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Vaan De Vries

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Everything posted by Vaan De Vries

  1. Again, I am lost. I was at Bridgetown and nowhere have I seen 25 British Vics. Just a lot of Danes, Sweden and French. Dutch+British screening fleets were wiped yesterday by sheer numbers. I lost my Indefatigble battling 3 vs 25 just near Bridgetown fort. And again, I remember seeing a lot of 2nd rates, but not so many 1st rates. Again, the amount of stacked 2nd and 1st rates is not a problem if you have the right tool. The wipe is needed. With new economy with fine woods (that should be made even harder on 2nd and 1st rates) the problem of too many 2nd and 1st rates will go away naturally. Precious SOLs will be preserved for SOLs PBs.
  2. Lost myself here. Bridgetown has 4th rate restriction..
  3. Completely agree even by having a lot of gold quality ships in stock and a lot of silver and gold ready. I will be interesting to see how nations without gold and silver resources available at the game start (Dutch, GB, don't know about others, but surely know France has silver and Spain has literally everything)) will manage after wipe. Currently GB was quicly able to capture both silver and gold ports from Spain. But will this be possible without gold Victories, Ingers and Connies in stock? I reckon currently some nations are too imbalanced in terms of location and available resources and clean wipe will quickly unreveal this.
  4. Completely irrelevant statement for this discussion. Consider I don't know how to drive, but my friend (for some reason) lend me his Ferrari for a couple of days. And I just will take it to the racing track to race this guy in Ford Focus. Imagine the outcome if I don't know how to drive? And how is it relevant to the fact that I can find a place for a steel toolbox both in Ferrari and in Ford Focus? OP statement is completely relevant. Let ship quality affect base ship stats (speed, hull strength, thickness, etc) but placement of SUCH modules as toolbox shouldn't be affected by ship quality - this is just wicked. Some modules like Marines, for example, shouldn't even exist. You should be able to hire marines like crew is being hired currently. This shouldn't be controlled by some MAGIC module that transforms part of you crewmen into soldiers. And only if you are lucky enough to stamble upon yellow Marines module will you be able to effectively employ melee tactic in battle.
  5. PVE carebears will take part in controlling RVR - nice!
  6. Hiding in after battle screen MAYBE is a legitimate solution for all-time workers and etc. But combined with things like defensive tagging, pirates attacking each other, ships popping out of nowhere - it becomes an exploit. Do a lot of people use staying in BS as it was intended (to attend to real life problems) - yes. But on the other hand do a bunch of gank-bang cheaters use this as an exploit - yes! Take a bunch of pirate/spain gank bang of 9+ fast ships raiding around WS each day. This is a gank bang squad which attack only lone and weaker ships and which hides in a battle screen as soon as they see a good defensive fleet enclosing on them. Just attack your spanish or pirate pal - and you've created yourself a nice hiding place. And this issue should be addressed! You can say - bring fast ships, dont sail alone and all other kinds of crap. This doesn't removes the fact that staying in BS + various kind of defensive tagging practically nullifies probabliity of catching that group. I just left them be and went raiding Spanish shore near habana, but what advice can you give to newbies? For now you are saying smth like this: "Sorry, pal, a bunch of shitheads uses staying in BS as an exploit, but for me and my pal this feature is viable for my real life so I don't wanna change anything and even discuss this". Something should definitely be done with hiding in BS AND with insta-logging on exploit (when pirates log of in a popular place leaving one spy in basic cutter and when lone ship comes about they just pop out of nowhere all over the place). For now I will suggest putting a "can't do anything timer" when logging on in OW and when exiting BS after, for example, 5 mins staying in there passed. So it will be like log of in OW timer, but a tad longer. So, for example, if you stayed in BS for more then 5 mins than upon logon you won't be able to move for 5 mins - if anybody is there - they will have a chance for a perfect tag. Same goes for logging on in OW. And of course there should be a marks in OW for logged of ships and staying in BS ships. If ships can vanish and pop out of nowhere - the IRL goes to hell anyways - but at least traps in OW like the one I described above won't be possible. Anyway - let's stop calling gankbangers the people wanting to defend their home waters from pirates and calling EVERYBODY who hides in BS an honest person who uses hiding in BS ONLY when his pregnant wife or baby or boss needs his undivided attention. This feature is used both for good and for bad. We should discuss and devs should implement some measures to reduce the possibility of this feature being used for bad.
