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Jonathan Arlington

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Everything posted by Jonathan Arlington

  1. You are kidding aren't you? If you do not end this war your are welcome. But in this case stop blaming us for treating you like an enemy. Simple. ????
  2. You are missing the point that sweden was reduced to one port. Than the danes were full of "mercy" while we offert peace and end of war to spain with five ports left. And what happend? They called us arrogant for that. So pleeeease stop blaming us again and again for a war we wanted to end before everything goes crazy. That is soooo yada yada yada...
  3. Lower class? Sir I really believe that the danish king's(!) fleet is leaded by officers of good situated houses of nobility and honour and so sent to war against us with the best education to find in denmark. To think less of you would be insulting! ;-)
  4. Diplomacy mechanics binding one nation in one political direction is one of the main issues right now. So yes we should talk about this. It would be very good if you can handle this with something like a voting system. So you can do diplomacy but without the frustrating fact some guys are kein on making their own way of life... or better name it way of war...
  5. Aaaaaand here we go. Britbashing-time! Hooouray!You ask why? Because it is not like our enemies had or have used this even either.... Just have a look to Misteriosa, Corrientes and Trinidad 11pm means midnight in middle europe which is also not so confortable on working days... Do you hear us complaining? No.But hey! Brits fault! Gnaaaahhhh...
  6. I know you didn talking about me. I used it as an example that everyone should think about seperating. You see this thread should be about glorious fights of naval warfare and now we are just about whether the british faction or the danish coalition is behaving in good terms. ????
  7. Ah okay. Didn't know there was an agreement dude. sorry for that. ????
  8. I never wrote the word russian in any awnser since nor do I think about an insult when I do so. So please do not pull everyone in the blaming zone. ???? So please stop
  9. It makes sence because it heatens up the situation because it is not true that every blame is only on the fictionally nation but the community. At this point it is all about all players want to enjoy the game but the british. They are just insulting and arrogant or what ever stuff.And this - I say it again leads to nothing.
  10. This is your point of view I guess as we see us to be one of the last free nations against the danish coalition. My awnser is more alike we did not harm the peace zone with the other last free nation, so they cannot claim we were aggressive.
  11. So maybe for the health of the gamer community let's agree it is for no good good to blame russian gamers but also blaming the whole "british gamer community" as well for every blood little mistake done in this game. Because this is also a pathetic hobby in this Forum.
  12. No I keep on saying that it's not true that we left you alone because we did not care but because the Pirates kept us busy in the name of their alli... uhm... friends. ???? Besides I am okay with a little friendly warfare with you guys. You had two options. Fighting a hard one against the controlling danes or fight a hard one but with help of the coalition against us. You 've chosen number two. That's okay. I am just thinking you have chosen this one because of false expactations. But hey. It's cool. This game is about Naval warfare not let's have a nice cup of tea everybody. It's okay. As long as we can respect each other and believe me. I respect your fight in Panama. Really I do. ????
  13. Guys calm down. As long there are no political mechanics everything is quite relative. Unfortunately...
  14. The truth is the danes have thiefs screening for their attacks and they are screening for them when they attack to raid the citiezens of our ports. So riiiight it's just friendship. ???? Realy danes, I admire your skills in talking manipulative words. We Brits should learn to play with false words like you do. Lessing one: complain about the british like they are the devil in person Lession two: be "friendly - not" allied " with injustice thiefs Lession three: wipe out the little nations around the neighbourhood, then "allow" them to get some ports back, but keep one port just as an reminder never ever say another word then "Yes". Then claim that they were wiped out because the british betrayed them, not because pirates were keeping us busy. Lession four: create an alliance of the willing which includes 40 more ports more then british Navy captured and keep on acting like you are just friends with Pirates not allied. Tell everyone the british force have spreat the whole West indies while everyone who can count can See this is not true knowing the fact that the coalition of the willing just do what you allow them to do. Lession five: allow your new, former brought down, friends to have the idea of fighting the devil you mentioned for 4 weeks. They were reading for weeks this propaganda so something in the brain think it has to be true. Well played, Sir. Well played... It is very impressive to witness how everyone believe every song you play on your tune, playing the false and untrue Song of the danish freedom fighters. Not kidding. I am realy impressed (and I start to have fun with this political stuff) Keep on, danes, keep on Herminator. No insult just a point of view Report from the other side of your window. I enjoy this. If it would be possible I would order a round of whisky, rum or vodka. What ever you prefer. So cheers. ????
  15. This. So very this! Keep on having fun. ????
  16. I do not know how you managed this diplomacy stuff, but if a mayor clan was not included in your diplomacy you can't cry for treason at all.
  17. So what is it about. We leave cuba to you and then your warmongers again are awnsering "No"... ?This is no way to go for. Trustfilling example have to come from both sides. please stop pretending this situation is just to blame all to the british.
  18. Our friends the Pirates (which have taking all the spanish ports in north-west cuba, but who cares dude)... Our friends... The Pirates. Pi- rates... Aha... ????
  19. So it is about we go on to destroy the spaniards unter we wiped them out and after that the danish coalition of the willing is going for Wikinger out the british. No one wies because at the end winners can play with themselve. Bravo. A great game is loosing no matter who will get the trophy. Bravo Gentlemen. Victor, meet me at some neutral tavern I want to drink some gallons to forget about the arrogante of ALL involved nations in here.
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