navalaction.ts3.lu
  23. Dear Horatio, I wish you could give me the adress of your dealer. (do not abuse though, you sound so down at the moment).
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