  7. Without crew as a valuable resource RvR is useless now. You can effectively maintain a nation having 2-3 ports to cover all needed resources. It's still quite hard to lose a crew. You need to sail one dura ship or explode
  8. Like everything, but especially this. Now there won't be so many crazy explode suicides in PVP and PBs. Good changes! Will wait for them!
  9. Now goes probably the MOST important questions: by WHOM? Devs, clans, individual players/trolls? Will it be possible for various clans to declare war with every nation? If most of the clans/active PVP players doesn't want to fight against certain nation, but troll clan of some 20+ people (NOT looking and DRUNK right now) declares war on that nation thus provoking retaliation - what should everyone else do? IMHO without stable diplomacy system driven either by DEVs or players (through clan council or voting system) PB changes will be very incomplete. It's like implementing land in battle without thinking about tagging (infamous 1.5BR rule and postitional reinforcements) all over again.
  10. You are rejecting validity of polls made on this forum (because people can click "yes" or "no" without knowing the exact situation) but you think that answers on the SAME FORUM from people who never were in a PVP fight (except for a time someone "ganked" their afk trader) proves your point? At the same time ignoring everyone else posts disagreeing with your opinion AT THE SAME FORUM TOPIC. Well, while I go play smth else you can count your point proved...
  11. Most people complaining about ganks are PVE carebears who actually never were ganked. They are just afraid of the chance of BEING ganked. That's why they can't even understand that it is EASIER to gank with 1.5BR limit. Cause for bunch of randoms to be able to win against organised group they should have more then 1.5BR advantage. Yet with all these talkings about an anti-gank systems devs don't wanna to make ONE EASY change that would drastically reduce ganks effectivness - forbid hiding in after-battle screen for unlimited period of time. It was used against me, it was used by me. It's really bad and allows staying in hostile waters forever. You attack someone, they call to reinforcements - reinforcements come to punish you but you MAGICALLY vanishes in the open sea.
  12. please link actual poll with results when stating something like this. Then tell me how many of the votes for 1.5 BR limit was made by PVE carebears fearing spherical ganks in vacuum? I've played more then 400 hours, lost and capped/sank a lot of ships but yet too see a gank where the "victim" hadn't been able to evade battle if he just wasn't being afk or paying ZERO attention to who is sailing around him. 1.5 BR system actually made ganking of lone SOLs easier. You can cap Bellona in Essex and Bellona's friends won't be able to join. I am not speaking about exploit with joining ganked side just to prevent other reinforcements to arrive. I'm saying this as a player who during the war with Swedes was sailing with a group near Gustavia inviting Swedes to fight. Without 1.5BR limit they were able to defeat us eventually gathering more then 2:1 BR difference. With 1.5BR limit we would just be able to camp near Gustavia forever given that we we organized in TS and would be fighting randoms. Please no artificial borders in sandbox..
  13. hhhhmm, The game is already like this with the amount of rogue clans we have doing what the want and ignoring the decisions of clan councils. The devs need to decide which game they want - the EVE with wooden ships (which I think will be fine) with clans/corps whatever or game with nations (which I will be ok too) where captains of the nation can hunt rogue clans like pirates for not following king/republic orders. Currently we have neither of these or we pretend to have both. And this is the aspect of game that frustrates me a lot. I can't feel like a naval officer when everybody in nation is free to do what they want and fight who they want without any control - it's more or else EVE style (but without all the perks of reputations). On the other hand you can't do completely what you want (unless you go easy mode and turn pirate), cause stupid system not allows you to fight with rogue clans sailing under your nation flag.
  14. Very good idea. Also will allow to remove this stupid 1.5 BR rule.
  15. He is proposing more convinient way of using "send to oupost feature". If we have the instrument to instantaneously send capped ship to any outpost - proposed feature should exist too. Or go all way realistic and made you transfer a prize team to capped vessel and tow it into nearest outpost. But wait, we have magic crew, that replenish itself after battle, making no sense of the prize team... Your statement being the point of... You sincerely thinks no one else is doing it currently with "cap the nearest AI ship"? The only thing Hugo propose is to legitimize with MONEY and DELAY what everyone is alreadt doing with capped traders.
