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Jonathan Arlington

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Everything posted by Jonathan Arlington

  1. You cannot claim that there are more british players on our home island than in south america. That's just silly. Besides, I remember the day the map was going to be painted black. I remember the AUSEZ-Clan going pirate to make some kind of "the mechanic is cracked"-statement which I never had understand. And british palyers taking a break because the funpart was burned out because of severall exploits. I was one of them. So ... the map was black ... yes but so what? Your mate Otto is calling us a zerg nation anytime we take a few ports, but you zerged the whole map and you are proud of that. This is confusing. And leads me back to my last post. You did it, we did it (stopped because everyone was calling us unhealthy for the community), now the spaniards, french, danish and swedes did it. So what? Get over it. New round, have fun again.
  2. That's another point we discussed in our clan. I would love to see some pirates in false flags. Because that would do the trick for pirates to enjoy pirate mechanics not nation ones. But that's just my opinion. ;-) i tried to create a picture of what I have in minde. Not the best but the idea should be clear. Well, at least I guess ...
  3. Jonathan Arlington


  4. From the album: Stuff

    just an idea
  5. The thing is, when you would be in a port in real life you would see the three gankers in front of the port and wont left anyway. On the turning side the ganker would see the forest of masts in that port. So, this hopping in and hopping out of a port is not so fun, but at least it's just the look you would have from the port outside of it. And that is quite realsitic because in real life you would recognize that big hostile fleet in front of your port. To prefend this hopping what would it be like if you can see what is happening in an little circle in front of the port? In this case you prefend the playsers jumping out of port for just looking and so you can give the 25 second-penalty to the 1st rates just trolling. For the second point, the forest of masts, what would it be like if you wont see the random pier but several little random ships which size is addicted to the number of ships inside the port( the random ships - until one dozend, six random ships - two dozend and so on)? In this scenario the brave scout does have really something to do than just looking whether any newbie ignored the "STAY IN THE PORT!"-order.
  6. Obviously, what you think that was declaired, what others wrote in the other thread you are talking about and what was shown and then unterstand and on topic discussed in this very other thread are two things. So yes, I know what I am talking about. The poor thing is you ignore what my post was about. Sad...
  7. I remember a time when we, the british declaired winning the war against spain. Spain was like "Nooo, we never surrender!" Than we did what you did in this war. We started to take one port piece by piece until Spain had five ports left. Then we talked again to Spain declairing that we obviously won. Spain again:"No! Never!" and the allies were like "Zerg Nation!" Well... Here we are. You did the same to the Dutch. You zerged them to less then five ports. You declaired Victory. They are like "No!" Same story. So what is this post about. Some of you may think it's about "Ah! You are baaaad and hypocrite" but, no.... I'm over with you did,but you first, you more, Yadayadayada... No. This post is just a reminder. That no side is really better then the other. All the anger in here is about pixels on both sides. Pixel nations and instead of divergenting in pixel-nation-communities we should start to act like one community fighting in pixel-nations against the other but for fun. It couldn't be healthy for this game that every time a nation read angerfull propaganda this nation is feeling upset, shooting back and retour. There is no use in discussing whether Dutch lost because there is no end of the war. There may be casefires but nether an end. Gentlemen, we PLAY the war in this game. It's like the napoleonic war. Enimies turn to allies or are forced to be. Then allies are turning for their own good or because they feel the time is ready to crush the forced ally-chains. So... This round was for the "DSSF maybe... well obviously helped by pirates" ally No matter why. So what? Wipe is coming in the next rounds. And then? New anger? New "We won." "No never!" Well as I proved every side was in former days in the exact same position then the other one and therefore I declaire the following for myself. Every playerbase of every pixel-nation is so much different to the others than they maybe believe. Every side was in the same shoes of the enemy or will be or be again. So... time for something new. Maybe we can have some cool fights in the future and after the fight we can shake hands and have a new round. I start. Nice advantage Spain. You learned to manage your fleet. Danemark, everytime fun to meet you at the waves. Unfortunately I didn't have the honour to fight against the other Pixel flags. But at least, good coordination mates. So, Wipe is comming.... We regroup, we train our lines, we are planning our tactic with our honourfull allies and then... Beware Spain... Beware.... And have fun. :-) Be sure I will... o7
  8. First, really? After ganking just in majorities, joining pb's with 1st rates and leaving when we do so to defend the port you feel like "being the man"? Second, I remember several fake flags in the very same second and an attack of Santanilla. After this action we started to p*ss you off, too. That's right. So go on and jajaja yourself
  9. And therefore it will never ever stop. Because we will never have another choice. And no, not again porttimers. There are much more problems in our relation than porttimers and some of them are on your ticket, too. Even when you, unfortunately, do not see it.
