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Everything posted by Aster

  1. Aster

    Patrol mission

    I was in battle shooting the ship its not that. I think it has to do with the insta kill circle messing up. In a previous post a bunch of ships were in a brawl and all just insta sank.
  2. Aster

    Patrol mission

    Apparently and that one ended with at least me and the buc insta dying.
  3. Aster

    Patrol mission

    It just happened again this time everyone in the original pull died at the same time. I died about 15 seconds later. Forgot to f11 in my f12 excitement.
  4. Aster

    Patrol mission

    i got the marks. He shot his broadside and the match instantly ended and everyone in the match died. His broadside did not kill me i took a tiny amount of damage and instantly died and everyone died at the same time. I did not f11 it i got instantly kicked from the battle so i figured it wouldn't help. As you can see from my screenshot i did 187 damage which was 76% of the kill on a buc, the players also confirmed that they did in fact die. It was not due the the circle we were no where close to the edge of it. Thats the best i can describe what happened the match basically crashed and everyone just died and was booted out.
  5. Aster

    Patrol mission

    I joined a battle in the tumbado patrol in a store bought frig. In the battle i joined the Russian side which had one Essex on the other side was 2 dutch bucs. I shot them with a small amount of chain and when one of them shot at my hull which i should have bounced most if not all of i was instantly sunk in the battle and rewarded 14 pvp marks. In the details tab it shows this. Sooo holy bugs batman!
  6. Just because the base stats of a ship are faster then anothers does not mean that it is actually faster. Things like wood type, speed mods, and sail force along with points of sail all play a part. Ships are like a canvas that you can modify. Also wasa useless?
  7. I think determined defender should prevent chain boarding not boarding in general. Give it a cannot be boarded cool down like the normal one but applies to everyone. The current perk makes it nearly impossible to board larger ships and chain boarding is far more dangerous.
  8. Was in battle with my inger i tried to turn around an ai brig and when the brig touched the inger it went flying.
  9. Not sure if that info is correct. For instance the victory breaks the oceans bow so the vic should be heavier.
  10. Also we really should have a option to trade in battle like we can with our ai.
  11. What if the refit showed you as a LGV AI of the nation you were in on the OW? That would make it a very interesting pirate ship, you could pretend to be an ai. If no combat buffs are given to it at least that would add to its fun aspect.
  12. Its a fun ship and its only real advantage is that its able to duck into enemy ports when the revenge gank fleet arrives. The swivel guns do some crew damage side to side, i found the best use for them though is to try and leak shot someone due to their very high pen fire the 9 pound main deck then fire the swivels and you can get 15+ leaks which can put down many ships around its size. Its pretty under powered over all though other ships just do its job better and don't cost 25pvp marks. Giving it prep per round or some other boarding bonus instead of the base 20 prep which i find to be pretty useless would be nice along with 5 slots. Anyway its a fun ship not a good ship.
  13. Its annoying, good way to troll your friends if they want to do missions
  14. I'm pretty sure they are firing chain. Use a trade ship vs the ai and the ai will often shoot chain into your hull
  15. Ikr its almost like this has happened 4 times before. RIP Sweden you have cancer and its terminal.
  16. So the British had like 5 or less people, the French had like 6-7 the US faction was pretty much me and like 1-2 others sometimes and what like 1 latron on a pickle/cerb from Poland. Vs the pirates could field a 25 man fleet of first rates to flip ports. People ganged up on the pirates because they ether one ported their faction or took the town next to their nations capital and blockaded their capital. At its worst i distinctaly remember their being not a single ship in charlston harbor because their would be a small gank fleet waiting just in the harbor mouth. But hey what do you expect from the guy who has backstabbed every nation he has been in so far mid war to join the enemy so he could be on the winning side. Gonna be interesting to see where he flips when Russia isn't so big and bad.
  17. Well it looks like an alliance. Hope the Brits don't end up like the US being basically the vassals of the Russians who get farmed by them. For their protection of course.
  18. stop dodging us and change all your timers to our time zone! Oh wait everyone does not revolve around me? Well i guess we will just have to attack you in your time zone like you will have to attack us in ours. Also didn't the Russians take like 1/4 of the British ports and now you guys are friends?
  19. Yes cost in upkeep scales with income.
  20. I want really sure what was going on, i messaged him in battle and said he could have one of the Indians. He rammed into me I'm pretty sure that wasn't on purpose, then proceeded to ram into the ai Indian and get boarded by it. The battle was "something" thats for sure.
  21. if you got tagged in the capital area, which is not the same as the reinforce then it stays open forever for the capital owner and they can join anywhere. Check your area on the left and if you go into the enemy capital area just be aware that if you get tagged you could be in a lot of trouble.
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