  16. I would rather have peace with Swedes already and find more interesting war. For the last two days there was almost no PB or big OW battles. Cause with current mechanics 25 mercs vs 25 merc + 3 towers - it's very hard for defender to lose. And in deep water PB it's also very hard to achieve needed BR rating when even fleet enter the battle. So both nation commandors don't wanna lose ships for small chance of winning port and people just sit and wait in these ports. Maybe we can have a peace already OR at least schedule an OW battle (either in throw-away 3rd rates or even in the best ships) in between PB timers? Have out own private Trafalgar. Cause now the only thing I can do to have some PVP is TP to Island harbor with guys from CAP and BEARS and raid near Gustavia waiting for 20 guys gather near the battle to hit us when we come out. This is all my opinion. Of course that's all for nation councils to decide where we will battle tomorrow.
  17. Aves and Zoutman were without port timesr (BTW, thank you for the ability to set them). Fort Orange timer - don't know much about it really, but that's was just one port.
  18. you need to ask help from pirates and cap undefended ports early in the morning, so... joke's on you..
  19. As I understood Hugo this post is not for complaining, it's just for the information. Because Sweden timers are very weill dispersed throughout the day (no offense) it's good to have one place (that is regularly updated) to check for them.
  20. Such thread should just finally maybe persuade devs into PB system rework. I would rather have better designed PB system then Earth in port battles. Currently the game should change it's name to "Naval Waiting and Flaming on Forums", cause there is almost no Action part anymore...
  21. Nope. Read my post again. The great, skilfull, "behind enemy lines" work was performed yesterday by members of KF and HRE. Dutch nation is actually at war with Sweden so at least it was "behind ENEMY lines". Every Dutch captain will report them in nation chat and will try to attack them - but they managed to skip our patrols. Dutch nation lost a Pavel(sunk) and Victory(capped, which is twice better) and several Frigate class ships - it was useful for RVR. To cap enemy 1st rate and sank a 2nd in a 10-min sail from enemy's Capital - that's a huge success It was really skillful and unexpected raid. Most of us were simply not ready for it (Myself was couple-hour sail away in Island Harbour with used TP). it actually hurt - each 1st rate counts in this war. In one raid we lost one and enemy acquired one. Now compare it with what DRUNKs do: They are not attacking an enemy. There are no clan tags in OW. I suppose a lot of Danish players just think "We have a peace with Swedes. We shouldn't attack these ships.". At least that's what I do when encounter French or Danish ship.I don't attack every Danish or French ship to check it's clan tag. I don't report them in chat and ignore other platyer's reports about Danish and French ships. So practically DRUNKs are using false flag - typical PIRATE tactic They are not hurting Danish in any way. They are hurting only lone mostly PVE people. They haven't sunk any valued Danish SOL(at least I haven't heard of it). But they sank a lot of player traders. So they are going only for an easy prey - again, Pirate tactics. Danish aren't in war with Sweden. This means there would be no attack on Swedish ports, no patrols sent. Hence - DRUNK is not benefiting in Sweden RVR in any way. And if your "work behind enemy lines" doesn't benefit your nation in RVR - that's just PIRACY again. DRUNK members claim they are underappreciated by their nation, but it all comes from the simple fact: they claim to be fighting for the glory of Sweden, but actually their fights are neither glorious nor useful for Sweden nation in RVR. But DRUNK represent the Pirate faction like it should be implemented in game. Hit and run tactics, easy prey, and pure self-gain motives. So best move for them is just reroll and do all the same things but under their true flag.
  22. Sailing in a speed renommees with current mechanics means virtually taking no risks at all. Example of real harassing you could see yesterday performed if I am not mistaken by members of KF and HRE. They managed to cap our Victory (I am playing for Dutch), sank our Pavel and then fight some good battles in Maracaibo bay. Members of KF and HRE earned respect of a lot of Dutch captains (even with their timers policy). DRUNK - just another bunch of pirates for me.. Never there to risk anything more then a speed fitted Renomme.
  23. "Never tell me what to do and I won't tell you where you should go." ©
  24. But all you can do is capture undefended ports and gank some traders or lone players. When it is time for a real fight you aren't there. Never seen DRUNK players anywhere near actual PBs and OW battles in the south. Never seen them attack any actually defended port. And IF Danes decided to attack Sweden DRUNK will be able to do just NOTHING - all defence will be done by HRE and KF, cause they are actually good and experienced in RVR. So, why not stop this pretense of fighting for Sweden, when actually you are waging some private war with lone traders? Just reroll as a pirate, and continue to gank Danes, but without all this pretense. Why put simple acts of piracy under some mask of "glorious fight for Sweden". Maybe that's the problem why no one is taking you seriously. Stop pretending to be some glorious fighters (when the only thing you are good at is ganking in speed fit Renommes) and start being what you actually are - just a bunch of pirates that dislike Danes..
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