  10. Sorry mate, but we did not get in a portbattle with 1st rates and leaving after british 1st rates has taken the challenge for defence. I totally agree with the "Let's fight thing" but than I do not understand this move of your noble captains a few days ago in the waters of Santanilla. Maybe you can agree with me that, at our position this looked like Spain hoped to conquer an undefended port and than ran away because we were ready to take the challenge. And maybe you can agree with me that this happening plus the dozens of flags bought by several enemy-nations at on and the very same time gave us the view that you want to run british sea with fake flags and numbers. This is undermining a healthy atmosphere for a "good" enemyship as well. This is leading all to the same point. You do something salty, we are angry. We do something salty, you are angry. You are getting salty in forum, okay at this point. But than some of your mates pick it up the hypocrite-britisch-baaad-nation-yaddayadda and we are very salty about this - sorry but true - trash. At this point everyone in british nation-chat is salty and ready to bring this salt to you that will make you more salty. Guess what will happen? Look you are right. Less drama, more respectful together and we will have fun-fights until domesday. But to come to this point it would be helpfull everyone does his stand for this. From both sides...
  11. Besides, I am not so happy about that timers too. This is stopping me from challenging the spaniards.
  12. Maybe. But maybe you can understand that it's really annoying to read the pages full of saltiness about a war you choosed and which I want to enjoy. And I really hoped you could also.
  13. And for the british captains who want to know what he translated. It's kind of : Yadayadayada, cry. British baaaad, Yadayadayada... Seriously is this a joke? You're repeating the whole mess? You start a war, we react, you blame us for your WAR-vote. Really?
  14. So... The judge advocate is a pirate? Or am I wrong? And pirates are asking for compensation for nation officers hunting them in a court? Okay.... This gotta be funny. :-)
  15. The one for your regain campaign against SORRY. But we are going to off-topic for that. ???? And because we enjoyed this Pb's very much it was no big thing at all. ????
  16. I agree with that. But, in deed, I think Gooney wrote something like that in here. He also spents very much breath in Teamspeak holding back the ones who wanted to break the treaty. Even when the danes broked the Three-Day-Casefire on the very third day, attacking two (!) britain ports he hold us back attacking the danes, with the argument that no matter what we will respect this one day, not attacking danish ports (no attack against danes right now, maybe they missunderstood something of the points of our Casefire. I just wanted to make clear that Gooneybird is acting realy diplomatic in my guess). So in fact he is doing a good job. So calling him hypocrat is just unfair.
  17. I am so bored of spaniards, turning words over words, mixing it up and coming to the very end that of course everything is blamed to the british. Everything was just hypocrite and nothing we did was because we care about behaviour among all factions. I am so bored about that. Youdo not agree with our politics and the outcome in this treaty? Fine. But flaming it with turning words just to hear what you want to hear.... Bah.... I am so bored.
  18. In fact no one is complaining about the pirates. They did a pirate thing and DN made some souvereign reactions in treating pirates like to treat them. Actually the only ones complaining about the fact that a nation treats pirates like pirates are... well... Pirates... But what for? Dammit you are pirates. Pirates are no allies. They weren't. Maybe tools but at the end some noble lord (no not the "V"-kid) will delete your pardon and go to hunt the thief and murder you are for the publicity. I like pirate history so don't get me wrong. But actually this whole thing is like a good pirate story. Rise and fall...
  19. The game is allready dead and it is allready too late until the promised fix of diplo mechanic and pirate mechanics is going to be fixed.
  20. This is a story about a very poor one. Two of us were sailing in a Constitution and a Trincomalee from Tulum to the north when we saw two pirate-player, also in a Constitution and a Trincomalee. Of course we were hunting them and because of the wind on our side we were nearly close enough to have a very fair fight Consti and Trinco vs. Consti and Trinco (just saying...) But then one of the piratships turned, attacked his mate and because of that and the new range mechanic for new ships joining the battle they escaped. My mate and I were joining to picture it. Besides this is a very, very, veeery poor one it's definetly an exploit in my point of view. The two individuals were from the clan RUBLI. dron441 and Nikolas van Berg P.S. the two other ones in our team were out of range so besides the fact that it will not change the exploit-use teh two pirates ran away from a 2 vs. 2
  21. From the album: Stuff

    Some poor behavior of two pirate gankers. Really I like pirates hunting us, but pirates being hunted using some exploits to avoid a 2 vs 2? Noooooo way ....
  22. "Okay Kenway, they've taged me. I say we fight for the end." "Agreed Jonathan." "So which one shall we take with us in the deep ocean? The Trinco outa there." "Yes lets sink this one and then leave." And then I saw him in the other ship. "Lobogris... LOBOGRIS! We go nowhere I will not run away from this one I stay to fight until it's me or him!" Well it was me/us. But hey because of threads like this I did not want to think tactical but epic unless Kenway(not the PvP-one) and me knew that our Consti and Trinco never would match against this four spaniards, so no use for a flame-war. I felt like Jack Aubrey (okay at the end I was not like Lucky Jack, but hey) being hunt and than fighting for the king. And I had so much fun I swear to hunt you Lobogris. Until the day my king commands me not to do so. So see you next time.
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