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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. war alliance: small nation clans who are war decked by a clan can ask (or also Fullenteared offering for help from other clans) for help from other clans by forming an alliance for that current war time (called war alliance help: not the same as a already nation alliance) declaring war cost gold and has a duration of at least a week (and is expensive and taxed[gold goes to game goverment or has a revenue to the port holder where the war is anounced]) war time must be at least a week and can be extended what cost additional gold .(more expensive and taxed )
  2. Port protection : every port has a port protection for every same nation player (not other nations [danes vs france for example] ) players can not attack each other within the circle of the port . example:2 same nation clans are at war with each other, in the circle of the port there is a neutral standing ,outside the port circle there is free engaging if at war (lets say one nation clan has become rogue, so outside port you can attack it ) for different nation clans this stand of does not count and can even be attacked by forts when go into battle inside the port circle
  3. Well its a new dawn.. lets see how it works out and gets implemented lets start with the beginning: a sugestion:the nation npc clan/admiralty . i also hope that it will have., Nation NPC clan...... (like the British marine Training school NPC clan tag BMTC,or Danish cadets facility center [DCFC]) where new captains spawn in the nation ,and where they can not attack other same Nation players.... (what is the restriction of the (any) Nation faction)for a start... . Also nation npc clan has restrictions on what it can do in the game , like building some buildings like the workshop or ship building above 5 rate (just to give some example)the result of that restriction must be that it will push beginning captains out of the NPC clan, to regular player clans after a while.. . Also nation NPC clan members who attack other same nation players must transform into a pirate instant (with warning)with the loss off every assets (ships and goods)they have in the harbor (but not ship and money they sail on at that moment) . Nation npc clan has his own chat room (asking box for beginning captains) Nation NPC clan can not enter a clan in the form of a alliance or group up a clan who is in war, or even not at war, . and is a stand alone Nation clan it can not declare wars (only officers of alliances or player of regular player clans can do that)
  4. at the moment we can not compare EVE with NA ... in eve there are clan wars, what make life in HS very complicated sometimes (not always) you can be shot in a pod or lose it in 10 seconds if you ignore the signs. (or ganked or even anti ganked [see link] ) it is just not the same .in NA we do not have clan wars, what makes it a totally different game compared to EVE and you can attack a ship in Amarr 1.0 (safe zone) and not been shot at , if you are at war...... in a clan war (Concord does not shoot you then) if we would have some kind of a similar set up in NA, it would change the whole situation for NA i n many different ways ( link ) but we never tried admiralty clan wars over here, only nation wars, but in the NA nations there are groups, and those groups do not work together, to let the nation wars work.... in this game i m not saying we need a Concord system , but the admiralty clan wars can be the new feature where even a bounty system can be introduced as well, without killing an entire nation ..
  5. True also, you need to be closer than to have a "good"tag and that need skills aswell but that should be the skill of the tagger (in the fleet)
  6. well if you have a big ship and have to turn into the wind(overshoot) to go back, you are not going to make the 90 seconds so make the 90 seconds>> , 180 seconds (that works better (bad winds)also 180sec, is also 90 seconds from further away from the target also (further distance in battle ) ps also do not forget the distance to the joining circle takes time (especially heavier ships)
  7. that has been discussed on other forum topics allready my verdict on this one was, keep it open for 15 minutes but that feature was to "hot" (it ended up by having a perk for that ) but keep it OT this is about the Tag TIMER
  8. agree on the instant battle tag instant close is a bummer for your group mates, than every battle is 1vs1(probably)
  9. how about yes ? in this case the homefleet is not listening to your commands (it is the homefleet AI NPC) you seems not to be able to read enough also "keep in battle "what are you talking about.... thereis no battle at all, its about getting someone in battle at all
  10. the time in the current game which is 15 seconds is to long..... with the current speeds and upgrades, you can t even tag a ship when it is possible to attack example : it saw a home fleet slowly sailing and in the distance I saw a pirate enemy he sailed towards me(me +home fleet were sailing slowly 100 meters from each other ) so if i could attack the enemy as soon as i could have a big fight, but what happens, as soon as the attack circle said i could engage attack i pressed the button attack the timer of 15 seconds went in a countdown, but i could not get him into battle he just sailed to the other end of the tag circle and passed me without any concern the tag timer need to be changed from 15 to 5 second to get even a fast ship into battle ps:what is the use of a home fleet is you can just ignore it??? its useless then to have a home fleet and becomes an obsolete feature what eats graphical power also the defender gets the circle (what has changed recently ) that increases the distance between engagement as well that is also a feature that has to be undone as well (it does not work for pvp possibility) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also there is a possibility to have a new skill book on this subject or perk(what reduces tag timer time)
