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Everything posted by Batman

  1. Nah. He always made clear that the is never part of the deal. Only testing mechanics for "impossible" nations.
  2. And yet people think we are allied with Swedes, Danes and RUBLI
  3. These things can happen if you choose to play in an "impossible" nation. Other nations would simply argue "we are providing content" and gitgud.
  4. So much drama about a simple port battle ...
  5. Maybe Polish players should simply have sticked to the agreement that was set up between GB and PL. Yeah, you don't care about politics. But constantly receiving complaints from players that there traders get attacked by PL players we had to react. I talked to Polish diplos and it seems Polish players have a different oppinion about how "Not attacking traders" actually works from British Captains.
  6. The TRIBEs do what the TRIBEs do, so they simply announce that GB declares war on Poland, lol.
  7. You are looking at it from a veteran player POV, Liq. If you just had made enought money to buy your first brig from NPC and in the next mission you have to fight three enemy ships of the same tier. You play this game for 2, maybe 3 hours, no tutorial (well, a very basic combat tutorial), no tooltips, maybe nobody in help chat, very basic UI. Suddenly, you are heavily outgunned and outnumbered in a basic pve battle. These things frustrate new players, they leave and never come back. Famous example is @rediii's brother. He told his story a few times, if I recall correct.
  8. These players have to fight 3v1 right now in 6th rate missions, tho. Very frustrating moments you have to go through as a new player. Not exactly encouraging to stay in the game.
  9. Especially Port Battles arecreated by several clans and it just comes down to who-kills-more-ai in the hostility to get your tag infront and then hopefully win. So bringing Port Battles into leaderboard could give some false informations, me thinks.
  10. Swedes, prussians and pirates also have ports in the Bahamas. For some reason though everybody only wants to attack british ports. Guess why the ports are set to this time. You provide some good fun, thats why people probably still have the patience to discuss with you.
  11. Never understood why GNF did set the timer to such an awful time. I think I already said that in the past Stop pointing finers then
  12. So, you assume a timer set 11 - 14 automatically makes a clan oceanic or asian. Ok. EDR must have lots of US timezone players then. gitgud @Graf Bernadotte I love you, man. Didn't REDS change timers to avoid being attacked?
  13. the recent attack on ex PLA ports? A clan that nobody has ever seen. Don't know a single member. I only know they are chinese so 11 - 14 should be a good time for them.
  14. I can fully understand that clans like WO and BLANC put timers to their primetime. But EU clans like EDR hiding behind timers is beyond my comprehension ...
  15. Omg, bye Victory 10.2k base HP vs 12k side HP on L'Ocean
  16. People will still farm, even if only for cosmetic stuff.
  17. We had this in the past. It was called conquest mark and caused even more farming (Cap Francais PB for example). As long we have special marks, people will farm. People now do pvp because of the marks and the advantages they can gain with marks, not for the pvp itself.
  18. Another incentive to leave the safezone could be lower gold and xp from pve by 25% or 33% when reaching a certain rank maybe? @admin @Ink
  19. While logging in 3 more people voted yes, lol
  20. Neither do I. Spain only wants to play a history game together with france, smashing brits. This game could be much more enjoyable if some people would take their history books aside.
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