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Jan van Santen

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Everything posted by Jan van Santen

  1. What I hope for ? That lo(s)/wo(s), tk(s)/wo(s)...etc...will fall back in line of reasonable choices, too !
  2. Hello , in your app this caps today at 113 hull: (hull 4, upgraded with navy planking) Can't test atm, but yesterday app was right, i added navy struc even and got 118. (screenshot June 22nd, 2020 , after maintenance , Naval Action map v10.4.0 )
  3. This happens quite frequently, even players can get that fake elite status:
  4. Waiting for my reward for suggestion to remove timer from wooden chests, too
  5. On top of this suggestion ( timer = start of hostility) : Get the 100% out of it completely = more fun and content for PvE Have Hostility start at a given time. The clan doing most dmg within the next 1.5 hrs (instance lifespan) wins the hostility.
  6. Okay...the issue on PvE is: ai has stopped to attack ports. No ai flip means no pb, regardless of hostility or new method. So the question boils down to: when will pb start again on PvE server ?
  7. 1) new woods remain super rare = nothing changes. 2) new woods will be rare = only the super rich/large clans will profit 3) new woods drop more frequent = new meta will evolve. We get cookie cutter builds again, only with different woods. This patch was not what crafting needs. It's just repeating the old mistakes with new woods.
  8. The average gamer doesnt have the choice in real life, but why should he drive a Golf in a game where he can have a Porsche ?
  9. Similar pov here. I'll wait till the finetuning is finished...and Felix Victor found time to translate this to smthg one can actually work with. (aka namap) Once more I miss testbed. Patches with such an impact should be tested before going life.
  10. it's not a cool thing on PvE server either 1) PvE server has no endgame, collecting a quality fleet substitutes for it. 2) Also quality ships open the way to more challenging gameplay on PvE: you can try larger fleets, try challenges not meant to be soloed etc. No risk, no fun ...directly translates to: no quality, no fun....
  11. Speak for yourself.... The real issue for shipcrafters is rng...A new system requiring people to rebuild their fleet is fun, but not if it means a hell of a lot of grind. The current rng crafting does in no way reflect eg crafters experience in ship quality. There are no quality boosting ingredients like the gold coins in the old system either. There is no way at all to increase ship quality other than the law of large numbers (aka massive grind) This needs to change first Wood diversity comes second. PS: pitty the players who converted their AdR notes to now obsolete wood combos ...
  12. You automatically would get that "Only certain rank can attack them" feature...if these "mini HDF" ships were put in a patrol zone. The new zone near La Tortue comes to mind.
  13. Fleets...makes me think of 1 more possibility to spice up the event: add the event ships to fleets, both as leader or as invisible member. But that would require some elite status, so the caveat might be: notes . Right now event ship notes allow choice of woods, elite notes don't
  14. Havent done the S of Hispaniola area since that is camping place no1 on PvE server, can confirm all 3 event ships in both Tumbado and N of Trinidad zone
  15. also a magazine hit shows "magazine" in red or yellow, same as "pump" or "rudder" show in red/yellow when hit.
  16. Don't think time is the issue, zones are. Limited spawn zones make this event almost like PZ. Idk if thats meant that way, else one could simply distribute the event ships like other elites amongst the normal ship spawns of their rank all over the map.
  17. I appreciate that the second run of the event has improved over the first in many aspects...two however still werent fixed: These ships still dont show as elites, and srsly, their ow speed needs to be reduced significantly. Particularly the de Ruyter outruns any ship able to deal with it 1:1.... On PvE this again leads to players camping the windzones or camping their routes. Same as in 1st run of the event: No good gameplay imho
  18. Better and more fun than a redeemable imho Question: last Diana event had 3 areas, and AdR in just one of them. Also AdR did not drop notes. You already mentioned AdR note will drop, how about the AdR being in 1/3 areas only ? Added Question: notes as per usual w/o new woods ?
  19. https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/2892-technical-problems-reporting-guide-known-issues-and-their-solutions/?do=findComment&comment=729634
  20. Like posted in the other thread, the issue seems datbase related. No lag for ship actions, small lags for simple inventory actions, no way to enter port (which afaik updates database)
  21. Still online on PvE, but PvE server has heavy lags when it comes to actions acting on inventory/database Ping 12, turnright/left np, but splitting/shifting cargo etc takes 10 secs +, entering a port doesnt work at all.
  22. You can buy that. take this as modern example: https://www.meyerwerft.de/en/index.jsp They dont need to run advertising campaigns, same as in Napoleonic times: reputation in busines is better than advertising
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