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Everything posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. Elise, Si tu n'as plus de Forged paper et que tu veux rejoindre une autre faction, la seule solution serait de créer un nouveau profil (donc tu recommences à zéro...). Si non, tu prends du repos et tu attends un prochain wipe ou la sortie officielle du jeu, il devrait y avoir de nouveaux Forged papers. Frog (à moins qu'un prochain patche les rendent commercialisables, on ne sait jamais avec cette équipe de barjots !)
  2. As far as I understood, this option is not anymore possible... Just have to wait for the following day to fight the PB.
  3. Why should we bother ?! You're ruining all the effort you made to make this game "strategical"...! Here we go with "nightlocks" !! I cannot afford spending my life time to attack ports while i'm supposed to sleep, neither to look for new clans that come from other time zones. Ridiculous & so disapointing. cheers
  4. Dans la configuration actuelle de NA une Nation a et aura toujours des difficultés à être totalement unie, c'est le cas pour ex: Espagne, GB, Netherland, Danemark. La seule solution est de créer un groupe de clans qui adhèrent à une politique et des actions communes (via une organisation validée et simple). Les clans récalcitrants resteront isolés avec peu de moyens d'actions mais malheureusement avec un certain pouvoir de nuisance. Si le groupe uni reste fort et actif, les rogues finiront par perdre tout intéret à leur jeu stérile.
  5. Fofo, si tu connaissais un peu mieux ce jeu, tu saurais que le screen te montre comme celui qui a taggé les VLTRA. De plus, je confirme que tous les navires engagés dans cette bataille (de plus de 30min) ont fait feu sur nous, il suffit de demander au seul CBC présent, il n'a eu aucun soutien des EDR (qui se sont sauvés après avoir perdu beaucoup de mats) et en a fait les frais.
  6. Bonjour à tous, Compte tenu de l'accrochage à Apalachicola d'aujourd'hui, les EDR défendent les intérets des Brits et le Real Acuerdo défend ceux des Russes. Par conséquent, vous pouvez considérer que GB & France sont en guerre contre Empire Russe & Espagne. Si certain clans Français souhaitent rester à l'écart qu'ils nous le disent, mais c'est bien malheureux que vous persistiez à suivre les Anglais (vérifiez bien qu'ils n'essaient pas de faire un double jeux avec les Suédois) Bonne chance A+
  7. Just explain how realistic this call for a "Southern alliance" is : Today French helping the Brits in screening Apalachicola PB (attacked by Russian Empire), French tagged some VLTRA that were helping the Russian. So the ceasefire with EDR is off (The other French clans must confirm here their neutrality, if they don't the "Real Acuerdo de Indias" will consider a state of war with the whole French faction. precisely what the British are looking for)
  8. The Spanish "Real Acuerdo de Indias" will stick to the below relationship. It is pointless to imagine any cooperation with Brits unless they make proposal that would include the withdrawal of Louisianna Occidental & Apalache. Current political positionning of our confederation: Note: Without clear issues or declaration our positionning will take into account the proportion of opponents clan members involved in our PB . USA ==> Military Alliance Neutral clans : awaiting positionning Great Britain ==> At War with SLRN ; GNF ; BCC ; RSC ; TITAN ; AHOY ; DOGZ ; XCLAN ; CH Neutral clans : awaiting positionning Sweeden ==> Neutral with all clans Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Friendly clan : PERVS Danemark ==> At War with BF Neutral clans : awaiting positionning Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> Neutral with all clans Russia ==> Neutral with all clans Friendly clan : REDS ; RUS ; USSR France ==> Ceasefire with EDR (bilateral agreement towards neutrality) Neutral clans : CBC ; MRF ; ER ; VCA Other clans : awaiting positionning Pirates ==> At War with most clans Neutral clans : awaiting positionning Contract : open to negociation
  9. no se trata de esto, solo queremos recuperar hechos, analisarlos y entenderlos.
  10. Pues por practicar mucho, uno se puede dar cuenta que algunos efectos de la mecanica no depiende unicamente de la eficiencia de un jugador. Jamas se ha visto un casco resistir tanto, esto es un hecho y se buscara la razon.
  11. Pero, por si a caso, la proxima vez intenta imaginarte que lo que tu dices igual ya lo sabemos... Y que en este hilo se intenta hablar de unos hechos que algunos han vivido en batalla, con efectos de la mecanica del juego que jamas se vieron antes. Lo que se intenta es comprender como pueden ocurir estos hechos que no son tan obvios. Queremos recuperar aqui este tipo de datos que nos parecen fuera de la normalidad. Seguro que lo entiendes.
