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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. You need to sit back and enjoy the drama and mud slinging as part of the game. Just remember it is only a game and so is the off field drama. Mud slinging between nations is a welcome daily read for me I quite enjoy the banter.
  2. I have nothing against groups of players coming together and shaping the world, I am all for that. What I am against is the devs being asked to sort out for us because the players are not willing to put enough effort in themselves or feel that they are loosing and some rule changes might help them out. I am also dead against people telling anyone how they should play the game in any way shape of form. For me diplomacy is fine as it is, Its completely and utterly player made with no outside intervention. It took time to work up trust and make an alliance, and it was not possible to suddenly be friends over night, you had to work on it. Now a simple vote and click of a button and everything is sorted out? Not my cup of tea I am afraid I prefer things done the hard way than spoon fed .If the majority want it though im going to have to lump it obiously
  3. Try reading the description of the game on the steam page where it is sold. (Naval Action is an exciting, realistic, and beautifully detailed naval combat sandbox immersing players into the experience of the most beautiful period of naval history - when sailing ships ruled the seas) You could ask the devs to change it. Naval action is exciting detailed naval combat game that must be played inline with a certain Spanish dudes views on how such games should be played I will make a deal with you, if they change it to that I will play the game how you see fit. Otherwise don't expect anyone to play the game any other way than how they wish too as long as its within the rule set. .
  4. Get it into your head a sandbox game can be and should be played how the person playing it wants to. You don't have to join a clan, or have to play solo, you don't have to do anything at all is your choice. Its the people that constantly try and make other people play the way they think or want that ruin sand box games. I am not looking forward to the dev made diplomacy at all, I think it is yet another nail in the coffin for player made content. However I will never come here and tell people how to play the game. There is no correct way to play a sandbox game, its all down to the players individual interpretation and im sick of people suggesting a person should play like this or that
  5. Ok I nailed it. How about, after a certain amount of time of the battle ending, if there are still ships inside the battle simply opens again, and people from both sides can enter. I do think however the people coming out of a battle need a bit more of a chance than is currently possible. I did like the old invisibility timer but it seems many did not.
  6. Yes I would. Pirates dominated the world at one point and well done. the Danes also taught quite a few people a lesson or two in big fleet fights.
  7. When a nation stops defending its ports and decides to go after your pubbies and fishermen you can call it a win in my book.
  8. The fun has to be for all? what the hell is that supposed to mean? What one person finds fun another person hates. You have to make your own fun in this game that's the whole point of a sand box game. Some people get their kicks ruining other peoples fun, others enjoy helping other people out, others spend all day trading and making money, some like to afk fish all day. No one can force you to do anything you don't want to, and there is nothing stopping you from doing anything you do want to. Stop complaining for the sake of it. What do you want the devs to take into consideration? A tiny minority of gamers are not able to make their way in an online game because they got shouted at on TS or kicked from a clan for not fitting in?
  9. Do we really need all that micro management on how we play the game? Why not have a simple faction standing? Every time you kill a player or AI from one faction you loose standings with that faction but gain standings with another faction. If standings are high enough you can enter ports ect, if standings are low enough the AI fleets attack you on sight, Neutral standings could in the middle between love and hate. I am talking about faction standings for the entire nation not individual, but each individuals action effects the nations standings. Killing pirate players could increase standings with all nations.
  10. I think the vast majority of players enjoy the home made diplomacy, no one forces you to do anything in this game and no one can make you play any other way than how you want to. However if you join a clan then of course you are restricted to play within the clan rules. Reading your post I think you were simply in a clan that did not suit your gaming requirements be patient do some home work and find the right clan and nation to suit your needs. Then enjoy the game.
  11. Everyone wants to go and kill noobs and fishermen around Jamaica, out of the entire opposing coalition, only Spain will take on the port battles and fight the more experienced players that don't sit outside Kingston and Port Morant all day.
  12. Sign up for PVP 2 in the meantime and help the Dutch out. They are down to a single port,
  13. Congrats you killed some mission runners near KPR.
  14. All the prime time port timers are full with important ports already. We cant have 80 ports on the same timer. In General the closer you get to Jamaica the better the port timers will be. Shame your campaign ended so far away.
  15. Its a tuff call. I can see small nations with few ports really needing them. At the same time its like having a magic portal in your back yard that can spew forth endless amounts of enemies. I think limit ship space and remove the ability of teleporting to a Freeport and see how it goes.
  16. Its nothing to do with negating player skills its about bringing tactical elements to the large battlefield. We already got magic potions in the form of rum rations. Having the flag ship near by would instil moral at the very least.
  17. La Grande Arm'ee,? more like La Grande escape.
  18. What do you think about having a designated flag ship for large port battles? By that I mean a command ship, with command modules and upgrades providing some bonuses to ships within a certain range of it. The cost would have to be very expensive of course but it might open some more tactical options on the battle field.
  19. Speaking for myself and not my clan or the nation as a whole. I find the flag buying for Antonio embarrassing, It also prevents in my opinion my nation Britain from claiming any moral high ground in future arguments. Its a cheesy tactic that needs to stop. That's my personal feelings on the matter I don't want to fall out with anyone over it needed to say it.
  20. Its nice to see all this player made diplomacy and drama, makes me wonder why people want the devs to implement it for them rather than leaving it entirely to the player.
  21. If the entire east has united and is heading west, It might be time for west to start talking to each other on dealing with such a threat.
  22. Making the circle bigger will make ships start even further apart this means you could defensive tag people and always escape. There was nothing wrong with the old system, they could of just tweaked invul timers so unseen people cant pile in a battle, apart from that an unlimited BR, 2 min timer was spot on in my opinion.
  23. We understand why the devs have made a change, is the total negative effect this has had on trying to stop people ganking in your home waters thats the problem It tips the whole scales to favor the smaller faster raiding ships than the heavier tankier mission ships used by their hapless victims. WE know people were hiding in battle and jumping out, but its a ridiculous solution that punishes the pubies and their dads army home defense fleets.
  24. I just don,t get it. This fix helps the very people it was supposed to hinder. Its a crazy move, Its right up their with stopping friendlies being able to help the poor younger players in their mission when they get jumped I spend most my time defending the waters around Jamaica from raiders and seal clubbers. What ships do they sail? Trincs and Rennos. Always a fast ship. To catch these fast ships you have a long chase, a chase in witch most the defending group will be strung out some times you have to come at these raiders ( hate the term gankers) from different angles, its ridiculous that when we finally catch one the rest of the group cannot join just because they were outside a circle when our fastest ship tagged. The whole population might as well give up sailing anything other than a speed Trinc or Renno. Sometimes I wonder if the people who are making these rule changes are the very same people who love to go seal clubbing around noob towns because they always stack the odds against the newer players who need large defense fleets to survive in home waters.
  25. I think you hit the nail on the head with the 30 seconds. If your going to limit an open world battle in BR make it at least after 30 seconds so ships of the same fleet don't get split up simply because one was a bit slower. You cant make the initial tag circle bigger because ships already start far enough apart and would make defensive tagging so much easier. I am still in favour of the 2 min battle timer over all but the first 30 seconds should be un limited BR.
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