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Hugo van Grojt

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Everything posted by Hugo van Grojt

  1. Does this make me a bottom-feeder?
  2. A three port end, then, Dala! Make ready the leeward cannons, double time!
  3. Dogs that bark usually do not bite - well in the case of the infamous Pietjenoob that doesn't seem the case. He's got something to hide! I increase the bounty on his trader shipping head by 50.000!
  4. Schweden und Frankreich sind nicht im Krieg. Nach dem "Black Friday" und der Niederlage der Franco-Schwedisch-Britischen (*hüstel*) Allianz gegen das Hölländisch-Dänische Zweckbündnis sind die Schweden und Franzosen mit einem Nichtangriffspakt ihre eigenen Wege gegangen. Auf beiden Seiten gibt es aber kleine Gruppen, die den Frieden nicht wollen und Schiffe und Häfen der jeweils anderen Nation angreifen - dies ist aber kein offizieller Krieg, sondern niederträchtiges Rebellentum Frankreich hat sich mit seinen ehemaligen Feinden Dänemark-Norwegen und Holland (zum Teil) verbündet, um gegen die verräterische Britenbrut, die sie im vorrigen Krieg im Stich gelassen hatten in den Krieg zu ziehen. Schweden hat sich selbst neu organisiert und hat angeblich nach wie vor vorzügliche Beziehungen zur englischen Krone. Es gibt Gerüchte, dass Schweden auf Weisung der britischen Krone die Vereinigten Provinzen angegriffen hat, um deren Engagement gegen England vorzubeugen. Dies ist natürlich die volle Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit! Abweichende Interpretionen der Geschichte sind unzulässig und werden mit dem Tode bestraft!
  5. Well, the United Provinces and their noble merchant citizens got dragged into the debate - so any honorable Dutchman must speak out and reveal the truth
  6. To the renegade and deserter Hethwill, you can take all the liberties you want - no loyal tax-paying citizen and and true gentleman of any nation in his right mind will listen to the drunken words of a petty swashbuckler who abandoned the ways of civilization because of illusions of grandeur, anyway. It is a well-known fact that you were just too happy to decline the offer of Hugo Republic Shipyards (and the secret funding offers by the rebellious citizens of the Hugo Republic living in fear of the evil DAS admiralty board and their Danish-Norwegian *tip-hat to Galileus* overlords) to continue funding your privateering venture under the flag of the United Provinces even after your European investors pulled the plug. This is the full truth as every true gentleman from Galdonas to Tolú knows it! You broke your ties with civilisation when there was no apparent reason to do so - other than your own uncivility. So keep trying to convince other noble citizens of the United Provinces to abandon a proper and decent life all you want. Your hollow words and empty communiqués such as the one above will fall on deaf ears. With the utmost disgust, Hugo van Grojt Edit: spelling
  7. I like the conspiracy of the Dutch and their Danish overlords creating a divide in the United provinces - well thought out Could I get your insights into the Swedish role in the current Caribbean political system? What is your theory on why they are doing what they are doing? Looking forward to your feedback. P.S. Eventually, we will all be fighting the Pirates - or join them
  8. EVEN MORE EFFECTIVE ?!?!? Come on, give us poor merchants a $%&&ing break ....
  9. Ahhhh! That's what happened. Now it makes more sense. All I remember is that Zpliff really wanted that dura off my nice exceptional Connie in that fight
  10. Should be restricted to a specific ship, though for specialisation purposes. So, making 50 Constitutions will make production 10% more efficient, for example, while other ships you craft do not get the benefit. This would promote ship crafting specialising more. Hugo Republic Shipyards is already providing the finest French ship designs West of Carupano - I would not mind becoming the Renommee masterbuilder in the South...
  11. Former "Ascendant Frontier" and "Executive Outcomes" associate and proud last defender of the "68ft Bar'n Grill" here. Personal witness to the dissolution of BoB alliance through treason (on the receiving end)... I was in Eve Online, alright
  12. Kloothommel, I suggest you take this simple step in order to preserve your sanity - it has helped me a lot after just a few (Samuel Smith *cough cough*) tweaks: CLICK HERE Your humble servant, Hugo van Grojt
  13. Just a brief add-on: Nobody has forced the majority of Swedish players to join the biggest clans KF and HRE - they did so of their own accord as far as we know. If these people were unhappy with their leadership, they would change it or leave the clans. But they do not. THIS FACT alone gives their leadership the authority to speak on behalf of the majority of Swedish players, not their personal hunger for power or any other (fictive) aspirations to become a tyrannt. A little fact that the clan members accused of being trolls like to sweep under the rug. So, I support the argument made by the poster above about the difference between "majority" and MAJORITY. But on a purely Dutch RP note - RNoN, keep up the excellent work you were paid to do by our thankful merchant nation
  14. I cannot view them in port, but you are free to include your daily update on our timers here as well.
  15. To whom it may concern, the elusive "ignore feature" for forum users has been found HERE Thanks to Quineloe for pointing that out. It is at least a temporary remedy. Cheers, Hugo
  16. The post is not dedicated to flame wars, but intended for information. I am simply anticipating that the usual flaming might happen. I am not encouraging anyone to do so, and shall personally not participate in any discussions. My opinion concerning the topic can be found elsewhere, I have nothing to add
  17. Swedish port attack windows as of April 1, 2016 Swedish Southern Bridgehead 04-06 Fort Zoutman 04-06 Fort Oranje 10-12 Pampatar 10-12 St. Georges 10-12 Galdonas 12-14 La Tortuga 14-16 Cariaco 14-16 La Blanquila 14-16 Carupano 14-16 Nueva Barcelona 14-16 Cumana 18-20 Macanao 22-24 Las Aves Swedish Northern Waters 20-22 Charlestown 20-22 Philipsburg 20-22 Codrington 20-22 Oranjestad 22-24 English Harbor 22-24 Basseterre 22-24 Basse-Terre 22-24 Saint John's
  18. To whom this may concern, Since discussions on port timers windows in other "war threads" have been prohibited by moderators - this thread shall serve to inform the interested parties of the port attack windows for the Swedish ports during the current ongoing war. I shall only post the information - anybody is free to form their own educated opinion on the Swedish port timer strategy based on the facts. Anybody is free to engage in the usual "light forum PvP" flaming, if you so desire. I shall refrain from commenting in this thread. Hugo
  19. Agreed. So unless the policy of National News is changed to "strictly roleplay" or something, there is no way to keep the discussion of port timer metagaming out of any thread in here. Edit: DISCLAIMER - I am not in any way involved in the Franco-British war personally. I am commenting strictly on the effect of port timer metagaming on the player community at large and on national wars, not pointing fingers at anyone in here.
  20. It saddens me, but I have to agree with Victor at the current state of game mechanics - port timer metagaming plays a huge role in how civil or uncivil the wars are being fought these past weeks. As such, I admit that I am in disagreement with Monsieur d'Esterre Darby.
  21. This thread has been opened up again. Now let's continue to keep it civil. Looking forward to Hethwil's next logbook entry! Cheers, Hugo
  22. Tsar Peter the Great actually spent time in the Netherlands posing as a shipwright's apprentice. So, it is only natural that Russian ship designs during his reign would be heavily influenced by Dutch naval tradition. I do not know the specific history of the Ingermanland herself, just wanted to provide that extra bit of information.
  23. Can you please explain where and how to find that ignore feature please? And please also add the explanation in this thread for the community: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12713-to-the-community/page-3
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