  11. @admin options: if you serparate the pvp (rewarded points) from the ship building (and make ship building a stand alone mechanic in NA) the grind for building ships as a dedicated ship builder would not be that grindy (pve part) the rewards for doing pvp should in my eyes be, upgrades stuff (from the ship you attack) loot.. therefore you make a fundamental change in the reward system, [and you don't need the marks system at all] (well maybe in the micro environment for premium ships) this idea is a complete overhaul, i know,.. but it is a system that can work for the grind..in the current state in the mean time , i don't like the combat marks system because it is attached to the ship building ship grind (it holds back the pve player)(( it stops the pve player ,playing the game because his intention for going into a fight are different)) also for the current combat marks the rewards for doing a 2 fights (2) whole evening , and get 13 combat marks(and 18000 gold)[[and a lost battle]] is just too low for having 2 battles from 22.00 hours until 01.30 (than the reward system is a grindy one) if you need 350 cm for a big ship or 200 or (150 ../13=14 days battle for a permit and hypothetical you lose ships to ..o.0 ...so it's better even not to play).you loose more than you win,,,, that's also what happens with new captains (one of the game breakers for new captains) so my recommendation is to separate the ship building from the current pvp doctrine
  12. The Pavel had a buff on many fronts so that alone says enough (atm the best heavy brawler)
  13. or alliances or clan/(Admiralty) war system like eve has but that has bin suggested before where a other nation ship(in war with the other clan) when entering other nations waters is RED and can be attacked(but when not in war with that clan,.. is neutral) but when alliances with that "freindly clan(admiralty group)(from other nation)" it becomes blue and can not be attacked or attack(if he does( after + pirate warning) he becomes a pirate) the benefit is: everyone who is RED is involved ...in pvp neutrals and blue are not and when shot at its a green on green situation, and becomes instant RED for (suggestion)24 hours (pirates can be shot any time , regarding witch nation)what solves the pirates as a nation ,it can be a Spanish pirate but also a Danish pirate or brit
  14. the equation is not exactly correct in eve you have clan wars ,what triggers pvp (where everybody is involved) also negative standing does hit.... pvp in High-Security territory but indeed there is a lot of pve, but thats just for doing missions, or defending ships in the belt with invading pve rats who want to destroy your ship... you can always run away from pve , but pvp is a total other dimension also doing pve in eve does do amazing things sometimes,.. for your wallet, if you hit a good exploration site, it can give you millions..or... almost nothing, but that does not mean, you can,t be caught by a player seeking for some pvp action in an anomaly or wormhole doing pve in eve does not mean you can,t be killed and you can end up in a frozen stage, or escape from it , and you certainly don.t want to see that.. if you loose your 3 billion pod , you are not happy for 2 minutes(worth a 2 months subscription time ) if hell brakes loose i do more pvp than pve (at least i try to ,...because i have to defend more ) you can not simply explain EVE with NA at this current time
  15. well if you are not an alcoholic .....you will become one... so dont say, we didn t warn you... ps. just stay away from drugs or just sell it
  16. lets see how fast you will take the forum keys when a Bellona hits 8035 knots in ow , and that time will come.. its not a restriction, its an opportunity for ships difference but some don t see that.
  17. at the moment this game has a major flaw the shipbuilding is attached to the pvp ritual in my eyes, it has to be separated from each other(otherwise ship builders can not build) they have to fulfill the 4 currency demand on their permits it would be rather nice if the loot of a pvp battle excited of goods (from the ship if it sinks) for the upgrades (found in the sunken ship) (drops) but now (only pvp ers) they only gets pvp marks or vic marks or what ever(also the mark system is on of the dumbest things i have ever seen in a game, the funny part is they even invent more mark names for it and extend it) that is something a ship builder does not need (in fact they do not pvp so will not get the permits )((so they leave)) in the current state this game is going nowhere is an unborn child where the mother has an abortion every 2- 3 months(read wipe) this game is a tryout for their new naval action development game( what is now in test fase)you are just cannon fodder my friends out. just my last cent o7
  18. Yes, it is possible.... and the risk to fail is ...also... possible
  19. ahhhh paints can we have paint for flags and banners to
  20. hi all like the topic says the tag is now 15 seconds but when tagging the tag ends at 0 , what means that the distance in the battle is to far away.. reduce it to 5 seconds your ideas pls
  21. i agree with you , but all in due time of course .. to many things to fix first
  22. and the most funny part is, its .... not even correct to lol actually we need FLAG PAINTS.......... lol look at 0.37 you get your answer there
  23. well you must be a academic phd by now i wonder when you graduate :)) it seems you miss one book : Developers knoledge i have clan mates who have only 8 books in total, so completely unfair balance for them..one of the reasons why people quit for them, it seems unfair and unbalanced and not accessible... at all (some things where the devs need to look at ....the players see it, the developers not, they talk Russian literally)
  24. in a historical point of view are pirates allowed to have second and first rates i personly don't believe they can. so,if not why is it possible that they can have it then i believe historically they can sail a 4 rate, max and thats it... therefore i believe access to a 3, 2 rate and a first-rate should not be allowed edit : corrected typo of rates
  25. Hi devs i miss the delivery order to a player it sometimes take s me a week to deliver some goods to a player due to work,or vacation,or because a player is on the other side of the map perhaps it is possible to make a delivery order to a player where he can get the goods in its own time and not in my time (time sinc)
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