  12. Still, never saw such a structure that is not receiving the slightest damage after several full shots... (from first rates) thank you for angling explanation but it's not enough
  13. Mast is one issue, how about the extreme resistance that your ship can achieve ? Any hints ?
  14. Hello Moscalb, Thx for joining this topic. As you can read, some of us, are extremely puzzled about the effects that some ships/players can perform while the wide majority of the NA players cannot reach this type of "effects"... Instead of writting "...lol..." it would be very kind of you to explain your point of view and possibly give us some hints. There is a difference between "skilled players" and "overperforming ships", we would love to know what type of "extra" features some ships can be including to reach the effects everybody can witness in the above video. Also, demasting is a skill, everybody can confirm it, Liq the first. But there also, extreme accuracy (a single shot = 1 mast break) might be involving some "extra" features, would someone share this optimization out ? so other could perform it, assuming that it is not only practice/training result. thx
  15. Este hilo se crea para que algunos puedan postear imagenes o videos sobre sucesos MUY SUSPECHOSOS que estamos experimentando durante algunas batallas contra algunos jugadores "supuestamente Famosos" que parecen tener facultades extraodinarias con sus barcos... Se ha visto: - Armaduras de cascos que no bajan mas despues de un cierto nivel, a pesar de dispararle doble bolas muy cerca con l'Ocean ! - Mastiles que se rompen cerca de su base sin que la bola de cañon le toca al mastil ! - Eficiencia extrema en el arte de "demasting", un disparo de una bola = un mastil roto ! Se esta viendo muchos ejemplos de este estilo ultimamente (despues de los ultimos parches) y es una muy mala noticia si se supone que los codigos del juego estan modificados por jugadores mal intencionados.
  16. PUESTO AL DIA EN EL "NATIONAL NEWS": (cambio importante = alto al fuego con los EDR) In order to have a better understanding of the on going and future CLAN politic positionning we wish to inform the whole EU server captains community about the following: The Spanish Faction includes a « Clan confederation » called El Acuerdo Real de Indias It's a group of clans that are loyal to each other, act together at war and do strictly respect the confederation rules as well as political issues that are commonly decided. The Real Acuerdo de Indias involve the following Spanish clans: FNI ; ATLAS ; VLTRA ; LIBRE ; TEARM ; ARM ; SKYNE ; BEZZ ; NOVA Current political positionning of our confederation: Note: Without clear issues or declaration our positionning will take into account the proportion of opponents clan members involved in our PB . USA ==> Military Alliance Neutral clans : awaiting positionning Great Britain ==> At War with SLRN ; GNF ; BCC ; RSC ; TITAN ; AHOY ; DOGZ ; XCLAN ; CH Neutral clans : awaiting positionning Sweeden ==> Neutral with all clans Dutch ==> Neutral with all clans Friendly clan : PERVS Danemark ==> At War with BF Neutral clans : awaiting positionning Poland ==> Neutral with all clans Prussia ==> Neutral with all clans Russia ==> Neutral with all clans Friendly clan : REDS France ==> Ceasefire with EDR (bilateral agreement towards neutrality) Neutral clans : CBC ; MRF ; ER ; VCA Other clans : awaiting positionning Pirates ==> At War with most clans Neutral clans : awaiting positionning Contract : open to negociation PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INFORM OR CORRECT THIS TOPIC TO BE UPDATED. For any information, clarification or proposal, please visit our TS at : ts3.andaina.net:9985 ask for our diplomat Celtiberofrog
  17. Can the DEV's make any comment about that "possible" bug ? Thx
  18. Hello there, Just got updated about this new change. PB windows to be set by clans...This is not new, we tested it and saw many ports with "unpracticable" timers that were purposely set as defensive issue. While other clans will set their timer at their best activity timing which will possibly be around 4AM for other players... How this issue could become reality again ? The EU server has become GLOBAL for the sake of the game (close to be released). A final choice has been made: sacrifice practical PB timers for certain communities ==> for a "global" game play. Conclusion: This game will remain strategical ==> only for those players who can sacrifice their life time.
  19. What's the point ? We were bored, you passed by, we tagged you, you run away with faster ship... Not sure this is interesting to post.
  20. Why should anyone give any credit to the biggest TROLL we ever had in NA ? Even most of British faction players do not pay any attention to his toxic comments. Admiral Horatio Hornblower please bugger off
  21. Señores, Ayer unos compañeros fueron gankeado por una bandilla de Ingleses cerca de la Havana con barcos ligeros. Piratas tagg y Ingleses que se meten con ellos. Que todos sepamos que este clan Ingles(RSC) es un ojetivo prioritario, que se unda a cualquiera de ellos incluso si lleva cutter o que sea un newby.
  22. Thx for that vid. Your PVP adventure might turn painfull some day, hope you'll upload the vid too. BEZZ belong to the Real Acuerdo, there will be a generous pay back m8. Good luck in your next adventures.
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